Rules regarding the vector cross product and dot product

In summary, the conversation discusses the rules regarding the vector cross product and dot product in a mechanics module at Uni. The discussion focuses on the calculation of the cross product between vectors r and r_dot in polar coordinates and explains the need for a unit vector perpendicular to the plane of the two vectors. The correct formula for the cross product is given, as well as methods for calculating the magnitude of a vector and determining the angle between two vectors.
  • #1
hi, I'm currently doing a mechanics module at Uni. The thing is, I'm not very sure about rules regarding the vector cross product and dot product.

For example, it says in my notes for angular momentum:

"Introducing polar coordinates

[tex] \mathbf{r} = r(cos \Phi \mathbf{i} + sin \Phi \mathbf{j}) [/tex]

[tex] \mathbf{\dot{r}} = \dot{r} (cos \Phi \mathbf{i} + sin \Phi \mathbf{j}) + r \dot{\Phi}(-sin \Phi \mathbf{i} + cos \Phi \mathbf{j})[/tex]

The angular momentum about 0 is given by

[tex] \mathbf{h} = m \mathbf{r} \times \mathbf{\dot{r}} = mr^2 \dot{\Phi} \mathbf{k} [/tex]"

How do you get all those sin and cos functions to cancel out?! I mean what's going on here? How did the k suddenly appear?
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Physics news on
  • #2
ElDavidas said:
hi, I'm currently doing a mechanics module at Uni. The thing is, I'm not very sure about rules regarding the vector cross product and dot product.
For example, it says in my notes for angular momentum:
"Introducing polar coordinates
[tex] \mathbf{r} = r(cos \Phi \mathbf{i} + sin \Phi \mathbf{j}) [/tex]
[tex] \mathbf{\dot{r}} = \dot{r} (cos \Phi \mathbf{i} + sin \Phi \mathbf{j}) + r \dot{\Phi}(-sin \Phi \mathbf{i} + cos \Phi \mathbf{j})[/tex]
The angular momentum about 0 is given by
[tex] \mathbf{h} = m \mathbf{r} \times \mathbf{\dot{r}} = mr^2 \dot{\Phi} \mathbf{k} [/tex]"
How do you get all those sin and cos functions to cancel out?! I mean what's going on here? How did the k suddenly appear?

Well, the easy way out for you is just to calculate the vector product between r and r_dot. You have been given the components, so you should be able to do this. Try it and come back with your result...i will keep an eye on you :)


edit : keep in mind that those vectors are 3 D. You have a third k unit vector next to i and j but ofcourse the components in the k-direction are 0 for both vectors.

eg : for r you actually have [tex] \mathbf{r}= r(cos \Phi \mathbf{i} + sin \Phi \mathbf{j} + 0\mathbf{k}) [/tex]
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  • #3
marlon said:
Well, the easy way out for you is just to calculate the vector product between r and r_dot.

Ok, so the formula for calculating the cross product is

[tex] r \times \dot{r} = sin \alpha |r| |\dot{r}| [/tex]


[tex] r \times \dot{r} = sin \alpha |r(cos \Phi \mathbf{i} + sin \Phi \mathbf{j})| |\dot{r} (cos \Phi \mathbf{i} + sin \Phi \mathbf{j}) + r \dot{\Phi}(-sin \Phi \mathbf{i} + cos \Phi \mathbf{j}) | [/tex]

what do you do from here?
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  • #4
Well, there are actually two formula's for calculating a vector product
1) [tex] r \times \dot{r} = sin \alpha |r| |\dot{r}| \vec{k} [/tex]

the version you quoted is not entirely correct because a vector product will yield another vector perpendicular to the plane of the two vectors in the cross product. That is why i added the k vector because it is perpendicular to the (i,j)-plane.

2) determinant with in the first row the three unit vector i j k. In the second row the i,j,k-components of the first vector in the cross product. In the third row the i,j,k-components of the second vector in the cross product.

Using method 1) you need to

a) calculate the magnitude of a vector of which you have been given the components. The formula is :

[tex]| \vec{r}| = |a \vec{i} + b \vec{j} + c \vec{k}| = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2 + c^2}[/tex]

b) determine the angle between the vectors r and r_dot. ie what is the alpha ?


ps : try applying both methods.
  • #5
ElDavidas said:
Ok, so the formula for calculating the cross product is
[tex] r \times \dot{r} = sin \alpha |r| |\dot{r}| [/tex]

No, the LHS is a vector and the RHS is a scalar, so try to have a think about what you really mean.
  • #6
matt grime said:
No, the LHS is a vector and the RHS is a scalar, so try to have a think about what you really mean.
r x r' = ( |r| |r'| sin a )K
Where K is a perpendicular unit vector? (Perpendicular to r and r'?)
  • #7
Pseudo Statistic,

This question is already answered in the fourth post of this thread.

