Sakurai : Approximations in the construction of Quantum theory

In summary, the translation operator in Quantum Mechanics must be unitary and satisfy certain properties. However, when using infinitesimal transformations, second and higher order terms are often ignored in the proofs. This does not mean that Quantum Mechanics is an approximation, as these proofs can be made rigorous by considering finite transformations instead. However, it may be difficult to make these proofs rigorous without using more advanced mathematics.
  • #1
From 'Modern Quantum Mechanics, revised edition' by J.J. Sakurai,

In page 44 the translation (spacial displacement) operator [itex]\mathcal{T}(d \boldsymbol{x'})[/itex] is introduced.
[tex]\mathcal{T}(d \boldsymbol{x'}) \mid \boldsymbol{x'} \rangle = \mid \boldsymbol{x'} + d \boldsymbol{x'} \rangle[/tex]
It is shown that the translation operator must be unitary and that two successive translations must be the same as one single translation to the same effect.
[tex]\mathcal{T}^{\dagger} ( d \boldsymbol{x'} ) \mathcal{T} ( d \boldsymbol{x'} ) = 1[/tex]
[tex]\mathcal{T} ( d \boldsymbol{x''} ) \mathcal{T} ( d \boldsymbol{x'} ) = \mathcal{T} ( d \boldsymbol{x'} + d \boldsymbol{x''} )[/tex]
Two other properties are also stated, but they don't pertain to my question.

Then it is demonstrated that if we assume,[tex]\mathcal{T} ( d \boldsymbol{x'} ) = 1 - i \mathbf{K} \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'} [/tex], these properties are satisfied. But when showing proof, second order and above terms of [itex]d \boldsymbol{x'}[/itex] are ignored.

For example, in the proof that unitarity is satisfied,
[tex] \begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{T}^{\dagger} (d \boldsymbol{x'} ) \mathcal{T} ( d \boldsymbol{x'} ) & = & (1 + i \mathbf{K}^{\dagger} \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'} ) ( 1 - i \mathbf{K} \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'} ) \\
& = & 1 - i ( \mathbf{K} - \mathbf{K}^{\dagger} ) \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'} + 0 \left[ ( d \boldsymbol{x'} )^{2} \right] \\
& \approx & 1 \end{eqnarray} [/tex]
Here the second order terms of [itex]d \boldsymbol{x'}[/itex] are ignored. Thus the 0 in the second line.

In the proof for the second property,
[tex] \begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{T} (d \boldsymbol{x''} ) \mathcal{T} ( d \boldsymbol{x'} ) & = & (1 - i \mathbf{K} \cdot d \boldsymbol{x''} ) ( 1 - i \mathbf{K} \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'} ) \\
& \approx & 1 - i \mathbf{K} \cdot ( d \boldsymbol{x''} + d \boldsymbol{x'} ) \\
& = & \mathcal{T} ( d \boldsymbol{x'} + d \boldsymbol{x''} ) \end{eqnarray} [/tex]
In the second line, the second order terms of [itex]d \boldsymbol{x}[/itex] are ignored.

This is only the beginning. In numerous times later in the book, when constructing infinitesimal operators, second and higher order terms are ignored after a Taylor expansion.

Since such methods are used in the construction of Quantum theory, does this mean that the whole of Quantum Mechanics is an approximation?
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  • #2
omoplata said:
This is only the beginning. In numerous times later in the book, when constructing infinitesimal operators, second and higher order terms are ignored after a Taylor expansion.

Since such methods are used in the construction of Quantum theory, does this mean that the whole of Quantum Mechanics is an approximation?

No, it just means that the proofs given above are not complete. In order to complete the proofs we could instead consider finite transformations instead of the infinitesimal transformations. It turns out to be much easier to consider the infinitesimal transformations, which at least illustrate how things will work for the 2nd and higher-order terms.

For example, at 2nd order, we must take

[tex]\mathcal{T} ( d \boldsymbol{x'} ) = 1 - i \mathbf{K} \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'} -\frac{1}{2} (\mathbf{K} \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'})^2. [/tex]

Then, to 2nd order,
[tex] \begin{eqnarray} \mathcal{T}^{\dagger} (d \boldsymbol{x'} ) \mathcal{T} ( d \boldsymbol{x'} ) & = & 1 - \frac{1}{2} (\mathbf{K}^{\dagger} \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'} )^2
-\frac{1}{2} ( \mathbf{K} \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'} )^2 + (\mathbf{K}^{\dagger} \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'} ) ( \mathbf{K} \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'} ) \\
& = & 1 - \frac{1}{2} \left[( \mathbf{K} - \mathbf{K}^{\dagger} ) \cdot d \boldsymbol{x'} \right]^2 .\end{eqnarray} [/tex]

The 2nd-order term vanishes if ##K## is Hermitian, which was the same condition needed at 1st-order.

The claim is that this will persist to all orders. It is not a rigorous mathematical proof, but it is clear that such a proof could be made. I have not personally studied the text, but many people here seem to recommend the book by Ballentine whenever people want a more mathematically rigorous treatment of QM. I do not know if he addresses similar issues there.
  • #3
The rigorous version of this is the following:'s_theorem_on_one-parameter_unitary_groups

The problem from pure mathematical point-of-view is that ##dx## is not well-defined. Sakurai treats it as a number such that ##(dx)^2 = 0##, this seems to be nonrigorous. The right argument involves tangent spaces and differential geometry. This is of course too difficult to present in an introductory books that doesn't involve much math.

So, the argument of sakurai can be made rigorous, but it doesn't seem easy to do so.

FAQ: Sakurai : Approximations in the construction of Quantum theory

1. What is Sakurai's approximation in the construction of quantum theory?

Sakurai's approximation is a mathematical method used to simplify the construction of quantum theory by making certain assumptions and approximations. It allows for a more manageable and intuitive understanding of quantum mechanics.

2. How does Sakurai's approximation differ from other methods in constructing quantum theory?

Sakurai's approximation differs from other methods by making assumptions about the behavior of particles and using mathematical approximations to simplify the equations. This allows for a more intuitive understanding of quantum mechanics and makes it easier to apply in practical applications.

3. What are the limitations of using Sakurai's approximation in quantum theory?

While Sakurai's approximation can make quantum mechanics more accessible, it has limitations in its accuracy. It may not be suitable for describing certain phenomena or systems, and more precise methods may be needed in those cases.

4. How is Sakurai's approximation used in practical applications?

Sakurai's approximation is commonly used in theoretical physics and engineering, particularly in the development of new technologies such as quantum computing and quantum cryptography. It provides a simplified framework for understanding the behavior of particles in these systems.

5. Can Sakurai's approximation be applied to all aspects of quantum theory?

No, Sakurai's approximation is not suitable for all aspects of quantum theory. It is best used for describing simple systems and phenomena, and more advanced methods may be needed for more complex systems. Researchers must carefully consider the applicability of Sakurai's approximation when using it in their work.

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