Rotations of Earth and other Rigid Bodies

In summary, a one-parameter action of SO(3) is sufficient to model rotations of a spherical body, but the action is not realistic for a body that has a non-spherical mass distribution or external torques.
  • #1
Peaks Freak
Does anyone know of a good mathematical reference covering the use of one-parameter group actions to model rotations of planets and/or other rigid bodies?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
It's not that simple. The Earth is not a spherical body, so it undergoes nutation and precession as well as rotating.

That said, the International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service (IERS) is the official organization that defines reference frames used for navitation and astronomy. See .

I also suggest "Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications", 3rd Edition, David Vallado.
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  • #3
Thanks for the reply.

Since I'm mostly interested in the geometry and mathematics involved, I'm assuming that Earth is spherical. My main concern is the use of one-parameter group actions to model time-dependent rotations. As a mathematician, whose specialties are far afield from physics and astronomy, I'm not sure of the right search terms to use here. Kinematics? Dynamical Systems?

Any further help/insight would be appreciated!

  • #4
OK, I think I've formulated a better question, one closer to my actual confusion.

In geometric terms, we define a rotation to be an orientation-preserving isometry that fixes some point p. Thus, a rotation is a map with properties.

In everyday terms, however, a rotation is a time-dependent, physical process. We observe rotations over time, the rotating rigid body passing through a continuum of orientations in between its starting and ending positions.

Whereas the former definition is of a particular kind of map, the second surely involves an action of the real numbers (acting as the passage of time). I'd like to conclude that this action is simply a one-parameter action of SO(3), but don't have experience with this physical setting. Do you know of a reference that addresses this scenario?

Also, does this conversation better belong in a different forum?

  • #5
Peaks Freak said:
I'd like to conclude that this action is simply a one-parameter action of SO(3), but don't have experience with this physical setting.
That is only true for a body that has a spherical mass distribution and no external torques -- Not a particularly interesting or realistic situation.

FAQ: Rotations of Earth and other Rigid Bodies

1. How fast does the Earth rotate?

The Earth rotates at a constant speed of approximately 1,037 miles per hour at the equator. This speed decreases as you move closer to the poles.

2. What causes the Earth to rotate?

The Earth's rotation is caused by the initial angular momentum it acquired during its formation, as well as the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun.

3. How long does it take for the Earth to complete one rotation?

The Earth takes approximately 24 hours, or one day, to complete one rotation on its axis. This is what gives us our day and night cycle.

4. Do all planets rotate at the same speed?

No, the rotation speeds of planets vary depending on their size, mass, and distance from the Sun. For example, Jupiter takes less than 10 hours to rotate, while Venus takes about 243 Earth days.

5. Can the rotation of the Earth change?

Yes, although the Earth's rotation is currently very stable, it can be affected by external forces such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the redistribution of mass on its surface. These changes are usually very small and have no significant impact on our daily lives.
