Rocket with higher velocity than its own thruster.

In summary, the thrust created by firing a thruster with an exhaust velocity of 1700 miles per second while traveling at 22000 miles per second would not create drag because the exhaust is still traveling away from the rocket at the same speed. This velocity difference is what allows the rocket to accelerate and reach higher speeds. This concept is known as the rocket equation and is used to calculate the amount of propellant needed for a given speed. In contrast, a jet aircraft must have an exhaust velocity higher than its flight velocity in order to continue producing thrust, as the reaction mass in this case is primarily the air it is flying through. In summary, the exhaust speed does not limit rocket speed, but it does determine the amount of propellant
  • #1
If I'm traveling at 22000 miles per second and fire a thruster with an exhaust velocity of 1700 miles per second does the thrust creat drag because I'm going faster? If not what is the effect?
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  • #2
The thrust will increase your speed. Exhaust speed does not limit rocket speed. It does however determine how much propellent you need to reach a given speed.

The basic equation, known as the rocket equation, is

Delta V = V_e ln (MR)

V_e is the exhaust speed, and MR is the ratio of the mass of the ship + fuel divided by the just the mass of the ship.

Thus for your example, to reach 22,000 mps with a exhaust velocity of 1700 mps, you would have to have 417139 kg of fuel for every 1 kg of ship mass.
  • #3
schonovic said:
If I'm traveling at 22000 miles per second and fire a thruster with an exhaust velocity of 1700 miles per second does the thrust creat drag because I'm going faster? If not what is the effect?

Bear in mind that these velocities are relative to two different things. The rocket's is (presumably) relative to the Earth and the exhaust's is relative to the rocket. The exhaust still travels down from the rocket at 1700 miles per second, though it is has net upwards velocity relative to the earth. It doesn't get stuck under the rocket or something if that's what you're thinking. The only thing that matters for thrust is the relative velocity between the rocket and the exhaust.
  • #4
schonovic said:
If I'm traveling at 22000 miles per second and fire a thruster with an exhaust velocity of 1700 miles per second does the thrust creat drag because I'm going faster? If not what is the effect?

It still creates thrust. If you want to think of it from the frame of the observer, the rocket and the fuel are both initially going by you at 22000 miles per second. Then, if the rocket fires as it passes you, the rocket is taking its fuel and slowing it down (relative to you) from 22000 miles per second to 20300 miles per second. Even though the fuel is still traveling the same direction as the rocket, it slowed down from the speed of the rocket (since it was initially in the rocket's fuel tank) to the speed of the rocket minus the exhaust velocity. This requires that the rocket exerted a backwards-facing force on the fuel, and thus (by Newton's third law) the fuel exerted a forward force on the rocket, which speeds it up.

This can be contrasted with a jet aircraft - in the case of a jet aircraft, the reaction mass is primarily the air which the jet is flying through. Because the air is not traveling with the jet, the jet must have an exhaust velocity higher than its flight velocity in order to continue producing thrust.
  • #5
cjl said:
This can be contrasted with a jet aircraft - in the case of a jet aircraft, the reaction mass is primarily the air which the jet is flying through. Because the air is not traveling with the jet, the jet must have an exhaust velocity higher than its flight velocity in order to continue producing thrust.
Wouldn't this also be an issue for a rocket in the atmosphere (although this post's example speeds are way to high for a rocket in the atmoshpere)? In reasonbly dense atmosphere, if rocket thrust is slower than rocket speed, you'd end up with a net drag at the aft end of a rocket.
  • #6
rcgldr said:
Wouldn't this also be an issue for a rocket in the atmosphere (although this post's example speeds are way to high for a rocket in the atmoshpere)? In reasonbly dense atmosphere, if rocket thrust is slower than rocket speed, you'd end up with a net drag at the aft end of a rocket.

No, just think of it in terms of changing momentum. For the rocket to increase its forward momentum, it needs to increase the backwards momentum of something (or decrease the forwards of momentum of something, but that's not how propulsion works). We can choose any frame to work in and the rocket's is the most convenient. In the rocket's frame, the propellant starts out at rest and is shot backwards. This accelerates the rocket relative to this frame, which of course is also acceleration relative to the earth. The speed of the rocket, density of the atmosphere, and anything else are all irrelevant (well, ignoring aerodynamic drag which is something else altogether).

On the other hand, a jet has air entering its intake at the jet's airspeed (in the jet's reference frame). In order to push the jet forward, it must leave the jet faster than it came in. Thus, the propellant velocity must exceed the jet's air speed.

FAQ: Rocket with higher velocity than its own thruster.

1. How is it possible for a rocket to have a higher velocity than its own thruster?

In order to achieve a higher velocity, the rocket must continuously burn its fuel and expel it as exhaust, creating a thrust force. However, the rocket's velocity is not solely determined by the thrust of its own thruster. It also takes into account factors such as the rocket's mass, the duration of the burn, and external forces like gravity.

2. What is the relationship between a rocket's velocity and its thruster's thrust?

The velocity of a rocket is directly proportional to the thrust of its thruster. This means that as the thrust increases, so does the velocity of the rocket. However, other factors also play a role in determining the rocket's final velocity.

3. Can a rocket continue to accelerate even after its thruster has stopped firing?

Yes, a rocket can continue to accelerate even after its thruster has stopped firing. This is because of the conservation of momentum. Once a rocket is in motion, it will continue to move at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force, such as air resistance or gravity.

4. How does the shape and design of a rocket affect its velocity?

The shape and design of a rocket can greatly affect its velocity. A streamlined and aerodynamic rocket will experience less air resistance, allowing it to achieve higher velocities. Additionally, the placement and direction of the thruster can also impact the rocket's velocity.

5. What other factors can impact a rocket's velocity besides its thruster?

In addition to the thruster, a rocket's velocity can be affected by its mass, the duration of the burn, external forces like gravity and air resistance, and even the rotation of the Earth. These factors must all be taken into account in order to accurately calculate a rocket's velocity.
