Ring in the New Year at PF's Party!

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary: Hope the rest of you have a great time!I'm afraid there may be no New Year's Evo this year, I know everyone Sunday was looking forward to New Year's Evo, but I don't think I'll be joining. ...Hope the rest of you have a great time!
  • #1
Rock out the new year at PF! We'll have chat open all night/morning! Now, we need to figure out who is bringing what. We're going to need a lot of booze, snacks and games! oh, and I'm opening the up the staff whirlpool to everyone :biggrin:
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  • #2
Sounds good. I will probably pop in before it turns new year for most of your Americans, but I can't make any promises on sobriety!
  • #3
Yay! Thanks Greg! Kurdt will be bringing the Scotch and various brews from the UK. Perhaps Red Rum will pop in with some fine Dutch beer. I''l bring the hats and noise makers.

So for the "over the ponders" what time should we begin the merriment?
  • #4
I'll be home, so I'll check in, but my wife and I likely will watch a movie. I'm an hour east of Eastern, and my daughter will be up before seven on New Year's day, so I'll be in bed early.

Watching a movie every two weeks or so (a little more often during the holidays) is the only TV we watch. We usually watch mysteries, but, tentatively, we plan to watch ET. I think we're the only two people on the planet that have yet to see it
  • #5
George Jones said:
I'll be home, so I'll check in, but my wife and I likely will watch a movie. I'm an hour east of Eastern, and my daughter will be up before seven on New Year's day, so I'll be in bed early.

Watching a movie every two weeks or so (a little more often during the holidays) is the only TV we watch. We usually watch mysteries, but, tentatively, we plan to watch ET. I think we're the only two people on the planet that have yet to see it
I've never watched ET.
  • #6
Evo said:
I've never watched ET.
Me either, but I watched Up last week. It's a pretty good movie.
  • #7
I'll bring the chips and Ninfa's green sauce.
  • #8
Math Is Hard said:
I'll bring the chips and Ninfa's green sauce.
MIH is my best friend. :biggrin:
  • #9
You know I'll be there. I keep wanting to get into the sherry but I guess I can wait. Beer will have to do for now. brb
  • #10
Hmm...what to bring? Chili relishes for the hot-heads, and milder green-tomato/jalapeno salsa for the wimps. Chips for dipping... I'd make my chili-marinaded grilled jumbo tiger shrimp, but there are too many PF'ers and I'm not wealthy.
  • #11
Jumbo tiger shrimp? :!) I'll chip in. Can you make it cajun please?
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  • #12
dlgoff said:
Jumbo tiger shrimp? :!) I'll chip in. Can you make it cajun please?
I'd have to tone it down to do Cajun. They are so hot, my cousin's cheeks and forehead get flushed, but they are so good that she won't stop eating them until they're gone. If they don't raise a sweat on your scalp, I screwed up and made them too mild.
  • #13
Okay hot is fine. I have plenty of beer and tums. BTW I found a place that sell/sold Molson Gold; they were out. I will find some somewhere.
  • #14
turbo-1 said:
Me either, but I watched Up last week. It's a pretty good movie.

Ooo I just watched up a few days ago. I loved it!
Dug is the cutest dog. :smile:
  • #15
I want shrimp scampi. Wait, who's bringing the champagne? Can't have a New Year's party without champagne!
  • #16
Evo said:
I want shrimp scampi. Wait, who's bringing the champagne? Can't have a New Year's party without champagne!
Black-eyed peas are required.
  • #17
Wow. There's going to be a http://www.kctv5.com/news/22081971/detail.html" .
Maybe someone should bring some:
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  • #18
Astronuc said:
Black-eyed peas are required.

Thank goodness you remembered! My Vietnamese friend finally got me to try a dessert that is made with blackeyed peas (Chè đậu trắng). I really had to get my courage up before taking a bite - it wasn't bad, though. The peas are mixed with rice and coconut milk, so you really only taste coconut.

It looks like this:
  • #19
Just so I know what to bring, will the whirlpool/hottub be with or without bathing suits for the party? :rolleyes:

I have pomegranate vodka to make pomegranate martinis. I can make the rum drinks too.
  • #20
I'm afraid there may be no New Year's Evo this year, I know everyone Sunday was looking forward to New Year's Evo, but I don't think I'll be joining. Hope the rest of you have a great time!
  • #21
Evo said:
I'm afraid there may be no New Year's Evo this year, I know everyone Sunday was looking forward to New Year's Evo, but I don't think I'll be joining. Hope the rest of you have a great time!

