RLC AC circuit can't get right answer

In summary, the student is discussing a problem involving calculating the voltage across different elements in an electrical circuit and comparing it to the total electromotive force (emf) at a specific time (215ms). They mention using XL and XC to determine the phase angle and whether the current leads or lags the voltage. After some trial and error, they determine that the phase angle is always subtracted, regardless of whether the current leads or lags. They also mention taking a break from studying for their physics final.
  • #1

Homework Statement

R=250 L=6 C=15microf e(t)=300sin(50pi t) Find Z, phase angle, lead/lag, emf(215ms) (got all of this right) Voltage across inductor, capacitor and resistor, also show that the sum of the voltage across the elements at 215ms is equal to total emf at 215ms.

Homework Equations

XL=942 Xc=424 XL>Xc therefore current lags voltage, phase angle 1.12 rad emf@215ms=212V

The Attempt at a Solution

Up to this point I have everything correct. While solving the VL,Vc,Vr I use
VL=ImaxXL sin(wt+pi/2) = -339
Vc=ImaxXc sin(wt-pi/2) = 155
Vr=ImaxR sin(wt)= 91

I got Imax from Emax/Z = 0.52A.
emf(215ms)=300sin (50pi . 215 . 10^-3)= 212 . VL+Vc+Vr should be equal to emf at that time, mine does not equal to that.
What did I do wrong? Am I supposed to use the phase angle somewhere while calculating the voltage across the capacitor, inductor and resistance at a particular time( 215ms in this case)?

Edit:Also when using the phase angle, do we add or subtract it to (wt) depending on if the current is leading or lagging the voltage? How does that actually work out? Like what is a good way to decide + or - phase angle?
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  • #2
Ok I found my own mistake, I am omitting the phase angle at the last calculations. It needs to be added or subtracted inside the sin parenthesis.
I still don't know when to add and when to subtract though, so if someone can clear that up that would be great.
  • #3
Hmm, I think if Xc>XL then its a capacitive circuit, current leads voltage, you subtract the phase angle, if XL>Xc than its an inductive circuit, current lags voltage so you add the phase angle, above question XL>Xc so let's add the phase angle. and try it...
  • #4
Dang it its the exact opposite, so if current leads you add the phase angle if current lags you subtract the phase angle.
total is 206volts emf at that time 212 volts, close enough for me. So I guess this is solved.
  • #5
No the above statement is also wrong, for some reason that I do not know, phase angle is always subtracted. No matter if current leads or lags. I think the sign is decided by the sign of the phase angle anyways, which gets it from the phase angle = inversetan((Xl-Xc)/R). So no need to compensate for it again.

Now its solved :)

Ps: I just had a conversation with my self for about 30 minutes on a public forum, I think it is time to take a break from studying for the physics final...
  • #6
Before I go by the way tested the above method on one more problem and it works, so its good.

FAQ: RLC AC circuit can't get right answer

1. What is an RLC AC circuit?

An RLC AC circuit is an electrical circuit that contains a resistor (R), an inductor (L), and a capacitor (C) connected in series or parallel. These components create a circuit that can store and manipulate alternating current (AC) signals.

2. Why can't I get the right answer for my RLC AC circuit?

There could be several reasons why you are not getting the right answer for your RLC AC circuit. Some possible reasons include incorrect component values, incorrect circuit connections, or using the wrong equations or methods to solve the circuit.

3. How do I solve an RLC AC circuit?

To solve an RLC AC circuit, you can use techniques such as Kirchhoff's laws, Ohm's law, and the equations for calculating impedance and frequency response. It is also important to double-check your component values and circuit connections.

4. Can I use DC circuit equations to solve an RLC AC circuit?

No, DC circuit equations cannot be directly applied to solve an RLC AC circuit. AC circuits involve the use of complex numbers and phasors to represent voltage and current, while DC circuits only deal with real numbers.

5. What are some common mistakes when solving an RLC AC circuit?

Some common mistakes when solving an RLC AC circuit include forgetting to consider the phase shift of the current and voltage, using the wrong equations for the circuit type (series or parallel), and not accounting for the effects of frequency on the circuit.

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