Sarah Palin's Views on the Possibility of War with Iran

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  • Thread starter DanP
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In summary: I guess that'll be her campaign logo.She won't have to. There's already a photo floating around the internet of her holding a rifle while wearing a...uh...bikini.
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  • #2
No. :rolleyes:
  • #3
As much as I dislike Palin, I think you are misinterpreting what she said.

Sarah Palin said:
Say he decided to declare war...

She didn't say that he should declare war, she used it as an example to address an issue she has with his "toughness." I will say, though, that it is a terrible hypothetical to offer.

BTW, I think this goes in the P&WA, DanP. :smile:
  • #4
Oh Sarah. . .:!)
  • #5
I'm all for an American strike on Iran. Lots of "experts" predicted that we would have trouble with Saddam's massive army in 1991. They were proven wrong, and in spectacular fashion.
  • #6
Brian_C said:
I'm all for an American strike on Iran. Lots of "experts" predicted that we would have trouble with Saddam's massive army in 1991. They were proven wrong, and in spectacular fashion.

So does that mean you're all for an strike on any country that American armay would overcome its army? :rolleyes:
  • #7
Brian_C said:
I'm all for an American strike on Iran. Lots of "experts" predicted that we would have trouble with Saddam's massive army in 1991. They were proven wrong, and in spectacular fashion.

Then hand it over to Israel, perfect!
  • #8
Yeah, let's get in deeper s*** in the ME, we should be concentrating on Afg. right now and that is about it. Op: New Dawn is the start of pulling out of Iraq, and hopefully will start concentrating more troops towards Helmand, and specifically Marjah.
  • #10
Cyrus said:
This woman is a moron.

Technically, no.
  • #11
drankin said:
Technically, no.

Yeah, she's smart!
  • #12
drankin said:
Technically, no.
The technical term is bonkers. Sorry Palin, tenure denied.
  • #13
According to McCain's campaign staff, Palin is clueless. She thought that Africa was a country. Anybody that would take her seriously in foreign affairs has to be even dumber than she is.
  • #14
drankin said:
Technically, no.

Does idiot suffice? :devil:
  • #15
Cyrus said:
Does idiot suffice? :devil:

Technically, no.
  • #16
turbo-1 said:
According to McCain's campaign staff, Palin is clueless. She thought that Africa was a country...

:smile::smile: and she was about to win with McCain!

God Turbo, I cried laughing :smile:
  • #17
drankin said:
Technically, no.

But factually, yes!
  • #18
Astronuc said:
No. :rolleyes:

I forgot to mention - Peace / Shalom / Salaam - is a much better choice.

Wa alaykum as-salām. :smile:
  • #19
Huckleberry said:
The technical term is bonkers. Sorry Palin, tenure denied.

I like pictures of her in bikini with a gun (replica ? can't recall). Anyway, considering 2-3 months of serious gym, the chick would look pretty good for her age.
  • #20
DanP said:
I like pictures of her in bikini with a gun (replica ? can't recall). Anyway, considering 2-3 months of serious gym, the chick would look pretty good for her age.
Carrie Prejean already looks good. Does that qualify her for public office?

Attractive people can be uneducated and clueless. Those qualities do not correlate.
  • #21
turbo-1 said:
Carrie Prejean already looks good. Does that qualify her for public office?

Attractive people can be uneducated and clueless. Those qualities do not correlate.

Kinda obvious. :devil:
  • #22
DanP said:
I like pictures of her in bikini with a gun (replica ? can't recall). Anyway, considering 2-3 months of serious gym, the chick would look pretty good for her age.

Do you mean this one?


Its totally fake. This woman really needs to go away.
  • #23
DanP said:
I like pictures of her in bikini with a gun (replica ? can't recall). Anyway, considering 2-3 months of serious gym, the chick would look pretty good for her age.

Are you talking about this picture?


This one?


Or this one?


