Rod Dipping in a Black Hole: Exploring Tidal Forces and Event Horizon Impact

In summary, a rod will break if it is dipped just inside the event horizon of a super massive black hole due to the tremendous acceleration needed to stop something from falling into the hole. The tidal forces are not what break the rod, but rather the acceleration of the rocket. It is not possible to orbit or free-fall orbit that close to the horizon, and the inside of a black hole can be thought of as outside an external observer's world.
  • #1
black hole 123
if there's a really good rocket hovering just above a super massive black hole with very low tidal force, and it dips a rod just inside the event horizon, will the rod break? it seems a certainly but the tidal forces are very weak.

is it like dipping ur feet into piranha infested water? so when you lift the rod back up you see everything below the horizon gone missing?
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  • #2
black hole 123 said:
will the rod break?
Yes. The acceleration needed to stop something falling into the hole approaches infinity as it approaches the horizon, so the rod must break.
black hole 123 said:
u see everything below the horizon gone missing?
Rather like the letters y and o, yes. In practice a lot of stuff above the horizon will be gone as well because all materials have a finite tensile strength. But everything that crosses the horizon will necessarily not return. That's what crossing the event horizon means - it's not coming back.
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  • #3
black hole 123 said:
the tidal forces are very weak.

What breaks the rod is not tidal forces. It's the acceleration of the rocket. The rocket is pulling at the rod very, very hard, and as the rod is lowered it gets more and more difficult for the points in the rod to keep up with the rocket. At some point, because the internal forces in the rod that are transmitting the pull of the rocket have a finite speed of propagation, the rod will break because the lower part of it simply can't keep up with the pull any more.
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  • #4
black hole 123 said:
if there's a really good rocket hovering just above a super massive black hole with very low tidal force, and it dips a rod just inside the event horizon, will the rod break? it seems a certainly but the tidal forces are very weak.

is it like dipping ur feet into piranha infested water? so when u lift the rod back up u see everything below the horizon gone missing?

The proper acceleration required for a point on the rigid rod to "hold station" in the limit of a very large black hole with "low tidal forces" will approach ##c^2 / d##, where c is the speed of light, and d is the distance from the event horizon as measured by static observers.

To put some figures on this, one meter from the event horizon, the acceleration will be ##\approx 9\,10^{16}## m/s^2, or ##\approx 9 \, 10^{15}## , i.e. 9,000,000,000,000,000 Earth gravities.

So as the distance d (as measured by static observers) approaches zero, the proper acceleration to hold station increases without bound. This means that no rocket at the bottom of the rod can accelerate hard enough to keep it from falling into the event horizon, and it also means that any rod that dangles down from the top of the rocket, no matter how strong, will break.

Trying to orbit the black hole won't work either, by the way - it makes things worse.

It may seem self contradictory to say that the tidal force is "small", if the proper acceleration is 9,000,000,000,000,000 gravities at 1 meter away from the horizon, but only 4,500,000,000,000,000 gravities 2 meters away from the horizon.

It's not really contradictory, though one could argue that the use of the term "tidal force" is a bit unfortunate. If we take the expression for proper acceleration, ##c^2 d^{-1}##, and differentiate it, we get ##-c^2 d^{-2}##

One might think that the tidal force "should be" the rate of change of proper acceleration with respect to distance away from the horizon, but this turns out not to be the case.

I will also point out that if we drop a spring through the event horizon of a black hole, in the specified limiting case of a very large black hole, the spring will not stretch. So there is something to the idea that the "tidal force" is zero in the case under consideration.

It's difficult to be more precise than this without going above the B level.
  • #5
pervect said:
Trying to orbit the black hole won't work either, by the way - it makes things worse.

If by "orbit" you mean "free-fall orbit", that's not even possible that close to the hole's horizon.
  • #6
PeterDonis said:
If by "orbit" you mean "free-fall orbit", that's not even possible that close to the hole's horizon.

Free fall orbits are not possible inside the photon sphere at 1.5x the Schwarzschild radius, as you say. Powered circular orbits which involving thrusting away from the black hole with rockets, are possible [add: inside the photon sphere], but such orbits demand more outward thrust than it takes to hover in place statically.
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  • #7
pervect said:
Powered circular orbits , which involving thrusting away from the black hole with rockets, are possible, but such orbits demand more outward thrust than it takes to hover in place statically.

Yes, agreed.
  • #8
thanks for the answer. i forgot its the pull of rocket not tidal force. pervect is that for a small black hole? a human can fall into a supermassive black hole and not be torn, and (most) humans are over 1 meter in length.

also about the inside of the black hole, can it be thought of as simply outside an external observer's world? because it doesn't make sense to ask "whats happening inside the black hole in our galaxy core right now at 6 pm".
  • #9
black hole 123 said:
about the inside of the black hole, can it be thought of as simply outside an external observer's world?
Without a precise definition of "world" in this context, it's hard to say. You can always choose to enter a black hole, for example - so is it really a separate world?

The interior (or part of the interior, anyway) of a black hole is in your causal future - you can affect events there at least in principle. It is never in your causal past unless you fall in - you can never be affected by events inside the hole. That's probably the strongest statement you can make.
  • #10
black hole 123 said:
is that for a small black hole? a human can fall into a supermassive black hole and not be torn, and (most) humans are over 1 meter in length.
An object in free-fall experiences no proper acceleration. What @pervect was talking about was objects experiencing extreme proper acceleration to “hover” just above the event horizon of any black hole. As he said, proper acceleration increases without bound for objects hovering closer and closer to the EH.

FAQ: Rod Dipping in a Black Hole: Exploring Tidal Forces and Event Horizon Impact

1. What is rod dipping in a black hole?

Rod dipping in a black hole refers to the process of lowering a long vertical rod into the event horizon of a black hole. This is done to study the effects of tidal forces and the impact of the event horizon on the rod.

2. How is rod dipping used to explore tidal forces?

By lowering a rod into a black hole, scientists can observe how the gravitational pull of the black hole affects the rod. This allows them to study the strength and direction of tidal forces near the event horizon.

3. What is the event horizon impact of rod dipping?

The event horizon impact of rod dipping refers to the point at which the rod crosses the event horizon of the black hole. This is the point of no return, where the gravitational pull of the black hole becomes so strong that even light cannot escape.

4. What can we learn from rod dipping in a black hole?

Studying rod dipping in a black hole can provide valuable insights into the behavior of matter under extreme gravitational conditions. It can also help us better understand the concept of event horizons and the effects of tidal forces.

5. Is rod dipping in a black hole dangerous?

Yes, rod dipping in a black hole can be extremely dangerous as the gravitational pull of the black hole is strong enough to tear apart anything that gets too close. This is why it is only done in simulations and not in real-life experiments.

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