Safe Speed of Frictionless Banked Turn

In summary, on banked turns, the horizontal component of the normal force can provide all of the needed centripetal force, reducing the need for friction to prevent skidding. For a turn banked at a certain angle, there is one speed for which no friction is required. To find this "safe speed" for a turn of radius 40.3 meters banked at 20.4 degrees, you can use the equations 2(pi)r/T = V and a = V^2/r, along with a free-body diagram for a car on a frictionless banked turn. By considering the net vertical force and the net horizontal force, you can eliminate the normal force and find an expression for the centripetal force.
  • #1

Homework Statement

On banked turns, the horizontal component of the normal force exerted by the road reduces the need for friction to prevent skidding. In fact, for a turn banked at a certain angle, there is one speed for which no friction is required! The horizontal component of the normal force can provide all of the needed centripetal force. Find the so-called "safe speed" of a turn of radius 40.3 meters banked at 20.4 degrees. Hint: Draw a free-body diagram for a car on a frictionless banked turn. Then consider the net vertical force and the net horizontal force.

Homework Equations

2(pi)r/T = V
a = V^2/r
Fc = mac
w = mg
weight parallel = 9.8 * x * sin(20.4)
weight perp = 9.8 * x * cos(20.4)

The Attempt at a Solution

So what I start to do is I first find the weight
I assign m = 100kg to the car

so w = (100)(9.8)
so w = 980 N

then I find weight parallel to road

so 980 * sin (20.4)
= 341.6006064 N

so weight parallel to road will be equal in magnitude to parallel component of the normal force

so N = 341.6006064

which will need to equal centripital force to keep it from slipping

so Fc = 341.6006064

so Fc = ma
so 341.6006064N/100 kg = a

a = 3.416006064

and a = V^2.r
so 3.416006064*40.3m = V^2

so V^2 = 137.7750444 m/s
so V = 11.7 m/s

but its wrong ...
Physics news on
  • #2
I think it is a mistake to find the component of mg parallel to the road.
The question suggests you find the x and y components of the normal force. Draw N perpendicular to the road and show its components N*sinθ and N*cosθ.
In the vertical direction, the forces on the car are one of those components and the force of gravity. Their total must be zero because the car does not accelerate upward or downward. That gives you equation [1].

In the horizontal direction, the question says the x component of N provides the centripetal force. Equation [2]. You can put the two equations together to eliminate N and find a nice simple expression for Fc which you can use to find the velocity.
  • #3

Thank you for your attempt at solving this problem. Your approach is on the right track, but there are a few errors in your calculations. Let's go through them step by step:

1. Finding the weight: You correctly assigned a mass of 100kg to the car, but the weight should be calculated as mg, where g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2). So the weight should be 980N, not 980 kg.

2. Finding the weight parallel to the road: Here, you correctly used the formula w = mg, but you forgot to include the angle (20.4 degrees) in the calculation. The weight parallel to the road should be calculated as w = mg * sin(20.4), which gives a value of 339.7 N, not 341.6 N.

3. Finding the centripetal force: You correctly used the formula Fc = ma, but you used the weight parallel to the road as the centripetal force. Remember, the centripetal force is provided by the horizontal component of the normal force, not the weight. So the value of Fc should be 339.7 N, not 341.6 N.

4. Solving for velocity: You correctly used the formula a = V^2/r, but you used the wrong value for the centripetal force. Using the correct value of 339.7 N, the velocity should be calculated as V = √(a*r) = √(3.416*40.3) = 12.1 m/s, not 11.7 m/s.

Therefore, the safe speed of the turn is approximately 12.1 m/s. I hope this helps clarify your solution. Keep up the good work!

FAQ: Safe Speed of Frictionless Banked Turn

1. What is a frictionless banked turn?

A frictionless banked turn is a type of turn in which there is no friction between the tires of a vehicle and the road surface. This type of turn is usually achieved by banking the road or track at an angle, allowing the vehicle to maintain its speed while turning.

2. How does the banked angle affect the safe speed of a frictionless turn?

The banked angle is directly related to the safe speed of a frictionless turn. A steeper banked angle allows for a higher safe speed, while a shallower banked angle decreases the safe speed. This is because the steeper angle provides more centripetal force, allowing the vehicle to maintain its speed while turning.

3. What factors influence the safe speed of a frictionless banked turn?

The safe speed of a frictionless banked turn is influenced by several factors, including the banked angle, the mass of the vehicle, the radius of the turn, and the coefficient of friction between the tires and the road surface. Other factors such as wind, temperature, and road conditions may also play a role.

4. Is it possible to have a safe speed of a frictionless banked turn that is higher than the vehicle's maximum speed?

No, the safe speed of a frictionless banked turn cannot exceed the maximum speed of the vehicle. The maximum speed is determined by the vehicle's engine power and other mechanical limitations, while the safe speed of a turn is dependent on the banked angle and other factors.

5. How can the safe speed of a frictionless banked turn be calculated?

The safe speed of a frictionless banked turn can be calculated using the formula v = √(r * g * tanθ), where v is the safe speed, r is the radius of the turn, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and θ is the banked angle. Other variables, such as the mass of the vehicle and coefficient of friction, may also be included in more complex calculations.
