Rotation of a cone rolling on its side without slipping on a plane

In summary, the problem involves finding expressions for the kinetic energy and components of angular momentum of a uniform right circular cone rolling on a horizontal plane without slipping and returning to its original position in a given time. The solution involves defining an inertial coordinate system and successive rotations to build to a body frame. The inertia tensor for rotations about the apex of the cone is then used to find the expressions for kinetic energy and angular momentum.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A uniform right circular cone of height [itex]h[/itex], half angle [itex]α[/itex], and density [itex]ρ[/itex] rolls on its side without
slipping on a uniform horizontal plane in such a manner that it returns to its original position in
a time [itex]\tau[/itex]. Find expressions for the kinetic energy and the components of the angular momentum
of the cone. Hint: If [itex] \vec{v} = \vec{ω}\times\vec{r}[/itex] in the inertial frame, points on the cone instantaneously at rest
in this frame will lie in the direction of [itex]\vec{ω}[/itex].

Homework Equations


[itex] T_{rot}=\frac{1}{2}I_{ij}\omega_{i}\omega_{j} = \frac{1}{2}L_{j}\omega_{j}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Setup: I'll start off by defining an inertial coordinate system [itex]\hat{x}'[/itex] Also successive rotations of this coordinate system will be given by [itex] \hat{x}'',\hat{x}''',...[/itex] etc. Eventually I want to build to a body frame [itex] \hat{x} [/itex].

Rotation 1: about the [itex] \hat{x_3}' [/itex] axis by an angle [itex] \theta [/itex] given by the rotation matrix [itex]\mathbf{A}[/itex]

[itex]\begin{pmatrix}x''_1\\x''_2\\x''_3\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}\cos\theta&\sin\theta&0\\-\sin\theta&\cos\theta&0\\0&0&1\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}x'_1\\x'_2\\x'_3\end{pmatrix}[/itex]

Rotation 2: about the [itex] \hat{x_2}'' [/itex] axis by an angle [itex] \alpha [/itex] given by the rotation matrix [itex]\mathbf{B}[/itex]

[itex]\begin{pmatrix}x'''_1\\x'''_2\\x'''_3\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}\cos\alpha&0&-\sin\alpha\\0&1&0\\\sin\alpha&0&\cos\alpha\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}x''_1\\x''_2\\x''_3\end{pmatrix}[/itex]

Rotation 3: about the [itex] \hat{x_1}'''[/itex] axis by an angle [itex] ψ[/itex] given by the rotation matrix [itex]\mathbf{C}[/itex]

[itex] \begin{pmatrix}x\\y\\z\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}1&0&0\\0&\cos ψ&\sin ψ\\0&-\sin ψ&\cos ψ\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}x'''_1\\x'''_2\\x'''_3\end{pmatrix}[/itex]

So now I have [itex] \vec{x}=\mathbf{CBA}\vec{x}'[/itex] also [itex][\mathbf{CBA}]^{T}\vec{x}=\vec{x}' [/itex] which is a relationship between the inertial and body frames.

I can also get [itex] \vec{\omega} = \dot{\theta}\hat{x_3}'+\dot{ψ}\hat{x_1}''' [/itex]

Putting [itex] \vec{\omega} [/itex] into the body frame: [itex] \vec{\omega} = \begin{pmatrix}-\dot{\theta}\sin\alpha+\dot{ψ}\\\dot{\theta}\cos\alpha\sin ψ\\\dot{\theta}\cos\alpha\cos ψ \end{pmatrix}[/itex]

Okay now before I go any further I want to make sure what I have is correct. Also please if you find a mistake please explain in detail why it is wrong. I really want to get an understanding of rigid body rotations. I'm also attaching my drawing of the various transformations too, thanks in advance for your help.


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  • #2
Wavefunction said:

Homework Statement

A uniform right circular cone of height [itex]h[/itex], half angle [itex]α[/itex], and density [itex]ρ[/itex] rolls on its side without
slipping on a uniform horizontal plane in such a manner that it returns to its original position in
a time [itex]\tau[/itex]. Find expressions for the kinetic energy and the components of the angular momentum
of the cone. Hint: If [itex] \vec{v} = \vec{ω}\times\vec{r}[/itex] in the inertial frame, points on the cone instantaneously at rest
in this frame will lie in the direction of [itex]\vec{ω}[/itex].

Homework Equations


[itex] T_{rot}=\frac{1}{2}I_{ij}\omega_{i}\omega_{j} = \frac{1}{2}L_{j}\omega_{j}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Setup: I'll start off by defining an inertial coordinate system [itex]\hat{x}'[/itex] Also successive rotations of this coordinate system will be given by [itex] \hat{x}'',\hat{x}''',...[/itex] etc. Eventually I want to build to a body frame [itex] \hat{x} [/itex].

