Rotational Equilibrium problem

In summary, we have a problem where one end of a 4.00-m-long uniform rod, with a weight w, is supported by a cable while the other end rests against a wall with a coefficient of static friction of 0.500. The task is to determine the minimum distance x from point A, where the rod hits the wall, at which an additional weight w can be hung without causing the rod to slip at point A. To solve this problem, we can use Newton's law in the x and y directions and count the number of equations we need. We can also choose any point as an axis of rotation, such as the center of mass, either end of the rod, or any point where an unknown force is acting
  • #1
One end of a uniform 4.00-m-long rod of weight w (Fg) is supported by a cable. The other end rests against the wall, where it is held by friction. The coefficient of static friction between the wall and the rod = 0.500. Determine the minimum distance x from point A at which an additional weight w (the same as the weight of the rod) can be hung without causing the rod to slip at point A.

Not sure how to tackle this one. Seperated tension force and friction force into x and y components. Just unsure of what to do with torques.
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  • #2
Well, if it isn't rotating the sum of the torques is zero.

Where's the point x?
  • #3
Hello sorry for being so sloppy, even left out the angle. It's kind of situated like this but not quite. Except the angle is at the bottom right and is 37 degrees above horizontal (North of west I guess?) Point A is all the way to the bottom left where the rod hits the wall. Point B is all the way at the right end of the rod. X is the distance from A to the hanging weight.
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  • #4
joe889 said:
One end of a uniform 4.00-m-long rod of weight w (Fg) is supported by a cable. The other end rests against the wall, where it is held by friction. The coefficient of static friction between the wall and the rod = 0.500. Determine the minimum distance x from point A at which an additional weight w (the same as the weight of the rod) can be hung without causing the rod to slip at point A.

Not sure how to tackle this one. Seperated tension force and friction force into x and y components. Just unsure of what to do with torques.

The bad thing about rotational equilibrium problems is the number of unknowns. The nice thing is we can take any axis we like as an axis of rotation. :cool:

My advice is to do Newton's law in the x and y directions first and count the number of new equations you need. (If you've got "n" unknowns, you need "n" equations.) Then all you need to do is find enough axes of "rotation" to get the rest of the equations you need. To use the torque equation you need to pick an axis of rotation. If nothing is rotating we can pick any point in space we want for a rotation axis. Good points to consider:

1) CM. Always a good choice.
2) If there is a rod in the problem, either end of the rod.
3) ANY point at which an unknown force acts on. The reasoning here is that this force has no moment-arm at this axis, so it drops out of the torque equation.
4) Any other point at which a force is acting on. Same argument as above, but here we are just trying to find a new equation.

The problem with choosing axes of rotation is that some axes give an equation that you already know. The above 4 choices of axis usually give you new equations to work with. (I make no promises, it depends on the physical system. But you should get at least SOME independent equations out of them.)


FAQ: Rotational Equilibrium problem

1. What is rotational equilibrium?

Rotational equilibrium is a state in which an object is not rotating or accelerating around its axis. This means that the net torque acting on the object is zero, resulting in a stable and balanced position.

2. What factors affect rotational equilibrium?

The two main factors that affect rotational equilibrium are the magnitude and direction of the applied forces, and the distance between the forces and the axis of rotation. Additionally, the mass and shape of the object also play a role in determining rotational equilibrium.

3. How do you calculate torque in a rotational equilibrium problem?

Torque is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the force by the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to the line of action of the force. The direction of the torque is determined by the right-hand rule, where the thumb points in the direction of the force and the fingers curl in the direction of rotation.

4. What are the conditions for rotational equilibrium to occur?

In order for rotational equilibrium to occur, two conditions must be met. First, the net force acting on the object must be zero, meaning that the object is not accelerating. Second, the net torque acting on the object must also be zero, resulting in no rotation. These conditions are often referred to as Newton's First and Second Laws of Motion.

5. How does rotational equilibrium apply to real-life situations?

Rotational equilibrium is applicable in a wide range of real-life situations, such as balancing objects on a seesaw, designing structures like bridges and buildings, and understanding the movement of objects in sports like figure skating and gymnastics. It is also essential in the functioning of many mechanical devices, such as gears and pulleys.

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