I have to admit that photo looks better with Sarah Palin's head on it than with the original chick's head. Beer and guns! How cool is that?!
  • #24
posted article said:
"Say he decided to declare war on Iran," she said on Fox News this month. "I think people would perhaps shift their thinking a little bit and decide, well, maybe he's tougher than we think he is today."
Her idea of showing courage is by declaring war just to change public opinion. It sounds like compensation coming strictly from her point of view. Should she find herself charged with running our country, will she rationalize and start a war if she believes people think she is weak?
  • #25
Topher925 said:
Do you mean this one?


Its totally fake. This woman really needs to go away.

yeah, those. too bad is fake :cry:
  • #26
Newai said:
Her idea of showing courage is by declaring war just to change public opinion. It sounds like compensation coming strictly from her point of view. Should she find herself charged with running our country, will she rationalize and start a war if she believes people think she is weak?

She won't have to. There's already a photo floating around the internet of her holding a rifle while wearing a bikini. Everyone knows she's not weak. Stupid, maybe, but not weak.
  • #27
BobG said:
She won't have to. There's already a photo floating around the internet of her holding a rifle while wearing a bikini. Everyone knows she's not weak. Stupid, maybe, but not weak.
The ability to hold a rifle does not indicate that she is strong or capable, even if that was an un-doctored photo.

As for shooting moose, as her PR claims, a moose in the wild is just like a cow. Docile, unwary meat on the hoof. It doesn't take much talent to kill one.

One of my cousins is a teacher's aide (about 54 years old). She takes vacation-days during bow-hunting season and is pretty reliable. She shoots and dresses her own deer. If bow-hunting fails her, she'll bag one during firearms season. Her husband and kids would often come home to find a deer hanging, and heart and liver on the menu for supper.
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  • #28
It's too late."
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  • #29
In order to minimize misinterpretations based on text only transcripts, here's the video:

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  • #30
I just hope she isn't elected as the republican canidate in the next election.
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  • #31
I don't see how someone who believes that the world is only 6000 years old and humans coexisted with dinosaurs can have such a huge political life. I'm pretty sure she also said that it was part of Gods plan for Americans to go to war.

lol love it.
  • #32
brushman said:
I just hope she isn't elected the republican canidate in the next election.

Maybe USA is ready for the first female president. USA's own Margaret Thatcher:rolleyes:
  • #33
DanP said:
Maybe USA is ready for the first female president. USA's own Margaret Thatcher:rolleyes:
While not being a great fan of Maggie - I think the only similarity between Palin and her is at the chromosome level.
  • #34
mgb_phys said:
While not being a great fan of Maggie - I think the only similarity between Palin and her is at the chromosome level.


FAQ: Sarah Palin's Views on the Possibility of War with Iran

1. What are Sarah Palin's views on the possibility of war with Iran?

Sarah Palin has expressed her belief that the United States should not hesitate to use military force against Iran if necessary. She has also stated that she supports imposing tough economic sanctions on Iran in order to prevent them from obtaining nuclear weapons.

2. Does Sarah Palin believe that war with Iran is inevitable?

While Sarah Palin has not explicitly stated that war with Iran is inevitable, she has expressed concerns about Iran's nuclear capabilities and has advocated for taking a strong stance against the country. However, she has also emphasized the importance of diplomacy and working with allies to address the issue.

3. How does Sarah Palin think the US should handle the current tensions with Iran?

Sarah Palin believes that the US should take a strong stance against Iran's nuclear ambitions and not shy away from using military force if necessary. She also supports working with allies to impose economic sanctions and other measures to put pressure on Iran.

4. Has Sarah Palin always been in favor of a potential war with Iran?

Sarah Palin's views on the possibility of war with Iran have evolved over time. While she has consistently expressed concerns about Iran's nuclear program, she has also stated that she believes in exhausting all diplomatic options before resorting to military action.

5. Does Sarah Palin believe that a war with Iran would be in the best interest of the United States?

Sarah Palin has stated that she believes a strong stance against Iran, including the possibility of military action, is necessary in order to protect the interests of the United States and its allies. However, she has also stressed the importance of carefully considering all options and potential consequences before making any decisions about war with Iran.

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