Wha--? Why not? :frown:
  • #22
Evo said:
I'm afraid there may be no New Year's Evo this year, I know everyone Sunday was looking forward to New Year's Evo, but I don't think I'll be joining. Hope the rest of you have a great time!

Does that mean you have actual real life plans? Or are you just being a party pooper and going to sleep early?
  • #23
Moonbear said:
Does that mean you have actual real life plans? Or are you just being a party pooper and going to sleep early?

Um... wouldn't that imply that she HAS an actual real life? We know better... :smile:
  • #24
Evo said:
I'm afraid there may be no New Year's Evo this year, I know everyone Sunday was looking forward to New Year's Evo, but I don't think I'll be joining. Hope the rest of you have a great time!
Ahhh :cry:

Maybe a hot date? :smile:
  • #25
Moonbear said:
Just so I know what to bring, will the whirlpool/hottub be with or without bathing suits for the party? :rolleyes:

I'll bring SCUBA gear...I'll rent it out, for a small fee :biggrin:.
  • #26
Tsu said:
Um... wouldn't that imply that she HAS an actual real life? We know better... :smile:
True, I have no life, well I have a stalker that sends me orchids and food gift baskets.

dlgoff said:
Ahhh :cry:

Maybe a hot date? :smile:
No hot date. Not even a cold date.

I finally got my new computer fixed yesterday, and if I don't fall asleep I will be there.

What timne are we opening?

It's snowing again dl, I've been snow plowed in and can't get out.
  • #27
Assuming Greg remembers - probably sometime in the morning and through NY day until he turns it off.
  • #28
Looks like I may be popping in and out. We have a street party going on tomorrow night, which is always fun. But with the weather forecast, snow and very cold, I'll be coming into warm up.
Think I'll bring hot butter rum!
  • #29
Given the time difference, maybe we can chat at both sides of the night and of course I will bring the "oliebollen" and "appelflappen" :biggrin: (oops not translated :rolleyes: )
  • #30
Here's hoping the power stays on. I had to clear snow again yesterday, and today the temperatures were in the single digits for the morning despite lots of sun. Starting NYE and lasting through the weekend, we are expecting to get snow...LOTS of snow.
  • #31
I will be working so I can't make it.
  • #32
Evo said:
True, I have no life, well I have a stalker that sends me orchids and food gift baskets.

Well, now, hmmm... THAT sounds kind of like a...'life'. :smile: Albeit a rather strange one, but a 'life' (I guess :biggrin:) nonetheless. And HEY! at least your stalker has a little bit of class and sends orchids and food instead of funeral arrangements. :biggrin:
  • #33
Tsu said:
Well, now, hmmm... THAT sounds kind of like a...'life'. :smile: Albeit a rather strange one, but a 'life' (I guess :biggrin:) nonetheless. And HEY! at least your stalker has a little bit of class and sends orchids and food instead of funeral arrangements. :biggrin:

:smile: Orchids are a lot nicer than generic carnation flower arrangements or roses.

I'm shivering at the idea of a street party in MI for New Year's Eve, Hypatia! You Michiganders are nuts! And I mean that in the most loving way. :biggrin:
  • #34
Moonbear said:
I'm shivering at the idea of a street party in MI for New Year's Eve, Hypatia! You Michiganders are nuts! And I mean that in the most loving way. :biggrin:
Everyone has to dress up in so much goose-down that it looks like a Michelin-man convention, so that cuts the sexual tension. Then it becomes a matter of who has the best beer-marinated grilled brats, and tucked-away flasks of "the good stuff".
  • #35
Evo said:
...I finally got my new computer fixed yesterday, and if I don't fall asleep I will be there.

What timne are we opening?

It's snowing again dl, I've been snow plowed in and can't get out.
Outstanding. :approve: I think the full moon will keep you awake till midnight.

I'm trying to remember what time I logged in last year. There were people already there. Probably those who had already seen the midnight hour and still celebrating. I do remember it being a fun time.

I was snowed in for four days after Christmas so I'm kind of use to it now.

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