Rutherford scattering with Coulomb cutoff

In summary, Jackson discusses classical Rutherford scattering and how incorporating a cutoff in the Coulomb interaction can model electric screening. He suggests a scenario where a massive incident particle approaches a less massive target particle located at the origin, and the Coulomb potential has no cutoff. In the cutoff case, though, my thought is that the momentum transferred to the target in the direction parallel to the velocity will be non_zero in contrast to the no-cutoff case, and thus, when combined with the perpendicular momentum, will scatter the target at an angle.
  • #1
Reverend Shabazz
Hello, I am reading a section in Jackson discussing classical Rutherford scattering, and he mentions incorporating a cutoff in the Coulomb interaction in order to model electric screening. I am trying to understand how he applies this, as described below.

The set up is basically the classic Rutherford scattering set up with charges ##ze## and ##Ze## interacting with a small angle of deflection (i.e ##sin(\theta/2) \approx \theta/2##), leading to a differential scattering cross section of:

Now at ##\theta=0## of course the cross section is infinite, so he suggests modifying the Coulomb force interaction so as to drop off suddenly at ##r=a##:

So I am trying to understand how he obtains eq. 13.53...or at the very least what the set up is.

My guess is that he starts with a massive incident particle approaching a less massive target particle located at the origin. The massive incident particle is assumed to remain in a straight line, while the target particle deflects. But unlike the typical straight line approximation for this scenario, the typical Coulomb interaction remains the same only within a sphere of radius ##r=a## centered either on the origin or on the particle, beyond which the force is 0. Does this sound right?

Unfortunately, I couldn't find much on the internet pertaining to this question except for an article that I don't have access to:


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  • #2
I don't think he's doing anything more sophisticated than picking a functional form that behaves the way he wants: [itex] \theta^4 \rightarrow (\theta^2 + \theta_0^2)^2 [/itex] has the right large-angle and small-angle behavior.
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
I don't think he's doing anything more sophisticated than picking a functional form that behaves the way he wants: [itex] \theta^4 \rightarrow (\theta^2 + \theta_0^2)^2 [/itex] has the right large-angle and small-angle behavior.
I thought so too, but I have doubt since he prefaces that formula by saying:

or, in an older version of his book:

The wording sounds like he's doing more than approximating ##\theta##. But I could be wrong..

For the record, the question with solution for 13.1 is found here:
It is just the simple scenario where the incident particle remains on a straight line trajectory and the Coulomb potential has no cutoff. As such, the only momentum transferred is perpendicular to the incident's velocity (see section 1.1 here for details:

In the cutoff case, though, my thought is that the momentum transferred to the target in the direction parallel to the velocity will be non_zero in contrast to the no-cutoff case, and thus, when combined with the perpendicular momentum, will scatter the target at an angle. I would anticipate that, in calculating the resulting differential cross section, it would produce Jackson's result. Admittedly, I haven't tried slugging through the calculation yet.


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FAQ: Rutherford scattering with Coulomb cutoff

1. What is Rutherford scattering with Coulomb cutoff?

Rutherford scattering with Coulomb cutoff is a physical phenomenon that occurs when a charged particle, such as an alpha particle, passes close to a small, positively charged nucleus. The Coulomb cutoff refers to the minimum distance at which the Coulomb repulsion between the two particles becomes significant.

2. How does Rutherford scattering with Coulomb cutoff work?

When a charged particle approaches a small, positively charged nucleus, the Coulomb force between the two particles causes the charged particle to change direction and scatter. The Coulomb cutoff is the distance at which the Coulomb force between the two particles becomes strong enough to significantly alter the trajectory of the charged particle.

3. What is the significance of Rutherford scattering with Coulomb cutoff?

Rutherford scattering with Coulomb cutoff is significant because it provides evidence for the existence of a small, positively charged nucleus within an atom. It was a key experiment in the development of the atomic model and helped to disprove the previously held plum pudding model of the atom.

4. How is Rutherford scattering with Coulomb cutoff used in scientific research?

Rutherford scattering with Coulomb cutoff is used in a variety of scientific research, including nuclear physics, materials science, and medical physics. It can be used to study the structure and properties of materials, as well as to understand the behavior of particles at the atomic level.

5. Are there any limitations to Rutherford scattering with Coulomb cutoff?

Yes, there are some limitations to Rutherford scattering with Coulomb cutoff. One limitation is that it only applies to charged particles, so it cannot be used to study neutral particles. Additionally, the Coulomb cutoff may not accurately describe the behavior of particles at extremely close distances, where other forces may become significant.

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