Sample preparation of sunscreen for use in UV-Vis

In summary, using slides to prepare the samples for measurement can be a setback because the samples need to be uniform and even. There are methods to make the samples uniform, but they are not easy to do.
  • #1
I am currently doing a project on sunscreen analysis using UV Vis Spectroscopy and I am using slides to prepare my samples for measurement.My setback is how to make the samples uniform so as not to affect the transmittance and absorbance results.Any ideas on how i can successfully makes all the samples on the slides even and uniform?
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  • #2
Anne said:
I am currently doing a project on sunscreen analysis using UV Vis Spectroscopy and I am using slides to prepare my samples for measurement.My setback is how to make the samples uniform so as not to affect the transmittance and absorbance results.Any ideas on how i can successfully makes all the samples on the slides even and uniform?

One possibility is to use a bit of shim material (something thin) that you can clamp between two optical flats. If you have shim material that is cuttable, it would be easy to cut out a small section for your sample, put the shim on top of the bottom slide, place the sample in the cut-out, and place the top slide on top. Hold the whole thing together with tape, rubber band, binder clip, etc. Yu may need to make a channel for the excess sample to squeeze out. You can run a blank the same way.
  • #3
Why do you not dilute the sunblock in methanol and then read it in a quartz cuvete. That way you would not have to worry about the thickness of the film.
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  • #4
Thank you guys for the input.Used a cuvette and got my results.Another question is that the data collected is in excel format.I would like to plot graphs for all measurements in MATLAB but the roadblock is that its a lot of data since I did nine samples.I was told that i can use Singular Value Decomposition to reduce the dimensions.Anyone know how i can apply the SVD in my data in excel and also plot the graphs in matlab?
  • #5
Why don't you export the excel data as CSV?
  • #6
@Borek please guide me on how to do that.I would highly appreciate that.
  • #7
Use Save as command and select CSV (comma separated values) as the output format. This is a simple text format with a single line being a row of the spreadsheet.
  • #8
And how do i do singular value decomposition on the values in matlab?
  • #9
Sorry, no experience in matlab.

FAQ: Sample preparation of sunscreen for use in UV-Vis

1. What are the steps involved in preparing a sample of sunscreen for use in UV-Vis?

The first step in preparing a sample of sunscreen for UV-Vis is to weigh out the desired amount of sunscreen and dissolve it in a suitable solvent. Next, the sample should be filtered to remove any impurities. Then, the sample should be transferred to a UV-Vis cuvette and the absorbance spectrum should be measured.

2. What type of solvent should be used for dissolving sunscreen in UV-Vis?

A solvent that is transparent to UV-Vis light should be used for dissolving sunscreen. Common solvents used include ethanol, methanol, and cyclohexane. The choice of solvent will depend on the properties of the sunscreen being tested.

3. How should the sample be filtered prior to UV-Vis analysis?

The sample should be filtered using a syringe filter with a pore size of 0.2 microns. This will remove any large particles that may interfere with the absorbance measurements. It is important to use a clean filter for each sample to avoid cross-contamination.

4. Can sunscreen samples be stored for future use in UV-Vis?

Yes, sunscreen samples can be stored for future use in UV-Vis as long as they are kept in a dark, cool place to prevent degradation. It is recommended to use the samples within a few weeks of preparation to ensure accuracy of the results.

5. How can the accuracy of the sample preparation for UV-Vis be ensured?

The accuracy of sample preparation for UV-Vis can be ensured by following a standardized protocol and using calibrated instruments. It is also important to use high-quality solvents and properly store the samples. Regularly running blank samples and replicates can also help to verify the accuracy of the results.

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