Romantic Valentine's Day Ideas for Girlfriend

  • Thread starter rocketboy
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In summary: To have a romantic date. In summary, your girlfriend is on the 9th of February, and you started dating on the 18th of February.
  • #1
Alright, so I need something really good to do with my gf for valentines day. I've thought of the usual, nice dinner at a nice restaurant, but I want something really special. Also, any ideas for gifts?
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  • #2
How long have you been dating? What kind of things does she like/like to do?
  • #3
I remember he's 17 and he lives in Canada.
  • #4
MK has a good memory!

We've been dating 1 month as of the day after Vday. She's pretty easy going, I haven't found something she doesn't like to do yet. For Vday, something romantic though I think.
  • #5
V day, haha.
  • #6
What you should do is ditch her, wait until after Valentines Day and find a girl whose birthday is in January. Then you don't have to buy her anything until Christmas. And that's only if you last that long! BARGAIN!
  • #7
hmmm... star gazing can be pretty romantic. Do you have a telescope and any place nearby that would be good to set it up? Of course, I guess the weather could spoil plans, so it's risky. I was just remembering that one of my favorite dates was going to a planetarium show and then looking through telescopes afterwards.
  • #8
Did she give you any hints what she wants?
  • #9
rocketboy said:
Alright, so I need something really good to do with my gf for valentines day. I've thought of the usual, nice dinner at a nice restaurant, but I want something really special. Also, any ideas for gifts?
Since you live in Canada: One of the most romantic times I ever had in my life was wandering around the beautiful old city of Montreal with a high school sweetheart. Sometimes she took my arm. We had a picnic of bread and cheese on some beautiful grass somewhere, and I bought the first few things she happened to commment on as being interesting or beautiful in shop windows until my money ran out: a flower, a book she seemed exited to see, some postcards to remember the city by. I would have bought her the whole city for her own private playground if I could've. It's got to be one of the most European looking cities in the Americas: quaint cobblestone streets, vast old stone buildings with green copper roofs.

Shortly after we got back she dumped me with some vague claims that I had been trying to buy her affections, all this giving her stuff! I had to be up to something with that.

Years later I found out she was into women. I guess there was no way she could have realized what was eating at her at the time, why she balked at any real bonding. Anyway, though, she had pretty much killed my romantic side. I've never gotten over the fear any gesture like that is going to backfire.

Have a Happy Valentine's Day.
  • #10
zoobyshoe said:
Since you live in Canada: One of the most romantic times I ever had in my life was wandering around the beautiful old city of Montreal with a high school sweetheart. Sometimes she took my arm. We had a picnic of bread and cheese on some beautiful grass somewhere, and I bought the first few things she happened to commment on as being interesting or beautiful in shop windows until my money ran out: a flower, a book she seemed exited to see, some postcards to remember the city by. I would have bought her the whole city for her own private playground if I could've. It's got to be one of the most European looking cities in the Americas: quaint cobblestone streets, vast old stone buildings with green copper roofs.

Shortly after we got back she dumped me with some vague claims that I had been trying to buy her affections, all this giving her stuff! I had to be up to something with that.

Years later I found out she was into women. I guess there was no way she could have realized what was eating at her at the time, why she balked at any real bonding. Anyway, though, she had pretty much killed my romantic side. I've never gotten over the fear any gesture like that is going to backfire.

Have a Happy Valentine's Day.
It's women like her that keep women like me from getting Teddy Ruxpins for Valentines Day. :cry:
  • #11
jimmy p said:
What you should do is ditch her, wait until after Valentines Day and find a girl whose birthday is in January. Then you don't have to buy her anything until Christmas. And that's only if you last that long! BARGAIN!

I met my current girlfriend last year on Feb. 12, and started dating Feb. 18.

Her birthday is on Feb. 9th! We just celebrated it the other day.

Note: This explains why we created another Valentine's Day, which I explained in another thread. We didn't want to wait an entire year.

Not to high jack the thread, I'll throw in what I think.

Since it's been a month, I would hope that she doesn't put a lot of emphasis on it. Sure make it nice, and everything, but just don't go overboard.

If I were you, I'd cook diner. Get the table, and dining room decorated, and get some nice music. That should do it.
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  • #12
Evo said:
It's women like her that keep women like me from getting Teddy Ruxpins for Valentines Day. :cry:
Yup. And she's the reason I only have one shoe. But don't press me for the painful details.
  • #13
darkar said:
Did she give you any hints what she wants?
Has she ever told you your tongue is worth diamonds?
  • #14
Math Is Hard said:
hmmm... star gazing can be pretty romantic. Do you have a telescope and any place nearby that would be good to set it up? Of course, I guess the weather could spoil plans, so it's risky. I was just remembering that one of my favorite dates was going to a planetarium show and then looking through telescopes afterwards.

I don't know, it would work in the summer since I live in the country about 1/2 hour from the city of Ottawa and there is no light polution out here. But I don't know of a planetarium nearby and it's freezing here now.

