Safe speeds in roller coasters

In summary, roller coasters have potential energy that is converted into kinetic energy and gravity is the main force that affects the speed of a roller coaster.
  • #1
From my research and understanding of roller coasters, their speed is mainly impacted by the force of gravity and it works on the basis of potential energy build up into kinetic energy. Therefore, my question surrounds the idea of safe speeds on coasters. Because a roller coaster car is only impacted by gravity, what is a safe speed and how might it be calculated? Is there an equation for this?
I have researched online and have yet to find any information regarding this topic.

Thank you in advance!
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  • #2
It is unclear what you mean by "safe" speed. Roller coaster safety depends on many variables and a roller coaster will generally be constructed by competent engineers taking safety into account.
  • #3
The speeds of roller coasters are never very high. You must have done the sums. The danger is when you take a coaster and make it turn through tight curves, which increases the g forces (a = v2/r). The design needs to keep the forces directed down between the tracks - to avoid too much tilting. But there is a major issue with vibrations, structural strength and maintenance. Afaik, all accidents can be attributed to mechanical failure / maintenance and not the basic designs. (As long as people stay in their seats, of course)
  • #4
People are more fragile than coasters.
  • #5
CWatters said:
People are more fragile than coasters.
Oh yes, very much so. But the design g forces are pretty minute and even the speeds are pretty low. When there is no malfunction, they are surprisingly gentle with the passengers. I remember the fairground man walking around on the wavy platform of the "Waltzer" and casually taking our fares whilst we were quietly bricking it and holding on with white knuckles. He would spin the kidney shaped cars and make the girls scream with his ciggy in the corner of his mouth and a smooth grin on his lips, leaning into the centre spindle. (He will be 80+ years old by now. lol.)
  • #6
sophiecentaur said:
Oh yes, very much so. But the design g forces are pretty minute and even the speeds are pretty low.

Paralysed teen suing Gulliver's World after she claims whiplash from Antelope ride injured spinal cord

Significant spinal injury resulting from low-level accelerations: a case series of roller coaster injuries.

It is estimated that there were a total of 656 neck and back injuries during the study period, and 39 were considered significant by the study inclusion criteria.
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  • #7
People make insurance claims for whiplash after the mildest road traffic shunts so looking for statistics of fairground injuries could give biased results.
But at least a car journey can usually be serving some purpose. Fairground rides are not compulsory and never serve any other purpose than to provide excitement. They look much more dangerous for most passengers than they really are (for most passengers). However, there will be people whose susceptibility to whiplash lies outside the normal range. A ride that's designed to keep everyone totally safe would have to be along the lines of a normal public transport ride. You can break a vertebra by doing loosening excercises.
People play rough sports and do rock climbing. They get injured. I question whether they are in any position to complain - assuming reasonable care has been taken. "Reasonable" care cannot exclude the possibility of injury.
It is easy to avoid fairground injuries - just stand (well back) and watch.
  • #8
Agreed. My point is that a roller coaster could probably be made structurally safe at virtually any speed or g-loading, It's the passengers that would be the limiting factor.

I've ridden a few coaster and done aerobatics in small aircraft. On a coaster the g-forces due to bends and loops have always been modest but on one or two the short duration g-forces due to uneven track (?) were somewhat uncomfortable.
  • #9
SO we are singing from the same hymn sheet. That's always good.
Addressing the OP then. The fact is that you don't need excessive g forces if you want to provide an exciting ride but you do need to eliminate short duration g forces which can happen on transitions. These would be easy to neglect in an initial design. Rocking and fast tipping could do damage (like with bad driving).
Answer - there is no short answer. haha
  • #10
CWatters said:
On a coaster the g-forces due to bends and loops have always been modest but on one or two the short duration g-forces due to uneven track (?) were somewhat uncomfortable.
This is a case where the rate of acceleration change (jerk) becomes relevant.
  • #11
CWatters said:
I've ridden a few coaster and done aerobatics in small aircraft
Wing walking, too? :biggrin:
My biggest thrill was on my first parachute jump and it was from a De Haviland Rapide - a two engined biplane. You did the jump from a standing position on the lower wing (two suitable handles on the top wing). Only a few seconds to appreciate it and contemplate mortality then let go and a high g shock to the groin as the static like pulled you upwards by the harness to deploy the canopy. Then there was the high g landing. A really stupid thing to do, but young men in particular are attracted to that sort of thing.
  • #12
sophiecentaur said:
Wing walking, too? :biggrin:
My biggest thrill was on my first parachute jump and it was from a De Haviland Rapide - a two engined biplane. You did the jump from a standing position on the lower wing (two suitable handles on the top wing). Only a few seconds to appreciate it and contemplate mortality then let go and a high g shock to the groin as the static like pulled you upwards by the harness to deploy the canopy. Then there was the high g landing. A really stupid thing to do, but young men in particular are attracted to that sort of thing.

Speak for yourself. I for one, avoid high G shocks to the groin. :kiss:
  • #13
anorlunda said:
Speak for yourself. I for one, avoid high G shocks to the groin. :kiss:
They played down that bit during the preparation training. :wink:

Related to Safe speeds in roller coasters

What is considered a safe speed for a roller coaster?

The safe speed for a roller coaster can vary depending on the design and layout of the ride. Generally, speeds between 40-60 miles per hour are considered safe for most roller coasters. However, some coasters may reach speeds up to 100 miles per hour while still being considered safe.

How do roller coaster speeds affect safety?

The speed of a roller coaster can greatly impact the safety of riders. If a coaster is traveling too fast, it can put excessive strain on the structure and cause it to break or malfunction. Additionally, high speeds can increase the risk of riders experiencing whiplash or other injuries. On the other hand, if a roller coaster is traveling too slow, it may not have enough momentum to safely complete its course.

What factors determine the safe speed of a roller coaster?

The safe speed of a roller coaster is determined by several factors, including the design and layout of the ride, the materials used in construction, the weight and distribution of the train, and the safety features in place such as brakes and restraints. Engineers and safety experts carefully analyze these factors to determine the maximum safe speed for a roller coaster.

Are there safety regulations for roller coaster speeds?

Yes, there are safety regulations set by government agencies such as the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). These regulations outline maximum and minimum speeds for different types of roller coasters, as well as other safety requirements that must be met.

What measures are taken to ensure safe speeds on roller coasters?

To ensure safe speeds on roller coasters, regular inspections and maintenance are conducted on the ride. Additionally, roller coasters are equipped with speed-limiting devices such as brakes and sensors that monitor the speed of the train and can slow it down if necessary. Operators also have control over the speed of the ride and can adjust it as needed for optimal safety.

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