Rotation 1: about the [itex] \hat{x_3}' [/itex] axis by an angle [itex] \theta [/itex] given by the rotation matrix [itex]\mathbf{A}[/itex]

[itex]\begin{pmatrix}x''_1\\x''_2\\x''_3\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}\cos\theta&\sin\theta&0\\-\sin\theta&\cos\theta&0\\0&0&1\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}x'_1\\x'_2\\x'_3\end{pmatrix}[/itex]

Rotation 2: about the [itex] \hat{x_2}'' [/itex] axis by an angle [itex] \alpha [/itex] given by the rotation matrix [itex]\mathbf{B}[/itex]

[itex]\begin{pmatrix}x'''_1\\x'''_2\\x'''_3\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}\cos\alpha&0&-\sin\alpha\\0&1&0\\\sin\alpha&0&\cos\alpha\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}x''_1\\x''_2\\x''_3\end{pmatrix}[/itex]

Rotation 3: about the [itex] \hat{x_1}'''[/itex] axis by an angle [itex] ψ[/itex] given by the rotation matrix [itex]\mathbf{C}[/itex]

[itex] \begin{pmatrix}x\\y\\z\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}1&0&0\\0&\cos ψ&\sin ψ\\0&-\sin ψ&\cos ψ\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}x'''_1\\x'''_2\\x'''_3\end{pmatrix}[/itex]

So now I have [itex] \vec{x}=\mathbf{CBA}\vec{x}'[/itex] also [itex][\mathbf{CBA}]^{T}\vec{x}=\vec{x}' [/itex] which is a relationship between the inertial and body frames.

I can also get [itex] \vec{\omega} = \dot{\theta}\hat{x_3}'+\dot{ψ}\hat{x_1}''' [/itex]

Putting [itex] \vec{\omega} [/itex] into the body frame: [itex] \vec{\omega} = \begin{pmatrix}-\dot{\theta}\sin\alpha+\dot{ψ}\\\dot{\theta}\cos\alpha\sin ψ\\\dot{\theta}\cos\alpha\cos ψ \end{pmatrix}[/itex]

Okay now before I go any further I want to make sure what I have is correct. Also please if you find a mistake please explain in detail why it is wrong. I really want to get an understanding of rigid body rotations. I'm also attaching my drawing of the various transformations too, thanks in advance for your help.

The Inertia tensor for a rotatons about the apex of the cone is:

[itex]\mathbf{J} = \begin{pmatrix}\frac{3MR^2}{10}&0&0\\0&\frac{3Mh^2}{5}+\frac{3MR^2}{20}&0\\0&0&\frac{3Mh^2}{5}+\frac{3MR^2}{20}\end{pmatrix}[/itex]

The the expression for energy is: [itex] T_{rot} = \frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix}-\dot{\theta}\sin\alpha+\dot{ψ}&\dot{\theta}\cos\alpha\sin ψ &\dot{\theta}\cos\alpha\cos ψ \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}\frac{3MR^2}{10}&0&0\\0&\frac{3Mh^2}{5}+\frac{3MR^2}{20}&0\\0&0&\frac{3Mh^2}{5}+\frac{3MR^2}{20}\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}-\dot{\theta}\sin\alpha+\dot{ψ}\\\dot{\theta}\cos\alpha\sin ψ\\\dot{\theta}\cos\alpha\cos ψ \end{pmatrix}[/itex]

[itex] = \frac{1}{2}[\frac{3MR^2}{10}(-\dot{\theta}\sin\alpha+\dot{\psi})^2+(\frac{3Mh^2}{5}+\frac{3MR^2}{20})(\dot{\theta})^2\cos^2\alpha] [/itex]

[itex] = \frac{1}{2}[\frac{3MR^2}{10}[(\dot{\theta})^2\sin^2\alpha-2\dot{\theta}\dot{\psi}\sin\alpha+\dot{\psi}^2]+(\frac{3Mh^2}{5}+\frac{3MR^2}{20})(\dot{\theta})^2\cos^2\alpha] [/itex]

Also [itex] \vec{L} = \begin{pmatrix}\frac{3MR^2}{10}&0&0\\0&\frac{3Mh^2}{5}+\frac{3MR^2}{20}&0\\0&0&\frac{3Mh^2}{5}+\frac{3MR^2}{20}\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix}-\dot{\theta}\sin\alpha+\dot{ψ}\\\dot{\theta}\cos\alpha\sin ψ\\\dot{\theta}\cos\alpha\cos ψ \end{pmatrix}[/itex]

[itex] = \begin{pmatrix}\frac{3MR^2}{10}(-\dot{\theta}\sin\alpha+\dot{\psi})\\\dot{\theta}(\frac{3Mh^2}{5}+\frac{3MR^2}{20})\cos\alpha \sin\psi \\\dot{\theta}(\frac{3Mh^2}{5}+\frac{3MR^2}{20})\cos\alpha \cos\psi \end{pmatrix}[/itex]

Related to Rotation of a cone rolling on its side without slipping on a plane

1. What is the motion of a cone rolling on its side without slipping on a plane?

The motion of a cone rolling on its side without slipping on a plane is a combination of rotational and translational motion. The cone rotates around its axis while also moving forward without sliding or slipping.

2. What factors affect the speed of a cone rolling on its side without slipping?

The speed of a cone rolling on its side without slipping is affected by the radius of the cone, the angle at which it is tilted, and the coefficient of friction between the cone and the surface it is rolling on.

3. How does the shape of the cone affect its rolling motion?

The shape of the cone affects its rolling motion in terms of its radius and angle of tilt. A cone with a smaller radius and a steeper tilt will have a faster rolling speed compared to a cone with a larger radius and a shallower tilt.

4. Can a cone roll without slipping on any surface?

No, a cone can only roll without slipping on a surface with a certain coefficient of friction. If the surface is too slippery, the cone will slip and slide instead of rolling. If the surface is too rough, the cone will not be able to roll smoothly.

5. Is the motion of a cone rolling without slipping considered uniform or non-uniform?

The motion of a cone rolling without slipping can be considered both uniform and non-uniform. The rotational motion is uniform since the cone rotates at a constant speed, but the translational motion is non-uniform as the cone's speed increases or decreases depending on its radius and angle of tilt.

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