  • #8
marlon said:
Pseudo Statistic,
This question is already answered in the fourth post of this thread.
I know, but I wanted to see exactly. what matt grime was hinting at about the vector and scalar forms.
  • #9
Pseudo Statistic said:
I know, but I wanted to see exactly. what matt grime was hinting at about the vector and scalar forms.

Well, just the same. If you do not add the unitvector k (as the OP didn't) than you are not describing a vector but an ordinary number (ie the scalar). A vector consists out of a number (the component) and a unitvector.

In the case of a cross product, this unit vector in the RHS of the equation must be directed perpendicular to the plane of r and r_dot.

  • #10
Pseudo Statistic said:
I know, but I wanted to see exactly. what matt grime was hinting at about the vector and scalar forms.

hinting at? i was hinting at nothing, but merely observing that there was a mistake, one that marlon has adequately explained in my opinion.
  • #11
marlon said:
Well, there are actually two formula's for calculating a vector product
1) [tex] r \times \dot{r} = sin \alpha |r| |\dot{r}| \vec{k} [/tex]

Ok, so I follow the above formula I get:

[tex] |r| = r [/tex]

which seems right.

It then gets a bit messy

[tex] |\dot{r}| = \sqrt {\dot{r}^2( cos^2\Phi + sin^2\Phi) + r^2 \dot{\Phi}^2 (-sin^2\Phi + cos^2\Phi})} [/tex]
  • #12
ElDavidas said:
Ok, so I follow the above formula I get:
[tex] |r| = r [/tex]
which seems right.
It then gets a bit messy
[tex] |\dot{r}| = \sqrt {\dot{r}^2( cos^2\Phi + sin^2\Phi) + r^2 \dot{\Phi}^2 (-sin^2\Phi + cos^2\Phi})} [/tex]

This is incorrect.

The i component is [tex]\dot{r} cos \Phi - r \dot{\Phi} sin \Phi[/tex]
The j component is [tex]\dot{r} sin \Phi + r \dot{\Phi} cos \Phi[/tex]

Now, what is the magnitude ?

  • #13
marlon said:
Now, what is the magnitude ?

Ok, I get:

[tex] |\dot{r}| = \sqrt {\dot{r}^2 + r^2 \Phi^2}} [/tex]
  • #14
ElDavidas said:
Ok, I get:
[tex] |\dot{r}| = \sqrt {\dot{r}^2 + r^2 \Phi^2}} [/tex]

that is correct

now calculate the angle alpha.

It is easier to work with determinants though

  • #15
marlon is right. The determinant method for finding the cross product is the best way to solve this. You're just killing yourself doing it your way.
[tex]\vec{h} = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}\hat{i} & \hat{j} & \hat{k}\\r cos \phi & r sin \phi & 0\\ \dot{r}cos \phi - r \dot{\phi} sin \phi & \dot{r} sin \phi + r \dot{\phi} cos \phi & 0\end{array}\right)[/tex]
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  • #16
marlon said:
Dang, you're fast! :smile: Not only was your correction faster than mine, the correction was gone by time I could check how much you beat my correction by.
  • #17
It would be worthwhile to point out that i x j = - j x i = k, and i x i = j x j = k x k = 0.

Related to Rules regarding the vector cross product and dot product

1. What is the difference between the vector cross product and dot product?

The vector cross product is a mathematical operation that results in another vector, while the dot product results in a scalar value. The cross product takes into account the direction and magnitude of the two vectors, while the dot product only considers their magnitude.

2. How do you calculate the cross product and dot product of two vectors?

To calculate the cross product of two vectors, you can use the formula: A x B = (AyBz - AzBy, AzBx - AxBz, AxBy - AyBx). For the dot product, you can use the formula: A ∙ B = AxBx + AyBy + AzBz.

3. What are the properties of the vector cross product and dot product?

The cross product is anti-commutative, meaning A x B = -B x A, and distributive, meaning A x (B + C) = A x B + A x C. The dot product is commutative, meaning A ∙ B = B ∙ A, and distributive, meaning A ∙ (B + C) = A ∙ B + A ∙ C.

4. How are the vector cross product and dot product used in physics and engineering?

In physics, the cross product is used to calculate the torque on an object and the magnetic force on a charged particle. The dot product is used to calculate work, power, and the angle between two vectors. In engineering, the cross product is used to calculate moments of inertia and the dot product is used to calculate strain and stress in materials.

5. Can the vector cross product and dot product be applied to vectors in any dimension?

Yes, the vector cross product and dot product can be applied to vectors in any dimension, as long as the two vectors have the same number of components. However, the resulting cross product will only be defined in dimensions 2 and 3, while the dot product can be calculated in any dimension.
