Rotations in Bloch Sphere, and Free Parameters of a Qubit

In summary, the problem is that the number of free parameters for a qubit in a pure state is two, but the number of free parameters for a qubit in a possibly mixed state is three. Unitary operations work on qubits by rotating the sphere, but this requires three parameters (two for the direction *about which* the rotation takes place, and one more for the amount of the rotation). A greater number of parameters would imply a greater number of objects; if the number of possible rotations exceeds the number of possible vectors you can rotate, aren't some of the rotations redundant?
  • #1
This question is mostly about group theory but I would like to understand it in the context of qubits rotating in a Bloch Sphere.

What my understanding of things are right now:
In the rotation Lie Group ##SO(3)##, we have three free parameters (##\frac{n(n-1)}{2}##), and this is also why we end up with three generators for the group. The two dimensional complex matrix representation of ##SO(3)## (which is also a representation to the ##SU(2)## group) also has three generators, namely the Pauli matrices.

What the problem is about:
I can't understand how these facts relate to the number of free parameters in the 'representation space' on which these matrix representations act. For example, the representation space for the 3x3 matrices representing ##SO(3)## would be the column vectors spanned by the standard basis ##e_1, e_2, e_3##.

How it relates to qubits:
If we consider a general complex 2-vector (in Dirac notation):
r_{1}e^{\iota\phi_{1}}{|{0}>} + r_{2}e^{\iota\phi_{2}}{|{1}>}
and use the idea that the global phase of the state is of no significance, we end up with a three parameter representation:
r_{1}{|{0}>} + r_{2}e^{\iota\phi^{'}}{|{1}>}
the free parameters being ##r_1, r_2## and ##\phi^{'}##. Now, if we add the condition of the normalization of the qubit, we get another constraint on these three parameters, and we end up with inly two free parameters. But this is enough to place the qubit exactly on the Bloch Sphere - ##\theta## is the azimuthal angle and ##\phi## is the polar angle. (the surface of the Bloch Sphere is fixed, so we only need two angular spherical coordinates and no ##r##).

What the problem is:
All single qubit quantum gates are unitary and thus belong to the group ##U(2)## which has three free parameters. If the quantum gates are to perform rotations on these qubits, shouldn't the qubits - being the representation space of the group of quantum gates - have three parameters (not two)? Is it possible that the Bloch Sphere can't represent all possible qubits?
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  • #2
modulus said:
This question is mostly about group theory but I would like to understand it in the context of qubits rotating in a Bloch Sphere.

What my understanding of things are right now:
In the rotation Lie Group ##SO(3)##, we have three free parameters (##\frac{n(n-1)}{2}##), and this is also why we end up with three generators for the group. The two dimensional complex matrix representation of ##SO(3)## (which is also a representation to the ##SU(2)## group) also has three generators, namely the Pauli matrices.

What the problem is about:
I can't understand how these facts relate to the number of free parameters in the 'representation space' on which these matrix representations act. For example, the representation space for the 3x3 matrices representing ##SO(3)## would be the column vectors spanned by the standard basis ##e_1, e_2, e_3##.

How it relates to qubits:
If we consider a general complex 2-vector (in Dirac notation):
r_{1}e^{\iota\phi_{1}}{|{0}>} + r_{2}e^{\iota\phi_{2}}{|{1}>}
and use the idea that the global phase of the state is of no significance, we end up with a three parameter representation:
r_{1}{|{0}>} + r_{2}e^{\iota\phi^{'}}{|{1}>}
the free parameters being ##r_1, r_2## and ##\phi^{'}##. Now, if we add the condition of the normalization of the qubit, we get another constraint on these three parameters, and we end up with inly two free parameters. But this is enough to place the qubit exactly on the Bloch Sphere - ##\theta## is the azimuthal angle and ##\phi## is the polar angle. (the surface of the Bloch Sphere is fixed, so we only need two angular spherical coordinates and no ##r##).

