Saltwater voltage source question

In summary: Increasing the concentration of salt may help, but it is not a guaranteed solution. Higher voltages will not work either, as this is not a battery, but an electrochemical cell.
  • #1
Hello all,

I am just a guy playing around. I was trying to see if I understood correctly what electrolytes were, so I set out to make a simple "battery" out of saltwater. It has been done before many times and I thought I could at least make it light an LED.

Here it is :
The problem is that despite the fact that I managed to reach 4.75Volts of voltage I can't make the LED light up.

To be precise , whenever I make contact and close the circuit it lights up for an instant and then the light dies out. If I repeat .. the same happens each time. That is the reason I am writting this topic too. I would like to ask anyone who might know why it does not function as I thought it would be? I am trying to understand physics just as a hobby so please go easy on me if I said something really stupid in this post. :)

Thanks in advance for any comments ,

P.S. : Also another question, I read something about amperage but from wikipedia I deduced it is the same as current? Is that correct? Also ... unfortunately my internal fuse has been broken in the multimeter and I can't measure current :(
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  • #2
A few weeks ago we built cu/ lemon/zn cells in the classroom. We had to put more then 10 cells in series to generate enough current to ligth a led. Try more cells.

As for the missing fuse... do you have any solder or Al foil? Simply short out the fuse holder with a wrap of solder or a strip of foil. You will not be fused, but for this project it should be fine.
  • #3

Thanks for the reply. I am using exactly 10 cells. I will try to increase their number and see if it will then light the LED. Thanks. As for the fuse of course I have solder, just need a screwdriver to fit and remove the screws from the multimeter.

I have another question though. Since this whole thing is something I did to better comprehend what a battery is. I am now wondering. What happens when you totally discharge a battery? Say What happens when I discharge this batery tottaly? The electrodes won't work anymore , or the water-salt combination will need changing? Or both?
  • #5
I suggest the led illuminates briefly then goes out, is because while you are drawing no current from your cell the cell electrolyte slowly builds up a good quantity of ions which discharge quickly and briefly. (a bit like discharging a capacitor). From my own home-made cells I have seen short current spikes of over 1 amp. If you put a sensitive ammeter across the cell, you would see the current spike. The current and voltage then settles down again, but not enough unfortunately. From my experience, you will need to massively increase the area of your electrodes. Sea water is a very weak electrolyte. Unlike commercial cells, the voltage drops extremely quickly as you draw current. Forget about theoretical voltages as per the electromotive series.
Increasing the number of cells will not necessarily work because it is in the nature of these lashups that one cell will be inefficient quicker, and the others will waste their output trying to equalise/recharge it thus bringing down the whole battery. Thw weak one will gas more vigorously.
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FAQ: Saltwater voltage source question

1. What is a saltwater voltage source?

A saltwater voltage source is a type of battery that uses the chemical reaction between saltwater and metal electrodes to generate electricity. It is also known as a saltwater battery or a saline battery.

2. How does a saltwater voltage source work?

In a saltwater voltage source, the saltwater acts as an electrolyte, allowing ions to flow between the electrodes and creating an electrical current. This current can then be used to power electronic devices.

3. What are the advantages of a saltwater voltage source?

Some advantages of a saltwater voltage source include its low cost, easy availability of materials, and environmentally friendly nature. It also has a longer shelf life compared to traditional batteries.

4. What are the applications of a saltwater voltage source?

Saltwater voltage sources can be used in a variety of applications, such as powering small electronic devices, water desalination, and emergency backup power sources. They are also being researched for use in renewable energy systems.

5. Are saltwater voltage sources safe to use?

Saltwater voltage sources are generally considered safe to use as they do not contain toxic materials like traditional batteries. However, caution should still be taken when handling the electrodes and the saltwater solution.
