Rth = (8 || 12) + 36 = 74.2 Ohms

In summary: The procedure for finding the Thevenin resistance involves suppressing the fixed sources. For voltage sources that means replacing them with a short circuit (basically a wire), and for current source, replacing them with an open circuit (removing them). In this problem, suppressing the voltage source places the 8 and 12 Ohm resistors in parallel.The circuit with the sources suppressed:
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the thevenin equivalent of the cicuit shown below with V=500 V and i=10 A

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

So, to solve this, I used my instructors method of first finding the Rth. So, what I did was set the independent sources to 0(based on the fact that Rsource doesn't change based on Vth), and tried to solve for the resistance. I used the y-Δ transformation on the three at the bottom and got my Rsource. However, I am confused as to if this is right or if I am allowed to do that. I got Rsource to be 74.2 ohms, and that doesn't look correct, so I can't really move from there.
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  • #2
Hi roinujo1,

You're right, your result doesn't look correct. You'll have to show the details of your work if we're to spot what went wrong. I will mention, though, that if the sources are suppressed the 8 Ω resistor becomes parallel to the 12 Ω resistor, so the "Y" disappears. You might want to spend a bit more time redrawing and simplifying the circuit before bringing out the Y-Δ machinery :smile:.
  • #3
Thank you soo much for the reply.So, I did some reworking and got an answer to the problem. For the resistance, I got Rth=7.5 ohms.
Before we move on, is this correct? And, is it in parallel because if we remove the independent sources the only "current that should be flowing is from the a to the b nodes? I really am having trouble using the open and short circuit stuff.

So, after that, i used mesh current analysis to find what the Ishortcircuit is. To do this, I simplified the 3 resistors at the bottom to 10 ohms:

Sorr for the shitty drawing. So basically, I found i1 and i2 and said i1 is=ix and ix=Isc. So, I found the Vth by using Isc/Rth.
  • #4
Your result of 7.5 Ω for the Thevenin resistance looks good. But I'm having my doubts about your simplification in the latest diagram. In particular, the reduction of the three resistors to the 10 Ω value looks dubious, as the current source and 30 Ω resistor are connected to related nodes.

Here's a trick you can try. Convert the current source and its 30 Ω resistor to their Thevenin equivalent. Then note that the "new" voltage source sits atop the 500 V voltage source which gives it a fixed potential of 500 V above the reference node b. It's perfectly legal to duplicate the 500 V source and move the connection of the new Thevenin model away from that node, provided that the new 500 V source is connected to node b as well. Like this:

Convert current source to voltage source, then:


Now you can proceed to simplify this new layout.
  • #5
Thanks for the response again! I really wish I could use this technique, I don't understand it enough and chicked out. What I ended up doing is mesh analysis, but this time using the original 3 resistors without combining them:

And I found i1=69.97 A,i2=56.67 A, and i3=26.67 A

i2=ishort circuit

I then used ohms law to get the Vth=Rth*ishort circuit which i got to =425.03 V approximately.

How about that?
  • #6
That looks good.
  • #7
Thank you so much for the help! Could you by chance help me understnad why the 8 and 12 are in parallel?Are they in parallel because if we remove the independent sources the only "current" that should be flowing is from the a to the b nodes?
  • #8
roinujo1 said:
Thank you so much for the help! Could you by chance help me understnad why the 8 and 12 are in parallel?Are they in parallel because if we remove the independent sources the only "current" that should be flowing is from the a to the b nodes?
The procedure for finding the Thevenin resistance involves suppressing the fixed sources. For voltage sources that means replacing them with a short circuit (basically a wire), and for current source, replacing them with an open circuit (removing them). In this problem, suppressing the voltage source places the 8 and 12 Ohm resistors in parallel.

The circuit with the sources suppressed:
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FAQ: Rth = (8 || 12) + 36 = 74.2 Ohms

What is the Thevenin Equivalent?

The Thevenin Equivalent is a simplified representation of a complex electrical circuit that can be used to analyze and predict the behavior of the circuit. It is essentially a voltage source in series with a resistance, which is equivalent to the original circuit in terms of voltage and current.

Why is it important to find the Thevenin Equivalent?

Finding the Thevenin Equivalent allows us to simplify complex circuits into a single voltage source and resistance, making it easier to analyze and predict circuit behavior. It also allows us to determine the maximum power that can be transferred from the circuit to a load.

How do you find the Thevenin Equivalent?

To find the Thevenin Equivalent, you need to first remove the load from the circuit and determine the open circuit voltage. Then, short circuit all voltage sources and determine the resulting current. The Thevenin Equivalent voltage is equal to the open circuit voltage, and the resistance is equal to the open circuit voltage divided by the short circuit current.

What are the limitations of the Thevenin Equivalent?

The Thevenin Equivalent assumes that the circuit is linear and that the behavior of the circuit is predictable. It also does not take into account non-ideal components such as resistors with temperature-dependant resistance. Additionally, the Thevenin Equivalent may not accurately represent circuits with non-linear elements such as diodes or transistors.

How is the Thevenin Equivalent used in practical applications?

The Thevenin Equivalent is commonly used in circuit analysis and design to simplify complex circuits and predict their behavior. It is also used in electronic testing and troubleshooting to determine the maximum power that can be delivered to a load. Additionally, it is used in power systems to determine the maximum power that can be transmitted through a network.

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