Rocket ship conservation of mometum

In summary: Using the conservation of momentum, we can find an expression for the acceleration of the spaceship, which is given by a = (u/(-βt + Mo)) - (kv/(-βt + Mo)). This can then be integrated to find the velocity v(t) and the distance x(t) traveled by the spaceship in the nebula. We can also use the initial conditions to remove any undetermined constants and get a complete expression in terms of time t and the given constants. In summary, we can use the conservation of momentum and the given equations to find expressions for the acceleration, velocity, and distance traveled by the interstellar spaceship in the nebula.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Interstellar Spaceship
An interstellar spaceship with initial mass Mo is at rest at the edge of a small, spherical nebula (gas cloud). At t= 0, the engines begin to fire, ejecting gas out the back at constant speed u relative to the rocket. The mass of the rocket decreases at a constant rate: dm/dt= -β, where β is a positive constant. As the spaceship accelerates along a diameter of the nebula, the only external force it experiences is a frictional resistance
proportional to its velocity: f = -kv,where k is a positive constant.

a) use change in momentum to find an expression for dv/dt
in the nebula as a function of time t, velocity v, and constants.

b) While the spaceship is in the nebula, find, in terms of time t
and constants: i. An expression for v(t), the speed of the spaceship.
ii. An expression for x(t), the distance the rocket has traveled.
NOTE Use the initial conditions to remove undetermined

Homework Equations

none I guess, probably use conservation of momentum

The Attempt at a Solution

so we started with [tex] dm/dt = -β [/tex]
you then turn it into a separable differential equation and you get
[tex] m= -βt +Mo [/tex]

we also know
[tex] f = -kv = mdv/dt [/tex]

now i plugged in for mass

[tex] f = -kv = mdv/dt = (-βt +Mo)dv/dt [/tex]

and finally you get
[tex] dv/dt= -kv/(-βt +Mo) [/tex]

now this may be right but it does not use conservation of momentum to solve, I was hoping you could help me here
Physics news on
  • #2
Seems like you forgot to include the engine thrust.

FAQ: Rocket ship conservation of mometum

1. How does the conservation of momentum apply to rocket ships?

The conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant. This means that in the absence of external forces, the total momentum before an event is equal to the total momentum after the event. In the case of rocket ships, this means that the momentum of the rocket before and after launch will be the same.

2. What factors affect the conservation of momentum in rocket ships?

The main factors that affect the conservation of momentum in rocket ships are the mass and velocity of the rocket. The larger the mass of the rocket and the faster it is traveling, the greater its momentum will be. Additionally, the amount of fuel and the direction and force of the rocket's engines also play a role in the conservation of momentum.

3. How does the conservation of momentum impact rocket propulsion?

The conservation of momentum plays a crucial role in rocket propulsion. As the rocket's engines expel exhaust gases in one direction, the rocket itself experiences an equal and opposite force in the opposite direction, propelling it forward. This is possible due to the conservation of momentum, as the total momentum of the system remains constant.

4. Are there any exceptions to the conservation of momentum in rocket ships?

In general, the conservation of momentum applies to all physical systems, including rocket ships. However, in certain situations, external forces such as air resistance and gravity may cause a change in the rocket's momentum. In these cases, the conservation of momentum may not hold true, but it still serves as a useful principle in understanding the overall motion of the rocket.

5. How is the conservation of momentum used in designing rocket engines?

The conservation of momentum is a fundamental principle in designing rocket engines. Engineers must carefully consider the mass, velocity, and direction of the exhaust gases in order to ensure that the rocket experiences an equal and opposite force, resulting in a net momentum change and propulsion. This principle is also used in calculating the amount of fuel needed for a specific mission and in optimizing rocket engine design for maximum efficiency.
