Rutherford and electric force

In summary, Rutherford and electric force...Reilly Atkinson's summary of the conversation is that Rutherford thought that most of the alpha particles would pass through the cloud of positive charge if the thomson model was correct - but why did he think this would be the case? Apparently, the charge would be spread over a greater area so it would therefore be weaker, but surely electronstatic force has nothing to do with the size of an object - just its charge and distance from the other charged particle. Outside the atom there would be no difference.
  • #1
Rutherford and electric force...

Rutherford thought that most of the alpha particles would pass throught the cloud of positive charge if the thomson model was correct - but why did he think this would be the case? I've read that apparently the charge would be spread over a greater area so it would therefore be weaker, but surely electronstatic force has nothing to do with the size of an object - just its charge and distance from the other charged particle? Surely an alpha particle at distance X from gold atom would experience exactly the same sized repulsive force from the a gold atom whether this was concentrated in a nucleus or in a larger cloud? - both would have the same field as both have the same charge.

Am I wrong?

Thanks. :smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
If I recall correctly, Thompson's plum pudding model included the electrons embedded in the positive charged matrix. So the atom was, of course, neutral, and thus exerted little force on the incoming alpha particle. In a planetary model, the alpha particle can get inside any shielding due to electrons, and interact directly with the positively charged nucleus. The rest is history.
Reilly Atkinson
  • #3
Cheman said:
...surely electronstatic force has nothing to do with the size of an object - just its charge and distance from the other charged particle? Surely an alpha particle at distance X from gold atom would experience exactly the same sized repulsive force from the a gold atom whether this was concentrated in a nucleus or in a larger cloud? - both would have the same field as both have the same charge.
Outside the atom there would be no difference. But the alpha particle penetrates the atom and approaches the nucleus to 10^-14 meter or so. The coulomb field is very strong there (the potential is several miljon volts there).

If the nuclear charge would be spread out over the whole atom (10000 times larger) there would be no field close to the center. Compare it to the field of the Earth and the field of a black hole with the same mass. (Well, that is always attractive, but you get the idea.)
  • #4
Both of you have given a slightly different reason - which one is right?

On that point actually, although moving to a macromolecular scale, why does a black hole exert and greater gravitational force that a sun of the same mass? After all, gravity only relies on the mass of the 2 objects and the distance between them. (you only need to look at the equation. :wink: )

  • #5
It is the density that is critical, not the overall charge/mass itself. Take the example of the black hole.

While the gravitational field may be the same far from the balck hole as the sun, in the sun, once you pass through the surface of the sun, the gravitational field decreases until you get to the centre where it becomes zero. In a black hole, there is no such surface as all the mass is stored in a singularity (for want of a better word) in the centre of the black hole. This means that as you get closer to the black hole, the gravitational force will keep on rising, resulting in huge fields that make black holes as unique as they are.

The same analogy can be applied to the case of the atom/nucleus, in Thompsons model, the electrostatic force would begin to decrease as one penetrates the atom, whereas in Rutherford's model, the electrostatic forces increase rapidly as you penetrate the atom.


FAQ: Rutherford and electric force

What is Rutherford's atomic model?

Rutherford's atomic model, also known as the planetary model, describes the structure of an atom as a dense, positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons that orbit the nucleus in a circular motion.

What is the electric force?

The electric force, also known as the Coulomb force, is the attractive or repulsive force between two charged objects. It is caused by the interaction between the electric charges of the objects.

How did Rutherford discover the electric force?

Rutherford conducted the famous gold foil experiment, in which he bombarded a thin sheet of gold with positively charged particles. He observed that some of the particles were deflected, which led to the discovery of the positively charged nucleus and the existence of the electric force.

What is the relationship between electric force and distance?

According to Coulomb's law, the electric force between two charged objects is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This means that as the distance between two charged objects increases, the electric force between them decreases.

What is the significance of Rutherford's discovery of the electric force?

Rutherford's discovery of the electric force was a significant contribution to our understanding of the structure of atoms. It provided evidence for the existence of a positively charged nucleus and led to the development of the modern atomic model. It also laid the foundation for further research and advancements in the field of nuclear physics.

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