Rocket thrust equation in under-expanded nozzle

In summary: With an over-expanded nozzle, the pressure inside the nozzle falls below ambient pressure. This causes a decrease in thrust. However, as long as the over-expanded condition does not persist (i.e. the pressure inside the nozzle equals atmospheric pressure), the engine will operate at its optimal condition and produce the highest possible thrust and specific impulse.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
How does the rocket thrust equation work for under-expanded nozzle where the pressure component of thrust becomes positive and thrust should then be higher?

so the thrust equation goes like: F = (m dot)*v_e + A_e*(p_e - p_a), where

F ... thrust [N]
m dot ... mass flow rate [kg/s]
v_e ... velocity of exhaust [m/s]
A_e ... area of the exit nozzle plane [m2]
p_e ... pressure of the exhaust at the exit of the nozzle [Pa(a)]
p_a ... ambient pressure [Pa(a)]

We know that if p_e < p_a the pressure component in the equation will be negative and thrust will go down. That is the case of over-expanded nozzle. If p_e = p_a the pressure component is zero and as every rocket physics book says, the flow through the nozzle has reached its optimal condition. This is where thrust and specific impulse reach their maximum.

It is well known that the maximum thrust and specific impulse of a nozzle is in vacuum, as is evident from the picture below taken from the book Fundamentals of Rocket Propulsion by D.P. Mishra.


My question is, how does this fact translate into the thrust equation? For p_e > p_a the pressure component would become positive and add some thrust. But clearly that's not what happens. I was thinking maybe v_e gets smaller, but v_e seems to be function of p_e but not p_a, according to this equation:


p_e is affected by p_a though, but only when the nozzle is highly over-expanded and a shock wave occurs inside the nozzle. If p_e > p_a then the exhaust can expand no more inside the nozzle (the nozzle is "too short") and so p_e no longer decreases. In the same book, the author gives this example calculation:



where he adds the pressure component to the total thrust. If we substituted the value p_a = 5.53 kPa with the value p_a = p_e = 105 kPa (I know it's weird) which would be the ideal nozzle condition, then the pressure component of thrust would be zero and apparently the total thrust would be lower. So where is the catch?

Thank you for any replies,
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  • #2
The equation you have cited for exhaust velocity is not impacted by atmospheric conditions at all. You make the statement that the exhaust pressure is impacted by atmospheric pressure, and that is incorrect. Regardless of whether you are operating the engine at sea level, or in a vacuum, that exhaust velocity is set in stone.

The corrections and losses to thrust that you are seeking in that equation, actually do not reside in that equation. The answer to your question resides in the even-simpler thrust equation:


You mentioned shock waves occurring in the nozzle impacting all of these models- you are correct. However, the moment shocks are forming in your nozzle and you have flow detachment, you can throw away every single one of the equations you see in this thread. Now you're talking about a state that the engine was not designed for, and it has failed. Time to shrug your shoulders, give up on modeling it, and figure out what went wrong with your engine.
  • #3
You still gain a little bit of thrust as the outside pressure keeps decreasing as your formulas show, but a larger nozzle would increase the exhaust velocity and provide more thrust: The engine becomes inefficient in the sense that it doesn't use the full potential of the propellant.

FAQ: Rocket thrust equation in under-expanded nozzle

What is the rocket thrust equation for an under-expanded nozzle?

The rocket thrust equation for an under-expanded nozzle is given by \( F = \dot{m}v_e + (P_e - P_a)A_e \), where \( \dot{m} \) is the mass flow rate of the exhaust, \( v_e \) is the exhaust velocity, \( P_e \) is the exhaust pressure, \( P_a \) is the ambient pressure, and \( A_e \) is the exit area of the nozzle.

How does ambient pressure affect thrust in an under-expanded nozzle?

In an under-expanded nozzle, the exhaust pressure \( P_e \) is greater than the ambient pressure \( P_a \). This results in additional thrust because the term \( (P_e - P_a)A_e \) contributes positively to the overall thrust. As ambient pressure decreases, this contribution increases, enhancing the thrust.

Why is the nozzle described as "under-expanded"?

A nozzle is described as "under-expanded" when the pressure of the exhaust gases at the nozzle exit \( P_e \) is higher than the ambient pressure \( P_a \). This indicates that the exhaust gases have not fully expanded to match the ambient pressure, which is why the nozzle is termed "under-expanded".

What are the implications of operating a rocket nozzle in an under-expanded condition?

Operating a rocket nozzle in an under-expanded condition means that the exhaust gases are still expanding as they exit the nozzle. This can lead to increased thrust due to the pressure differential between the exhaust gases and the ambient environment. However, it can also result in less efficient expansion of the gases, potentially reducing the overall efficiency of the propulsion system.

How can the performance of an under-expanded nozzle be optimized?

To optimize the performance of an under-expanded nozzle, engineers can design the nozzle with a variable exit area or use adaptive nozzle technologies that adjust the nozzle shape based on the ambient pressure. This helps in better matching the exhaust pressure to the ambient pressure, thereby maximizing the thrust and efficiency across different operating conditions.
