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yuiop said:If we start with a non rotating steel ring in flat space and start it spinning, it will length contract and the radius will shrink according to observers on the ring and according to inertial non rotating observers. If instead, we have a thin disc, and spin it up, the disc will buckle. If we have a solid cylinder and spin it up the stresses will tear it apart. All these physical effects due to length contraction induced by rotation are observer independent. That seems physical enough to me.
Back to the ring. Let us say its initial un-rotating radius is R and and the circumference is ##2*\pi*R##. After being spun up in such a way that the tangential velocity of a point on the rim is v according to an inertial non rotating observer (O) at rest with the centre of the ring, then the new radius according to O is ##R*\sqrt{(1-v^2)}## and the new circumference according to O is ##2*\pi*R*\sqrt{(1-v^2)}##. According to an observer (O') riding on the ring, the new radius is also ##R*\sqrt{(1-v^2)}## when measured using a tape measure, so O' agrees with O about the radius, but 0' measures the circumference of the ring using a tape measure to still be the same as when it was not spinning (2*pi*R) so O' sees the circumference of the spinning ring to larger by a factor of ##1/\sqrt{(1-v^2)}## than the circumference of the spinning ring as measured by O.
P.S. I am of course ignoring stresses due to centrifugal forces in all the above.
So much depends on your definitions. If, for example (getting very specific), you assume a rubber ring around a rigid cylinder, with lubrication, all initially at rest in an inertial frame. Then, spin up the rubber ring and let its state settle. The radius per the inertial frame cannot change by virtue of the rigid cylinder. Now the the circumference of the rubber ring measured by the inertial frame is the same as it always was; while the circumference measured by a 'rim dweller' using their own rulers laid end to end, will be increased by gamma.
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