Rotational Dynamics, centre of mass.

In summary, the conversation is about determining the angular acceleration and acceleration of the center of mass of a uniform plate after it is released from its connection at point B. The equations used to solve for these values are the linear equilibrium equation and the rotational equilibrium equation. The key factor to consider is the lever arm, which is the distance from the pivot point (upper left corner of the disk) to the center of mass. After considering this, the correct values for the angular acceleration and acceleration of the center of mass can be found.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A uniform plate of mass m is suspended in the way shown. determine immediately after the connection at B has been released ;:
A) angular aceleration of plate
B) acceleration of its centre of mass


Homework Equations

before b is detached
t1 + t2 = mg (Linear equillibrium)
t1 x c/2 = t2 x c/2 (rotational eqb)
so t1 = t2 = mg/2

The Attempt at a Solution

immediately after B is opened ::
axis of rotation thru A. for Torque of mg = mg x c/2 ....1
also torque = Ia = moment of intertia x angular acceleration = (1/2 x m(c2 + c2/4) + 5mc2/4) x a

so 'a' = 1.2g/c

but that is not the answer.If you could please explain the Theory Involved and a general approach to solve the questions, i would be very thankful.


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  • #2
the pivot point is going to be the upper left corner of the disk, right? You got to remember that the torque is not going to = mg or mg x c/2. You need to consider only the part of the gravitational force perpendicular to the lever arm (whose length you will need to figure out, it is the length from the center to the A corner of the plate).
  • #3
dont we consider the perpendicular length from the centre of mass, so that will be c/2.

now even if we take the distance from centre to left corner, it will be c2/4 + c2/16 = 5c2/16.

so torque will be mg x [tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex]c/4

and equating it to Ia = (5mc2/8 + 5mc2/4)a

gives a = 2[tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex]g/15c

but the actual answer given is 24g/17c.


FAQ: Rotational Dynamics, centre of mass.

1. What is rotational dynamics?

Rotational dynamics is a branch of physics that deals with the motion of objects that rotate around a fixed axis. It involves the study of torque, angular velocity, and angular acceleration.

2. What is the centre of mass?

The centre of mass is the point at which an object's mass is evenly distributed in all directions. In rotational dynamics, it is the point around which an object will rotate without experiencing any external torque.

3. How is rotational motion different from linear motion?

Rotational motion refers to the movement of an object around a fixed axis, while linear motion refers to movement in a straight line. In rotational dynamics, the laws of motion are slightly different, and torque is used instead of force.

4. What is the significance of the moment of inertia in rotational dynamics?

The moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to rotational motion. It depends on the object's mass and its distribution around the axis of rotation. It is an essential concept in rotational dynamics and is used to calculate the object's angular acceleration.

5. How is rotational motion applied in real-life situations?

Rotational dynamics has many real-life applications, such as in the design of machinery, vehicles, and sports equipment. It is also used in understanding the motion of celestial bodies, such as planets and satellites. Rotational motion is also essential in the study of the human body and its movements.

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