RSA Explained: Intro for Layman, Number Theory Basics

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  • Thread starter matqkks
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In summary, the RSA algorithm is a method of encrypting and decrypting numbers using a public and private key pair. It relies on the difficulty of factoring large numbers to ensure the security of the encryption. It is often explained using modular arithmetic and requires some understanding of number theory.
  • #1
I am looking for any resources which explain the RSA algorithm for the layman. I have found a number of sources but they all tend to end with a morass of technical details. This is for a first year undergraduate course in number theory who have covered some basic work on modular arithmetic.
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  • #2
matqkks said:
I am looking for any resources which explain the RSA algorithm for the layman. I have found a number of sources but they all tend to end with a morass of technical details. This is for a first year undergraduate course in number theory who have covered some basic work on modular arithmetic.

Hi matqkks,

It seems to me the explanation here is about as simple as it gets.Long story short, we encrypt numbers $m$ with the public key as:
$$\text{encrypted number} = m^{\text{public key}} \bmod n$$
and we decrypt them with the private key:
$$m = \text{encrypted number}^{\text{private key}} \bmod n$$
where $n = pq$ is the product of 2 large prime numbers.The schema hinges on the fact that it's very difficult to find $p$ and $q$ given $n$.
The article explains how to get a $(\text{public key}, \text{private key})$ pair given $p$ and $q$.
It also means that anyone can encrypt a message, but only someone with access to the $\text{private key}$ can decrypt a message.
  • #3
I agree completely with the previous post. You should read the Wikipedia article. Using the notation there, given an integer x, the encoded x is $x^e\text{ mod}(n)$ The decoding $f$ is such that $ef\equiv1\text{ mod}(\phi(n))$ Then for $x$ prime to $n$, $x^{ef}\equiv x\text{ mod}(n)$. However, it should still work for x's not prime to n. You might try your hand at this. Hint: the Chinese remainder theorem is helpful.

FAQ: RSA Explained: Intro for Layman, Number Theory Basics

What is RSA encryption and how does it work?

RSA encryption is a method of encrypting data by using a public and private key system. The public key is used to encrypt the data, while the private key is used to decrypt it. This ensures that only the intended recipient can access the encrypted data.

Why is RSA encryption considered secure?

RSA encryption is considered secure because it is based on the difficulty of factoring large numbers. The larger the prime numbers used in the encryption process, the more difficult it is for someone to decrypt the data without the private key.

What is number theory and why is it important for understanding RSA encryption?

Number theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the properties and relationships of numbers. It is important for understanding RSA encryption because it provides the mathematical basis for the security of the algorithm.

What are the potential vulnerabilities of RSA encryption?

One potential vulnerability of RSA encryption is if the prime numbers used in the encryption process are not truly random or if they are too small, making it easier for someone to decrypt the data without the private key. Another vulnerability is if the private key is compromised or stolen.

Can RSA encryption be broken?

In theory, RSA encryption can be broken if someone is able to factor the large numbers used in the algorithm. However, with sufficiently large prime numbers, it is currently considered secure and has not been broken in practice. As technology and computing power advance, it is important to regularly update the key size to maintain security.
