Saffjdaf's questions at Yahoo Answers regarding difference equations

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In summary, a recursive formula is a mathematical equation that defines a sequence by relating each term to one or more of the preceding terms. To solve a sequence with a recursive formula, we first find the characteristic equation and then use the initial value to determine the constants. Once we have the closed form, we can find the next terms in the sequence by plugging in the corresponding values for n.
  • #1
Gold Member
Here are the questions:

How to define Recursive Formula?

I had trouble understanding this in class and I'm totally behind!
how would you solve this sequence?

1. a subscript 1 = 1; a subscript n = -a subscript n -1

2. a subscript 1 = 2; a subscript n = -a subscript n -1

3. a subscript 1 = -2; a subscript n = n + 3a subscript n -1And how would you find the next 5 terms?

I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can see my work.
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  • #2
Hello Saffjdaf,

1.) We are given the homogeneous recursion:

\(\displaystyle a_{n}=-a_{n-1}\) where \(\displaystyle a_1=1\)

The idea behind solving homogeneous difference equations is to assume a solution of the form:

\(\displaystyle a_n=c_1r^n\) where \(\displaystyle c_1,r\ne0\)

And so, we may write the given difference equation as:

\(\displaystyle c_1r^n+c_1r^{n-1}=0\)

Dividing through by \(\displaystyle c_1r^{n-1}\) we obtain the characteristic equation:

\(\displaystyle r+1=0\implies r=-1\)

And so our solution must be:

\(\displaystyle a_n=c_1(-1)^n\)

Now, we may use the given initial value to determine the parameter $c_1$:

\(\displaystyle a_1=c_1(-1)^1=-c_1=1\implies c_1=-1\)

And so we find the closed form for the solution is:

\(\displaystyle a_{n}=(-1)^{n+1}\)

Thus, the sequence oscillates from 1 to -1 back to 1 indefinitely. Terms with an odd subscript are 1 and terms with an even subscript are -1.

2.) The only difference between this problem as the first is the initial value, we we know:

\(\displaystyle a_n=c_1(-1)^n\)

Next, using the initial value, we find:

\(\displaystyle a_1=c_1(-1)^1=-c_1=2\implies c_1=-2\)

And so we have:

\(\displaystyle a_{n}=2(-1)^{n+1}\)

In fact, if we simply use $a_1$ as the value of the first term, we find:

\(\displaystyle a_1=c_1(-1)^1=-c_1\implies c_1=-a_1\)

and we have:

\(\displaystyle a_{n}=a_1(-1)^{n+1}\)

Thus the sequence oscillate from $a_1$ to $-a_1$ and back again to $a_1$ indefinitely.

3.) This time we have the inhomogeneous recurrence:

\(\displaystyle a_{n}=n+3a_{n-1}\) where \(\displaystyle a_1=-2\)

Now, we want first to find the solution to the corresponding homogenous difference equation, which has an associated characteristic equation of:

\(\displaystyle r-3=0\implies r=3\)

and so the homogeneous solution is:

\(\displaystyle h_n=c_1(3)^n\)

Next, we assume a particular solution of the form:

\(\displaystyle p_n=An+B\) where $A$ and $B$ are constants to be determined.

We assume a linear form for the particular solution because the inhomogeneous term is linear and no part of the homogeneous solution is part of this assume linear solution, that is, they are linearly independent.

So, substituting the particular solution into the difference equation, we find:

\(\displaystyle (An+B)-3(A(n-1)+B)=n\)

\(\displaystyle (-2A)n+(3A-2B)=(1)n+(0)\)

Equating coefficients, we find:

\(\displaystyle -2A=1\implies A=-\frac{1}{2}\)

\(\displaystyle 3A-2B=0\implies B=\frac{3}{2}A=-\frac{3}{4}\)

And so our particular solution is:

\(\displaystyle p_n=-\frac{1}{n}n-\frac{3}{4}=-\frac{2n+3}{4}\)

Hence, by superposition, we find:

\(\displaystyle a_n=h_n+p_n=c_1(3)^n-\frac{2n+3}{4}\)

Next, we mat use the given initial value to determine $c_1$:

\(\displaystyle a_1=c_1(3)^1-\frac{2(1)+3}{4}=3c_1-\frac{5}{4}=-2\,\therefore\,c_1=-\frac{1}{4}\)

And so, the closed form satisfying all given conditions is:

\(\displaystyle a_n=-\frac{3^n+2n+3}{4}\)

And so we have the next 5 terms:


Related to Saffjdaf's questions at Yahoo Answers regarding difference equations

1. What are difference equations and how do they differ from regular equations?

Difference equations are mathematical equations that describe how a variable changes over time. They differ from regular equations in that they involve discrete values, such as time or the number of steps taken, rather than continuous values. In other words, difference equations are used to model processes that change in discrete steps, rather than continuously.

2. How are difference equations used in scientific research?

Difference equations are used in a variety of scientific fields, such as biology, economics, and physics, to model and predict the behavior of systems over time. They are also used in computer science and engineering to design algorithms and control systems. In essence, difference equations help scientists and researchers understand and analyze complex systems and make predictions about their future behavior.

3. Can difference equations be solved analytically or do they require numerical methods?

Difference equations can be solved analytically in some cases, but often require numerical methods due to their discrete nature. Analytical solutions involve finding a formula for the value of the variable at any given time, while numerical methods involve using algorithms to approximate the value of the variable at specific points in time. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on the specific problem at hand.

4. How do difference equations relate to differential equations?

Difference equations and differential equations are both types of mathematical models used to describe the behavior of systems over time. The main difference is that differential equations involve continuous values, while difference equations involve discrete values. However, in some cases, difference equations can be used to approximate the solution of a differential equation, and vice versa.

5. Are there any real-world applications of difference equations?

Yes, there are many real-world applications of difference equations. For example, they are used in finance to model stock prices and in epidemiology to track the spread of diseases. They are also used in ecology to study population dynamics and in chemistry to model chemical reactions. Difference equations are a powerful tool for understanding and predicting the behavior of complex systems in various fields of study.

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