Sakurai 1.27 - Transformation Operators

In summary, the problem statement specifies that the inner product between a and b is the Dirac delta.
  • #1
Suppose that [tex]f(A)[/tex] is a function of a Hermitian operator [tex]A[/tex] with the property [tex]A|a'\rangle = a'|a'\rangle[/tex]. Evaluate [tex]\langle b''|f(A)|b'\rangle[/tex] when the transformation matrix from the [tex]a'[/tex] basis to the [tex]b'[/tex] basis is known.The attempt at a solution
Here's what I have... I'm not sure if the last step is correct, but apart from that, I'm sure everything else is right. So,

[tex]\langle b''|A|b'\rangle = \sum_{a'} \sum_{a''} \langle b'' | a'' \rangle \langle a'' | A | a' \rangle \langle a' | b' \rangle[/tex]
[tex]= \sum_{a'} \sum_{a''} \delta(a'-a'') a' \langle b'' | a'' \rangle \langle a' | b' \rangle[/tex]
[tex]= \sum_{a'} a' \langle b'' | a' \rangle \langle a' | b' \rangle[/tex]

And then I said that the above was

[tex]= a' \langle b'' | b' \rangle = a' \delta(b' - b'') \Leftrightarrow \langle b'' | f(A) | b' \rangle = f(a') \delta(b' - b'')[/tex]

where [tex]a'[/tex] was the eigenvalue of corresponding eigenket to [tex]b'[/tex].

Is the last step correct? That was the only part I was a bit shaky on... there is an [tex]a'[/tex] index inside the summation...
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  • #2
I would say that, while your first step is correct, you can do better than that. I suggest that you think of an even better first step which will obviate your suspect final step.

BTW, your problem statement did not specify that the inner product is the Dirac delta. Is this stated somewhere else?
  • #3
It's the Dirac delta because they're eigenkets of some operator (okay well to make the argument more rigorous, the eigenkets a and b are eigenkets of some Hermitian operator where there is no degeneracy).
  • #4
Domnu said:
It's the Dirac delta because they're eigenkets of some operator (okay well to make the argument more rigorous, the eigenkets a and b are eigenkets of some Hermitian operator where there is no degeneracy).
This remains insufficient to determine that [tex]\langle{}a'|a''\rangle=\delta\left(a'-a''\right)[/tex], etc.. But, at any rate, you can avoid this issue entirely (see my previous post).

Related to Sakurai 1.27 - Transformation Operators

What is Sakurai 1.27?

Sakurai 1.27, also known as the Sakurai-Sugiura transformation, is a mathematical tool used in quantum mechanics to transform operators from one basis to another. It was introduced by Japanese physicist Jun Kigami Sakurai and mathematician Takashi Sugiura in 1987.

What are transformation operators?

Transformation operators are mathematical operators that are used to transform a physical system from one basis to another. In quantum mechanics, they are used to change the representation of a wavefunction from one basis to another, making it easier to solve certain problems.

Why is Sakurai 1.27 important in quantum mechanics?

Sakurai 1.27 is important because it allows for the transformation of operators, which is a crucial step in solving many quantum mechanical problems. It is particularly useful in the study of systems with rotational symmetry, as it simplifies the calculation of matrix elements.

How does Sakurai 1.27 work?

Sakurai 1.27 is a unitary transformation that maps a set of operators in one basis to another set of operators in a rotated basis. It involves the use of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and the Wigner-Eckart theorem to express the transformed operators in terms of the original ones.

What are some applications of Sakurai 1.27?

Sakurai 1.27 has various applications in quantum mechanics, such as in the study of angular momentum, quantum spin systems, and the quantum Hall effect. It is also used in the construction of molecular orbitals in computational chemistry and in the study of nuclear physics.
