Rotational motion pendulum problem

In summary, the conversation discusses solving a physics problem involving a tension force and gravity. The problem involves finding the inward radial component of the tension force, which can be expressed as the horizontal component of the tension force. The solution involves using trigonometry to find the radius and solving for velocity using two equations. The final expression for velocity is the square root of the product of the gravitational force, the sine of the angle, the length of the string, and the sine of the angle again, all divided by the mass.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

ƩF = ma

The Attempt at a Solution

I know how to break this problem up into the x and y direction

Y Direction:
Ft cosθ - Fg = 0

X Direction:
Ft sinθ - Fg = mv2 / r

The hint says to find the inward radial component. I'm guessing this means to find r, because I think that is the only thing missing for me to solve this. To find r I think I would use some combination of the length of the string and theta, but don't exactly know.

Thanks for any help!
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  • #2
The "inward radial component of the string's tension" is just the horizontal component of the the tension force (i.e., what you called the X component of Ft).

You've got -Fg acting in both the Y-direction and X-direction?

You should be able to express r in terms of d and theta using trig on an appropriate right triangle.

You'll have two unknowns, Ft and v. But you'll also have two equations. Try eliminating Ft and solving for v.
  • #3
When it was talking about the vertical and inward radial components, it was talking about finding Fty and Ftx, which is what you have already done. You know r because you know d and θ. Just solve the two equations for v, and you're all set.
  • #4
There is no -Fg in the x direction, silly me.
r = Ft sinθ?

Y Direction:
Ft cosθ - Fg = 0
Ft = Fg / cosθ ??

X Direction:
Ft sinθ = mv2 / r
(Fg / cosθ)sinθ = mv2 / (Fg / cosθ)sinθ

? lol I am so confused
  • #5
joe426 said:
There is no -Fg in the x direction, silly me.
r = Ft sinθ?
Get an expression for r in terms of d and theta, not in terms of Ft and theta. Consider the right triangle where the string is the hypotenuse and the radius r is the side opposite theta.
Y Direction:
Ft cosθ - Fg = 0
Ft = Fg / cosθ ??
X Direction:
Ft sinθ = mv2 / r
(Fg / cosθ)sinθ = mv2 / (Fg / cosθ)sinθ

For r, use the expression derived from the right triangle mentioned above.
  • #6
TSny said:
Get an expression for r in terms of d and theta, not in terms of Ft and theta. Consider the right triangle where the string is the hypotenuse and the radius r is the side opposite theta.


For r, use the expression derived from the right triangle mentioned above.

Ohhh. r = dsinθ. Whick makes...

((mg / cosθ)sinθdsinθ) / m = v2

Then I would just take the square root of both sides.

Thanks for all the help again guys!

FAQ: Rotational motion pendulum problem

1. What is a rotational motion pendulum?

A rotational motion pendulum is a physical system consisting of a weight attached to a pivot point that is free to rotate about a fixed axis. It is commonly used to demonstrate the principles of harmonic motion and is often found in physics classrooms and laboratories.

2. What is the relationship between the length of a pendulum and its period?

The length of a pendulum is directly proportional to its period, which is the time it takes for one complete swing. This relationship is described by the equation T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the period, L is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. This means that as the length of the pendulum increases, the period also increases.

3. How does the mass of a pendulum affect its motion?

The mass of a pendulum does not affect its motion, as long as the length and amplitude (maximum angle of swing) remain constant. This is because the acceleration due to gravity is independent of an object's mass. However, a heavier pendulum will have a greater inertia and require more force to change its motion.

4. How does air resistance impact the motion of a pendulum?

Air resistance can have a significant impact on the motion of a pendulum. As the pendulum swings through the air, it experiences drag force, which opposes its motion and causes it to eventually come to a stop. This can affect the period and amplitude of the pendulum's swing, making it less accurate in demonstrating the principles of harmonic motion.

5. What is a simple pendulum versus a compound pendulum?

A simple pendulum is a pendulum with a single point of support and a point mass at the end, while a compound pendulum has a more complex structure with multiple points of support and a distributed mass. The equations and principles used to describe the motion of a simple pendulum are different from those used for a compound pendulum.

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