Rudin PMA Theorem 1.21 Existence of nth roots of positive reals

Without further ado...In summary, the conversation discusses the existence of a positive real number y for any given real x>0 and n>0, and how this relates to the set E, which consists of all positive real numbers t such that tn<x. The proof provided by Rudin involves assuming yn<x and yn>x separately, and using inequalities to show that these assumptions lead to contradictions, ultimately proving that yn=x. The specific value of k=(yn-x)/(nyn-1) is chosen in order to show that y-k is an upper bound of E, which leads to the contradiction that y-k<y, thus proving that yn=x.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For every real x>0 and every n>0 there is one and only one positive real y s.t. yn=x

Homework Equations

0<y1<y2 ⇒ y1n<y2n
E is the set consisting of all positive real numbers t s.t. tn<x
t=[x/(x+1)]⇒ 0≤t<1. Therefore tn≤t<x. Thus t∈E and E is non-empty.
t>1+x ⇒ tn≥t>x, s.t. t∉E, and 1+x is an upper bound of E.
By the existence of an ordered field ℝ which has the least-upper-bound property we see y=SupE.

The identity bn-an=(b-a)(bn-1+abn-2+...+an-2b+an-1) yields the inequality bn-an<(b-a)nbn-1 when 0<a<b.

The Attempt at a Solution

Assume yn<x. Choose h so that 0<h<1 and

Put a=y, b=y+h. Then (y+h)n-yn<hn(y+h)n-1<hn(y+1)n-1<x-yn ⇒ (y+h)n<x and y+h∈E but y+h>y in contradiction to y=SupE.*Now herein lies my problem understanding this proof.*

Assume yn>x.

*Put k=(yn-x)/(nyn-1) Then 0<k<y. If t≥y-k, we may conclude
Thus tn>x, and t∉E.
It follows that y-k is an upper bound of E. However, y-k<y in contradiction to y=SupE.
Hence yn=x.

I have tried to go through this proof repeatedly in order to understand why Rudin has chosen an equality and the particular 'k' for this case.
If anyone could help elucidate this problem, i.e. the seemingly random selection of the k-equality, I would greatly appreciate the light shed upon this dark spot.

Thank you for your effort.
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  • #2
Thanks for the post! Sorry you aren't generating responses at the moment. Do you have any further information, come to any new conclusions or is it possible to reword the post?

FAQ: Rudin PMA Theorem 1.21 Existence of nth roots of positive reals

1. What is Theorem 1.21 in Rudin's PMA?

Theorem 1.21 in Rudin's PMA (Principles of Mathematical Analysis) states that for any positive real number x, there exists a positive real number y such that yn = x for any positive integer n.

2. Why is this theorem important?

This theorem is important because it guarantees the existence of nth roots of positive real numbers, which is a fundamental concept in mathematics. It allows us to perform operations such as taking square roots, cube roots, and higher roots of numbers, which are essential in many mathematical and scientific applications.

3. How does Rudin prove this theorem?

Rudin provides a proof by contradiction, assuming that there exists a positive real number x for which there is no nth root. He then uses the completeness axiom of the real numbers to construct a sequence of rational numbers that converge to x. However, this sequence does not have a limit in the rational numbers, leading to a contradiction and proving the existence of nth roots.

4. Can this theorem be extended to include negative real numbers?

No, this theorem only applies to positive real numbers. For negative real numbers, we would need to consider complex numbers and use a different approach to prove the existence of nth roots.

5. What are some real-world applications of this theorem?

This theorem has numerous applications in various fields of science, such as physics, engineering, and economics. For example, it is used in calculating compound interest, finding solutions to exponential growth and decay problems, and solving equations in mechanics and electromagnetism.

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