Sakurai Problems - strange notation

In summary, the conversation is discussing a problem in Sakurai's Modern Quantum Mechanics textbook where a 2x2 matrix is written in a specific form using numbers and the Pauli matrices. The participants are trying to understand the meaning of this form and suggest that the Pauli matrices are just being used as a basis for the vector space of 2x2 complex-valued matrices.
  • #1

I'm just doing the Problems of Chapter 1 of Sakurai: Modern Quantum Mechanics. On page 60, problem 2 he writes:

"Suppose a 2x2 matrix X, (not necessary Hermitian, nor unitary) is written as

[itex] X = a_0 + \mathbf{\sigma \cdot a} [/itex],

where [itex] a_0 [/itex] and [itex] a_{1,2,3}[/itex] are numbers."

which confuses me a bit, because you can't add a number and a matrix, and what is [itex] \sigma [/itex] anyway? Would be nice if someone knows what is meant by this (and tells me :biggrin: ).
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  • #2
I'm sure he means that [itex] \vec{\sigma}[/itex] is a short name for the Pauli matrices and a_{0} is multiplied by the 2*2 unit matrix.

  • #3
dexter is correct. I was confused with this problem too and actually asked the same question about it here some time ago.
  • #4

That [itex] \mathbf{\sigma} [/itex] is one of the Pauli-Matrices seems strange to me from the context of the book, because he never defined this during the first chapter. Nevertheless, I'll try to figure it out this way.
  • #5
I think you're just supposed to take the sigmas abstractly as some 2x2 (complex-valued) matrices such that any 2x2 (complex-valued) matrix can be written as

[itex] X = a_0 I + \mathbf{\sigma \cdot a} [/itex]

with no assumptions about the form of the [itex]\mathbf{\sigma}[/itex]s. In math speak, the [itex]\mathbf{\sigma}[/itex]s together with [itex] I [/itex] are some basis for the vector space of 2x2 complex-valued matrices.
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  • #6
Eh, now that I try to actually do the problem, I think he (or the editor) is just assuming you know the Pauli matrices from undergrad QM.

Related to Sakurai Problems - strange notation

What is the Sakurai notation?

The Sakurai notation is a system of notation commonly used in quantum mechanics to represent the spin and angular momentum of a particle. It uses a combination of letters and numbers to denote the different quantum states of a particle.

Why is the Sakurai notation used?

The Sakurai notation is used because it is a convenient way to represent the quantum states of particles with spin and angular momentum. It allows for a compact and efficient representation of these states, making it easier for scientists to work with and understand them.

How does the Sakurai notation differ from other notations?

The Sakurai notation differs from other notations, such as the Dirac notation, in that it uses letters and numbers to represent states rather than mathematical symbols and operators. It also specifically focuses on the spin and angular momentum of particles, whereas other notations may cover a wider range of quantum properties.

What are some common elements of the Sakurai notation?

The Sakurai notation commonly uses the letters |s, m> to represent a spin state, with s denoting the spin quantum number and m denoting the z-component of spin. It also uses the letters |j, m> to represent an angular momentum state, with j denoting the total angular momentum quantum number and m denoting the z-component of angular momentum.

How is the Sakurai notation used in quantum mechanics?

The Sakurai notation is used in quantum mechanics to represent the quantum states of particles with spin and angular momentum. It is used in calculations and equations to describe the behavior and interactions of these particles, and is an important tool in understanding the quantum world.