JasonRox said:
If I were you, I'd cook diner. Get the table, and dining room decorated, and get some nice music. That should do it.

I was thinking that, but the only problem is my parents and sisters are both going to be home.

MK said:
Has she ever told you your tongue is worth diamonds?
Her tounge was too busy to tell me anything:smile:

zooby, that sounds like a great time...srry to hear the result. Montreal is an awesome city, if it was a weekend and her parents knew me better I would consider spending a day there with her, it's only a couple hour drive from Ottawa.
  • #15
For the evening I'm thinking just dinner at a nice restaurant downtown and maybe walk around the byward market area...but I'd love to hear more original/romantic ideas!

For a gift, I don't know. It's only been 1 month. Is jewelry too much? Are chocolates too cliche?
  • #16
rocketboy said:
zooby, that sounds like a great time...srry to hear the result. Montreal is an awesome city, if it was a weekend and her parents knew me better I would consider spending a day there with her, it's only a couple hour drive from Ottawa.
Keep it in mind for the future. It'll be a great time if you can be sure she's not an incipient lesbian.
  • #17
zoobyshoe said:
Keep it in mind for the future. It'll be a great time if you can be sure she's not an incipient lesbian.

lol, and if I can be sure that her dad doesn't have spies following us...not sure he'd let me take his daughter to montreal...not yet.
  • #18
rocketboy said:
lol, and if I can be sure that her dad doesn't have spies following us...not sure he'd let me take his daughter to montreal...not yet.
I didn't bother with parental permission. They didn't find out till we got back. I can still see this girl's mother snarling and growling like a bear as I crawled frantically away pulling my foot from my left shoe, which she had clenched between her teeth...I still have nightmares.
  • #19
Mk said:
Has she ever told you your tongue is worth diamonds?
:smile: :blushing:
Have I ever told you your words are sweeter than candies?
  • #20
Chocolates are always good, at least I think so. :approve: Just get good chocolates, not those horrid ones in heart-shaped boxes. Jewelry seems like too much after only a month. Flowers are good, but if you thought it was tough getting flowers on short notice for your first date, you'll quickly learn it's impossible to get them on short notice for Valentine's Day! How about a teddy bear? I think Evo would agree that's a sweet gift. :biggrin: Since you've only been going out a month, I would think even if you just spent the day together without any gifts, it would be okay, but I don't want to get you in trouble if she's the sort who will want to exchange gifts.

But now I know why I'm a good match for Zooby on that OKCupid test...he is afraid of being perceived as going over the top buying gifts, and I'm content with not receiving gifts.
  • #21
Moonbear said:
Chocolates are always good, at least I think so. :approve: Just get good chocolates, not those horrid ones in heart-shaped boxes. Jewelry seems like too much after only a month. Flowers are good, but if you thought it was tough getting flowers on short notice for your first date, you'll quickly learn it's impossible to get them on short notice for Valentine's Day! How about a teddy bear? I think Evo would agree that's a sweet gift. :biggrin: Since you've only been going out a month, I would think even if you just spent the day together without any gifts, it would be okay, but I don't want to get you in trouble if she's the sort who will want to exchange gifts.

But now I know why I'm a good match for Zooby on that OKCupid test...he is afraid of being perceived as going over the top buying gifts, and I'm content with not receiving gifts.

I too am content with not receiving gifts, and my gf is the same way. But the problem lies in the fact that we both love to give gifts, and although we have both tried to tell the other that we don't want anything (when she asked what I wanted I said that spending time with her was better than any gift imaginable) we're both going to end up getting each other something.

The teddy bear idea is pretty good, my friend bought his gf a custom made teddy bear at some "build-a-bear" shop in NYC when we went there as a class in gr. 11. She thought it was the cutest thing ever, you chose a sound to put in when you squeezed its paw, and what it said on its shirt etc...I wonder if there is anything like that in ottawa...
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  • #22

There is a "build a bear workshop" opening in ottawa but not until June!

I entered my ZIP code, and the closest one is in Oshawa...164 miles away! (That's what...260ish KM? Driving at 130 i could make the round trip in 4 hrs...if i skip school tomorrow and convince my dad to let me have the car for that purpose...)
  • #23
You can take a photo of yourself and give her as a gift! Or perhaps buy her your favorite perfum and ask her to use it whenever you want to go out with each other.:biggrin:
(Yeah, I'm such a selfish person who always think of myself even when I want to buy someone a gift! :redface:)
  • #24
rocketboy said:

There is a "build a bear workshop" opening in ottawa but not until June!