What the problem is:
All single qubit quantum gates are unitary and thus belong to the group ##U(2)## which has three free parameters. If the quantum gates are to perform rotations on these qubits, shouldn't the qubits - being the representation space of the group of quantum gates - have three parameters (not two)? Is it possible that the Bloch Sphere can't represent all possible qubits?
Qubits in a pure state are points on the Block sphere. Two parameters needed to fix a point on the sphere. Qubits in possibly mixed states are points *in* the "Bloch ball". Three parameters. A unitary operation works on qubits by rotating the sphere. Three parameters needed: two for the direction *about which* the rotation takes place, and one more for the amount of the rotation.
  • #3
Three parameters. A unitary operation works on qubits by rotating the sphere. Three parameters needed: two for the direction *about which* the rotation takes place, and one more for the amount of the rotation.

This is precisely what is troubling me. We need three parameters to define the rotation, and yet the object we are rotating has only two free parameters. Shouldn't the number of free parameters for both be the same? A greater number of parameters would imply a greater number of objects; if the number of possible rotations exceeds the number of possible vectors you can rotate, aren't some of the rotations redundant?

Also, given an axis and angle of rotation, I know how to construct a rotation in 3-dimensional space (and its corresponding 3x3 matrix), but the corresponding construction in the Bloch Sphere and it's relation to a 2x2 unitary matrix is unclear.

Qubits in a pure state are points on the Block sphere. Two parameters needed to fix a point on the sphere. Qubits in possibly mixed states are points *in* the "Bloch ball".

How is it that we represent mixed states using only three parameters - wouldn't you require three parameters for every contributing pure state?
  • #4
Why should a description of how to modify a state have the same number of parameters as the state itself?

Consider the space of functions that operate on an ##n## bit number. There are way, way more than ##n## (the number of parameters for the space) or ##2^n## (the size of the state space) such functions. Instead, there's ##(2^n)^{(2^n)}## of them!

A point on the surface of a sphere takes two parameters to describe. Rotations take three parameters to describe. The operations have more degrees of freedom than the state. So what? The operations are still all distinct. They're still all linear and unitary. I don't see the problem.
  • #5
Strilanc said:
Consider the space of functions that operate on an ##n## bit number. There are way, way more than ##n## (the number of parameters for the space) or ##2^n## (the size of the state space) such functions. Instead, there's ##(2^n)^{(2^n)}## of them!

Okay, I understand now. There is no reason for the representation space and the group's representation to be required to have the same number of parameters. I don't know why I felt that was necessary.

Thanks for the example, I really needed it.

FAQ: Rotations in Bloch Sphere, and Free Parameters of a Qubit

1. What is a Bloch Sphere and how is it used to represent qubits?

A Bloch Sphere is a geometric representation of the state of a qubit in quantum mechanics. It is a three-dimensional sphere where the north and south poles represent the two basis states of the qubit, usually denoted as |0⟩ and |1⟩. The equator represents a superposition of these two states, and any point on the sphere corresponds to a unique quantum state. This sphere is useful for visualizing and understanding the behavior of qubits in quantum systems.

2. How do rotations in the Bloch Sphere affect the state of a qubit?

Rotations in the Bloch Sphere correspond to operations on the qubit, such as applying gates or measurements. These rotations change the state of the qubit by altering the amplitudes and phases of the basis states. For example, a rotation around the equator by an angle θ corresponds to a phase shift of e on the |0⟩ state and e-iθ on the |1⟩ state.

3. What are the free parameters of a qubit?

The free parameters of a qubit refer to the variables that can be adjusted to change the state of the qubit. These include the amplitudes and phases of the basis states, as well as the angles of rotations on the Bloch Sphere. In general, a single qubit can have at most four free parameters, but this can vary depending on the specific quantum system.

4. How do we determine the state of a qubit using the Bloch Sphere representation?

The state of a qubit can be determined by finding the point on the Bloch Sphere that corresponds to the amplitudes and phases of the basis states. This can be done by performing measurements on the qubit and using the outcomes to calculate the probabilities of each basis state. These probabilities can then be used to determine the coordinates of the point on the Bloch Sphere that represents the state of the qubit.

5. Can the Bloch Sphere representation be extended to multiple qubits?

Yes, the Bloch Sphere representation can be extended to multiple qubits. In this case, the Bloch Sphere becomes a higher-dimensional object, with each qubit represented by its own sphere. The state of the entire system can then be represented by a point in this multi-dimensional Bloch Sphere, with each coordinate corresponding to the state of a specific qubit. This extended representation is useful for understanding and visualizing the behavior of entangled qubit systems.
