Rudin Thm 2.41: E Closed & Bounded if Every Inf Subset Has a Lmt Pt

  • Thread starter Dschumanji
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In summary: This is actually something I like about Rudin. I always took it as a challenge to understand the material well enough to get why Rudin claimed something was obvious and this helped me learn the material properly. Just keep filling in all the details he leaves out and it will all seem obvious to you soon enough.Thanks for the feedback!
  • #1
I am currently reading Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Walter Rudin. I am a bit confused with theorem 2.41. He is trying to show at one point that if E is a set in ℝk and if every infinite subset of E has a limit point in E, then E is closed and bounded.

The proof starts by assuming that E is not bounded. He then says that if this is the case, then E contains points xn such that |xn| > n for each positive integer n. He then constructs a set S that contains all these points xn. Next he says "The set S ... is infinite and clearly has no limit point in ℝk..."

I don't see how it is obvious that there is no limit point in ℝk.
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  • #2
Dschumanji said:
I don't see how it is obvious that there is no limit point in ℝk.

Suppose S has a limit point and consider the ball of radius 1 about this point. Does it contain infinitely many elements of S?
  • #3
jgens said:
Suppose S has a limit point and consider the ball of radius 1 about this point. Does it contain infinitely many elements of S?
I see where you are heading. I came up with a proof using a similar idea:

Let p [itex]\in[/itex] ℝk and suppose that it is a limit point of S.

There exists a positive integer n such that n ≤ |p| < n+1. Let C be the set of all y [itex]\in[/itex] ℝk such that |y| < n+1. C is an open set and p [itex]\in[/itex] C, so there exists a neighborhood N around p such that N [itex]\subset[/itex] C.

Due to the construction of S, there can be at most n points of S in C and thus there can be at most n points in N. Since n is a finite number, p cannot be a limit point (theorem 2.20 of Rudin).

This shows there are no limit points in ℝk and thus no limit points in E. Therefore E must be bounded.

I believe that this proof is correct, but it hardly seems obvious.
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  • #4
Dschumanji said:
I believe that this proof is correct, but it hardly seems obvious.

Your proof is fine. Try not to worry about people like Rudin claiming that things are obvious. The more you learn and the more you get a feel for a particular subject, the more obvious things become.
  • #5
jgens said:
Your proof is fine. Try not to worry about people like Rudin claiming that things are obvious. The more you learn and the more you get a feel for a particular subject, the more obvious things become.
Thanks for the support!

It seems Rudin likes to use proof by intimidation more than anything. :-p
  • #6
Dschumanji said:
It seems Rudin likes to use proof by intimidation more than anything.

This is actually something I like about Rudin. I always took it as a challenge to understand the material well enough to get why Rudin claimed something was obvious and this helped me learn the material properly. Just keep filling in all the details he leaves out and it will all seem obvious to you soon enough.

FAQ: Rudin Thm 2.41: E Closed & Bounded if Every Inf Subset Has a Lmt Pt

1. What is Rudin Theorem 2.41?

Rudin Theorem 2.41 states that if a set E is closed and bounded, then every infinite subset of E must have a limit point.

2. What does it mean for a set to be closed and bounded?

A set is considered closed if it contains all of its limit points, and bounded if it has a finite upper and lower bound.

3. How does Rudin Theorem 2.41 relate to limit points?

Rudin Theorem 2.41 states that if a set E is closed and bounded, then every infinite subset of E must have a limit point. This means that there must be at least one point in the subset that is arbitrarily close to infinitely many points in the set E.

4. Can you provide an example of a set that satisfies Rudin Theorem 2.41?

One example of a set that satisfies Rudin Theorem 2.41 is the closed and bounded interval [0,1]. Any infinite subset of this interval, such as the set of all rational numbers in the interval, will have a limit point at 0 or 1.

5. What are the implications of Rudin Theorem 2.41 in mathematics?

Rudin Theorem 2.41 is a fundamental result in real analysis that helps to characterize closed and bounded sets. It also has important applications in the study of limits, continuity, and compactness.

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