Roadmap to Understanding the Theory of Relativity

In summary, Tom is considering a path to learning the Einstein field equations which starts with reading a few introductory texts and then working through some problems. He recommends the following: (1) Takeuchi, An Illustrated Guide to Relativity. (2) Read just enough from another SR book to learn the relevant topics in dynamics (the energy-momentum vector, and that's about it). (3) Go back and read a complete SR book such as the ones I mentioned above. (4) Learn GR from a book such as Carroll, which is modern and has a free version available online.
  • #1
I just started reading the book The Perfect Theory by Ferreira and it has rekindled an old desire of mine to pursue a study of physics ultimately culminating in being able to fully comprehend (and play with) Einstein's field equations. My problem is I don't exactly know where to begin. I'm hoping some of you can provide some suggestions in that regard.

I'm a masters student in aerospace engineering studying nonlinear guidance and control theory so I'm not a complete novice, but my mathematical background doesn't go beyond the engineering realm (calc I-III, diffEqs, linear systems, Eng. Analysis, etc.). The same goes for physics. I'm very familiar with advanced solid and fluid dynamics, but nothing in the realm of relativity and very little in E&M.

Can anyone recommend an ordered list of math/physics/ topics and/or texts that can serve as a place to get started on my road to fully understanding Eisenstein's ToR?
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  • #2
You say your goal is to learn the Einstein field equations. The Einstein field equations are the wave equation that governs gravitational fields, just as Maxwell's equations are the wave equations for electromagnetic waves. The E&M case is *much* easier than the gravitational case. If your background includes "very little" E&M, then that means you haven't learned the easy version yet, and that's going to make it a lot harder to learn the hard version. Since your math background is strong, I would suggest that you read Purcell, Electricity and Magnetism, which is the best E&M book ever written. However, it assumes you know a little basic special relativity. So my suggested reading list would be something like the following:

(1) Takeuchi, An Illustrated Guide to Relativity. This is basically a "relativity for poets" book, but it has a good modern approach. Only read the chapters on kinematics, and then stop. The chapters on dynamics are useless.

(2) Read just enough from another SR book to learn the relevant topics in dynamics (the energy-momentum vector, and that's about it). Possibilities that don't use a 1950s approach would be (a) ch. 12 of Morin, Introduction to Classical Mechanics; (b) ch. 4 of my own free SR book ; (c) ch. 7 of Spacetime Physics, by Taylor and Wheeler.

(2) Read Purcell (skipping the stuff that's not directly relevant, e.g., circuits). Work as many of the problems as you have time to do.

(3) Go back and read a complete SR book such as the ones I mentioned above.

(4) Learn GR from a book such as Carroll, which is modern and has a free version available online.
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  • #3
bcrowell said:

(2) Read just enough from another SR book to learn the relevant topics in dynamics (the energy-momentum vector, and that's about it). Possibilities that don't use a 1950s approach would be [... (enphasys aded ]

What is the problem with 1950 approach? Relativistic mass? 3+1 dimensions vs 4D? Or more profound? Just curious.
  • #4
DrSirius said:
What is the problem with 1950 approach? Relativistic mass? 3+1 dimensions vs 4D? Or more profound? Just curious.

Yes, the most common yech factor is relativistic mass. Sometimes you still see ict. I don't think it makes sense to use Einstein's original postulates anymore, but that's more a matter of taste. Another problem with many introductory treatments, although this isn't necessarily an old-vs-modern issue, is an overemphasis on length contraction and time dilation, and not enough on the Lorentz contraction.
  • #5
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  • #6
If I add up the price tag for the four units of Moore's freshman course that robphy suggested, plus the GR workbook, I get $231.48. That's excessive. It's also very difficult to evaluate whether the freshman books are any good, because there doesn't seem to be any way to preview them online; Amazon's "look inside" feature is disabled.
  • #7
bcrowell said:
If I add up the price tag for the four units of Moore's freshman course that robphy suggested, plus the GR workbook, I get $231.48. That's excessive. It's also very difficult to evaluate whether the freshman books are any good, because there doesn't seem to be any way to preview them online; Amazon's "look inside" feature is disabled.

Um... excessive?
How much are Purcell and Morin? Can you just get the chapters you want? Or do you have to buy the books?

If you are comfortable with freshman-level physics, you can probably skip Units C and N... although they offer quite a unique viewpoint about mechanics and conservation laws.
I don't think Moore's sequence C,N,E is that much more than a typical Serway/Young&Freedman-type text.
Sure, there are probably some cheaper books out there.
(Units R, Q, and T are more advanced than a typical post-intro "Modern Physics" text... but just below junior-level courses.)

Focus on Unit R (I am awaiting the 3rd edition, 2016) and the GRWorkbook.
Together, there is the benefit of a more cohesive stream of thought [and notation] from intro to advanced [which could be supplemented with other texts].
These texts were developed at Pomona College (a small liberal arts college in California).
The pre-cursor to all of these texts is Tom Moore's (1995) Traveler's Guide to Spacetime.

(If cost is that prohibitive, ... in a typical college or university, you can get books by interlibrary loan [possibly with help from worldcat ].)
You can probably find chapters from Spacetime Physics (1st ed, 1966) from Edwin Taylor's website.
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Related to Roadmap to Understanding the Theory of Relativity

1. What is the Theory of Relativity?

The Theory of Relativity is a scientific theory proposed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century. It is a set of two theories- the Special Theory of Relativity and the General Theory of Relativity- that explain the relationship between space, time, and gravity.

2. How does the Theory of Relativity impact our understanding of the universe?

The Theory of Relativity has had a significant impact on our understanding of the universe. It has revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity, and has provided a more accurate description of the motion of objects in the universe. It has also led to the development of technologies such as GPS, which rely on the principles of relativity for their accuracy.

3. What are the key concepts of the Theory of Relativity?

The key concepts of the Theory of Relativity include the principle of relativity, which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion, and the concept of space-time, which combines space and time into a single entity. The theory also introduces the concept of gravitational time dilation, which explains how time passes differently in regions with different gravitational fields.

4. Is the Theory of Relativity proven?

Yes, the Theory of Relativity has been extensively tested and proven through various experiments and observations. For example, the bending of light near massive objects, such as stars, has been observed and is in accordance with the predictions of the theory. Additionally, the theory has been used to make accurate predictions and calculations in various fields of science, further validating its accuracy.

5. Can the average person understand the Theory of Relativity?

While the concepts of the Theory of Relativity may seem complex, it is possible for the average person to gain a basic understanding of the theory. There are many resources available, such as books and videos, that explain the theory in simpler terms. However, a full understanding of the theory may require a strong foundation in mathematics and physics.

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