Roots of unity form a cyclic group

In summary, the conversation discusses the roots of unity and the proof that they form a cyclic group. The reasoning is based on working in a field of characteristic zero and looking at the solutions of x^n - 1. The group of roots can be shown to be cyclic by considering the exponent of the group. The conversation also touches on the complexity of the proof and the assumptions made about the field being algebraically closed. Finally, some sources and additional details are mentioned for further understanding.
  • #1
In a lot of places, I can read that the roots of unity form a cyclic group, however I can find no proofs. Is the reasoning as follows:

Let's work in a field of characteristic zero (I think that's necessary). Let's look at the nth roots of unity, i.e. the solutions of [itex]x^n - 1[/itex]. There are n different roots, since the derivative is [itex]nx^{n-1}[/itex], which is not zero since the characteristic is zero. Now suppose the group of roots is not cyclic, then the exponent of that group is [itex]m < n [/itex]. In that case the group is also the set of solutions of [itex]x^m-1[/itex], however this can only have m solutions. Contradiction.
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  • #2
Isn't this simpler than you think?

The nth roots of unity are 1, e^(i 2pi/n), e^(i 2pi 2/n), e^(i 2pi 3/n), ..., e^[i 2pi (n-1)/n].
Just keep multiplying the second member by itself to generate the others.
  • #3
Do you have to know the form in complex plane? I mean, is there a way to prove without that?
  • #4
sam_bell said:
Isn't this simpler than you think?

The nth roots of unity are 1, e^(i 2pi/n), e^(i 2pi 2/n), e^(i 2pi 3/n), ..., e^[i 2pi (n-1)/n].
Just keep multiplying the second member by itself to generate the others.

Yes, this works if you're working in [itex]\mathbb{C}[/itex] or it subfields. But the OP wants to prove it for all fields of characteristic 0.
  • #5
This is what I get for entering the math boards .. and now I make my exit.
Good Day, sirs.
  • #6
micromass said:
Yes, this works if you're working in [itex]\mathbb{C}[/itex] or it subfields. But the OP wants to prove it for all fields of characteristic 0.

I was curious about this point too. The OP seems to be assuming that the field is algebraically closed, but that's not necessarily true. [itex]\mathbb{Q}[/itex] is a field of characteristic 0. What is the group of the 5-th roots of unity in [itex]\mathbb{Q}[/itex]? It's just {1}. Trivially cyclic, but this case needs to be considered. Likewise, the 6-th roots of unity are {-1, 1}.

Does "roots of unity" imply that the field must be algebraically closed? Or would {1} or {-1, 1} be regarded as the group of n-th roots of unity depending on n being odd or even?

Must any algebraically closed field of characteristic zero contain a copy of the complex numbers? If so, that might save sam_bell's proof.
  • #7
SteveL27 said:
Must any algebraically closed field of characteristic zero contain a copy of the complex numbers? If so, that might save sam_bell's proof.

This is certainly not true. However, I do think that every algebraically closed field of characteristic zero contains a copy of the algebraic numbers.
  • #8
I think we assume we've adjoined the roots of unity to any starting base field (of characteristic zero?). All roots alpha_i satisfy the equation (alpha_i)^n=1. So doesn't that mean they form a group. Then is it it a fact from group theory that one of the alpha_i generate the group? If so, does this not work in finite fields?
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  • #9
To add to steve and miscromass's remarks.

The complex numbers contain transcendentals like pi. I don't think pi is in the algebraic closure of Q. On the other hand, C is algebraically closed (and topologically?).
  • #10
You could always extend the field to be complete. You would then obtain n roots. The original group is a subgroup and subgroups of cyclic fields are always cyclic, so it suffices to prove this for a complete field.

You can do this by induction. Assume it is true for all k less than or equal to n-1. If n has more than one distinct prime factor, then it can be decomposed into a direct sum of two groups whose orders have no common factors. Each of these orders is at most n-1, so the induction hypothesis says they are cyclic. Since their orders are relatively prime, their direct sum is also cyclic. So it remains to prove the case when n is a power of a single prime number... If such a group were not cyclic it would have more than p elements of order p contradicting the fact that there cannot be more than p pth roots of unity.

[EDIT]: The OP had the right answer all along. Yes, if a finite abelian group is not cyclic then its exponent is a proper divisor of the order, so your logic is exactly right. But I think you do need the first step I wrote showing that it is sufficient to prove the case in which the field is algebraically closed.
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  • #11
Somewhere I found the following
Definition 7.4. A cyclotomic extension of a field F is a splitting field E for
the polynomial
[itex]f(X) = X^n − 1[/itex]
over F. The roots of f are called nth roots of unity.
The nth roots of unity form a multiplicative subgroup of the group E× of
non-zero elements of E, and thus must be cyclic.

Apparently for them the being cyclic follows immediately, however I don't really get the step. Can somebody enlighten me?
  • #12
I think this is about as general as the proof can be. But I have some details missing, but I think this is a good outline.

  1. Define the polynomials F[x]
  2. Mod out by the ideal (x^n-1), that is, E=F[x]/(x^n-1)
  3. E contains F, and it is a vector space over F
  4. I forget how, but we should have n elements which satisfy x^n-1=0 (at least one of them is in F).
  5. We can show they form a group (abelian because we are in a field)
  6. So why then is it cyclic? If we have 4 elements, why can't it be Z_2 x Z_2? Then every element has order 2, which I think is somehow going to contradict something. Someone, help please. :)

EDIT: Found a source for the cyclic part in general, it applies to my Z_2 x Z_2 like so:

If every element of G has order two, then every element of G satisfies x^2-1=0. Then there are no more than 2 roots, which means G has [STRIKE]less than[/STRIKE] at most two roots, contradiction.

Okay, all the steps are not clear to me, but there you have the claim and a source in more generality.
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  • #13
We have the following theorem

A finite subgroup of the multiplicative group [itex]K^\times[/itex] of a field K is cyclic.

Let G be a finite subgroup of [itex]K^\times[/itex]. Let p be a prime divisor of |G|. The elements of order p of G are zeroes of the polynomial [itex]X^p-1[/itex]. But there are at most p zeroes of this polynomial, so G has at most p-1 elements of order p. It follows that the elements of order p form a cyclic subgroup of G. The result now follows from the fundamental theorem of finite abelian groups.
  • #14
Thank you

FAQ: Roots of unity form a cyclic group

1. What are roots of unity?

Roots of unity are complex numbers that, when raised to a certain power, equal 1. They are often represented on a complex plane as points that lie on the unit circle.

2. How do roots of unity form a cyclic group?

Roots of unity form a cyclic group by following a specific pattern when raised to different powers. This pattern repeats itself and creates a closed loop, making it a cyclic group.

3. What is the order of a cyclic group formed by roots of unity?

The order of a cyclic group formed by roots of unity is equal to the number of roots of unity present. For example, a group of 6th roots of unity would have an order of 6.

4. Can roots of unity form a non-cyclic group?

No, roots of unity will always form a cyclic group because they follow a repeating pattern and do not have any other elements that break this pattern.

5. How are roots of unity used in mathematics and science?

Roots of unity have many applications in mathematics and science, including in number theory, complex analysis, and physics. They are also used in signal processing and digital signal processing for their periodic properties.

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