I entered my ZIP code, and the closest one is in Oshawa...164 miles away! (That's what...260ish KM? Driving at 130 i could make the round trip in 4 hrs...if i skip school tomorrow and convince my dad to let me have the car for that purpose...)
Oh, "build a bear" is a great place to take a girl. That's too bad that they don't have one there. :frown:
  • #25
Moonbear said:
Chocolates are always good, at least I think so. :approve: Just get good chocolates, not those horrid ones in heart-shaped boxes. Jewelry seems like too much after only a month. Flowers are good, but if you thought it was tough getting flowers on short notice for your first date, you'll quickly learn it's impossible to get them on short notice for Valentine's Day! How about a teddy bear? I think Evo would agree that's a sweet gift. :biggrin: Since you've only been going out a month, I would think even if you just spent the day together without any gifts, it would be okay, but I don't want to get you in trouble if she's the sort who will want to exchange gifts.

But now I know why I'm a good match for Zooby on that OKCupid test...he is afraid of being perceived as going over the top buying gifts, and I'm content with not receiving gifts.
I have a history of dating the most unromantic men in the world. :frown: In all my life I never received candy or flowers or even a card from someone I was dating. :cry: Husbands don't count because they feel obligated and my ex didn't even care to remember the type of flowers I liked. He always sent red roses. For years I told him not to send me red roses, and he always sent them. It got to the point where I hated red roses because it was a reminder that they were a thoughtless gesture.

The only exception to this was Bill, he went out of his way to try to undo some of the damage my ex did. We had broken up long before Valentine's day, yet he sent me 60 of my favorite flowers along with a huge box of exquisite hand made candies. Just as a friendly gesture. A couple of years later, out of the blue, I received a refrigerator magnet of a hippo head (I collect hippos). A short note said he'd seen it and thought of me and thought I'd like it. I had moved out of the state a year earlier, which made it even more surprising. He was a great guy. :cry: The timing just wasn't right, I wasn't willing to commit, so we parted.

Sorry, I'm hijacking the thread.
  • #26
Evo said:
Oh, "build a bear" is a great place to take a girl. That's too bad that they don't have one there. :frown:
Those are always nice. Gosh, they're all over the place around here. They get expensive though, because first you buy the bear, then the things to put in the bear (you of course have to put the little red heart inside, even if nobody else would know it's there :rolleyes:), and then all the clothes to dress up the bear and make it unique. But they really are adorable, and since you get to stuff it yourself, you can make it as firm or squishy as you like. They even come with a birth certificate and a box that looks like a pet-carrier (complete with holes in the side so you don't suffocate your bear). All very cute.
  • #27
Alright ladies, tell me what you think. Quite the selection.

Scroll down for the less expensive ones...they are gift organisations of bath soaps and such...was recommended it earlier today by a girl i dated last year who is now at univesrity in Glasgow.
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  • #28
I think jewelry would be over the top unless you found something very inexpensive yet personal, like a charm for a charm bracelet. If she's an avid reader, you might consider a book of poetry. I have a compilation of "immortal love poems" that I have always treasured.

Do you have Hallmark stores up there? They have the cutest stuffed animals this year for valentines day - they have a lion who purrs (vibrates) when you squeeze his paw, and a teddy bear that gives hugs and says "love me, hug me, squeeze me", and a gorilla who's heart lights up and makes bongo drum sounds. I don't think they are very expensive.
  • #29
I wouldn't get any gifts unless they are like $10 or less.

She might not be getting you anything much, so spending too much will make her feel uncomfortable and you don't want to do that.

For valentine's last year, with a girl I was with for a month. Same position as you. I made a cake of her favourite kind, a nice card, and took her out to a nice restaurant as a surprise. She loved it.
  • #30
You made her a cake, Jason? That is so cool! Things that are "made for you" are so endearing.

Last year, the guy I was dating had a hobby of making jewelry with wire wrapping and semi-precious stones and he made me a necklace from a deep-red bloodstone. I thought that was awesome. Very personal and thoughtful.
  • #31
Fragrance is very personal, and unless you know what she likes, it's a dangerous gift. She might think you're suggesting she bathe more.

An inexpensive jewelry item is ok if you know her taste. I've received jewelry before that I hated. I think it's impolite to refuse or criticize a gift from someone that you care about, so it can put the recipient in an akward position, do they tell you they don't like it, or take it and then feel obligated to wear it?

Food is good. Making a gift always scores big with me. Jason's cake would score big points with me, but cooking may not be for you.
  • #32
Ok, I'm thinking teddy bear from hallmark now...seeing as i suck at baking (and my oven is broken) and jewelry is either overboard or risky and the soaps idea is risky too (as previously stated). I don't think chocolates or flowers are original enough for my liking, I'm the type of guy who likes to go beyond the expected.

So if I can find a bear like MIH described I think that would be "cute".
  • #33
These are the ones I like:|10001|10051|/HallmarkSite/GoldCrownStores/SpecialOffers/HG_PR_VAL_PLUSH"

Hopefully they have the same offer going in Canada.
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  • #34
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  • #35
Since you're going out together, and going for dinner or something for V-day, an inexpensive gift is plenty. If she ends up getting you something way more expensive, just make sure you pay for dinner. I always counted dinner as a gift if I wasn't paying for it, but I think we've already covered that I may not be typical in my opinions on gift-related things.

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