Robbert Dijkgraaf et al: 4D 2-Form Gravity & Topological M-Theory

In summary, Dijkgraaf, Gukov, Neitzke, and Vafa discuss the concept of "4D 2-form gravity" as a general pointer towards loop quantum gravity and its related theories. They propose a theoretical framework called "Topological M-Theory" which aims to include various N-form gravity models of different dimensions, including 3D and 7D. This framework is still in its early stages and leaves many details to be worked out. Their ideas are similar to a previous paper by Smolin and Starodubtsev, which also aims to unify different approaches to gravity in a single framework. However, some argue that this unification may not necessarily result in new physics.
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Robbert Dijkgraaf, Sergei Gukov, Andrew Neitzke, Cumrun Vafa

See page 11 section 3.3 "4D 2-Form Gravity"

The authors are well-known. Dijkgraaf is in Amsterdam and the others are at Harvard.

"4D 2-form gravity" serves as a general pointer in the direction of LQG and its relatives. The connection variable on which LQG is based (the configuration set consists of connections embodying possible geometries) is technically a 2-form. LQG is a 4D connection-based model of gravity so it can be termed a "4D 2-form gravity"

there are various other N-form-type gravity models with other dimensionality, like 3D and 7D etc. They don't all use 2-forms, so let's say N-form to keep it general.

what Dijkgraaf et al try to do is to include all these various-dimensioned N-form-based models-----at least in a loose general way----within a theoretical framework they call "Topological M-Theory".

As they indicate the connections are tentative----a bit fuzzy---and leave a lot of details to work out. The contact with LQG is not with something you can get your hands on and calculate with, but instead with what they call "topological LQG"-----something with the right general look AFAICS but not copying at the level of specifics.
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  • #2
I was reminded of an oddly similar paper by Lee Smolin and Artem Starodubtsev that came out just a year before this Dijkgraaf et al String one.

That was
General Relativity with a topological phase: an action principle

"An action principle is described which unifies general relativity and topological field theory. An additional degree of freedom is introduced and depending on the value it takes the theory has solutions that reduce it to
1) general relativity in Palatini form,
2) general relativity in the Ashtekar form,
3) [tex]\inline{F\wedge F}[/tex] theory for SO(5) and
4) BF theory for SO(5).
This theory then makes it possible to describe explicitly the dynamics of phase transition between a topological phase and a gravitational phase where the theory has local degrees of freedom. We also find that a boundary between a dynamical and topological phase resembles an horizon."

that Smolin paper, like the Dijkgraaf one that just came out, was also concerned with putting 4 or 5 different approaches together in a single theoretical framework. And there are other common elements as well.
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  • #3
Marcus, I'm not sure about the F wedge F theory, but Palatini and Ashtekar are two different ways to describe the same thing, GR, and I believe constrained BF theory is isomorphic to GR too. So having a parameter that gives these results is good, but it isn't new physics. Or am I missing something?

FAQ: Robbert Dijkgraaf et al: 4D 2-Form Gravity & Topological M-Theory

1. What is "4D 2-Form Gravity & Topological M-Theory" all about?

"4D 2-Form Gravity & Topological M-Theory" is a theoretical framework proposed by physicists Robbert Dijkgraaf and others. It aims to merge two previously separate concepts, 4D gravity and topological M-theory, in order to better understand the fundamental laws of the universe.

2. How does 4D 2-Form Gravity differ from traditional 4D gravity?

Traditional 4D gravity, also known as Einstein's general relativity, describes the curvature of space-time due to the presence of matter and energy. In 4D 2-Form Gravity, an additional 2-form field is introduced, which represents the intrinsic curvature of space-time itself. This allows for a more holistic understanding of the universe.

3. What is the role of topological M-theory in this framework?

Topological M-theory is a branch of theoretical physics that studies the structure of space-time at the smallest scales. It provides a mathematical framework for understanding the behavior of particles and forces in the universe. In 4D 2-Form Gravity, topological M-theory is incorporated to provide a deeper understanding of the structure of space-time and its interactions with matter and energy.

4. Has 4D 2-Form Gravity been tested experimentally?

At this time, there have been no direct experimental tests of 4D 2-Form Gravity. However, the framework is still in its early stages and is primarily being explored through theoretical and mathematical approaches. As our understanding of the universe evolves and technology advances, it may eventually be possible to test some of the predictions made by this theory.

5. What are the potential implications of this theory?

If 4D 2-Form Gravity is validated and accepted by the scientific community, it could have significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It could potentially provide a more comprehensive and unified explanation for the laws of physics, and may even lead to new discoveries and advancements in technology. However, more research and testing is needed before any concrete implications can be determined.

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