Saturn: Helium Rain, or non-indigenous planet?

In summary: It appears that at 10, 20, 30, 40 atmospheres, Helium does become a liquid at the sorts of temperatures you'd find on Saturn.Yes, it liquifies at these pressures and temperatures.
  • #1
Gold Member
I'm using Chaisson'/McMillan's "Astronomy, a Beginner's Guide to the Universe"/7th Edition

In Chapter 7, it describes the gas giants, and says that Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune all have "86% Hydrogen, 14% Helium" in their atmospheres, while Saturn has about 92% hydrogen, and 7% Helium, in its atmosphere.

As an explanation, it offers that on Saturn, Helium liquifies, and condenses toward the center of the planet. If that's accurate, it would have to mean that Helium must undergo an inelastic collision in the core... What mechanism could cause that? Helium is a noble gas, so it doesn't interact easily with other chemicals. It is also is incredibly stable as an isotope, so it isn't going to interact easily with other nucleons. How does Helium get trapped towards the surface or core of Saturn?

Also, Saturn is an outlier as far as densities go. 710 kg/cubic meter for saturn, as opposed to (1300, 1200, and 1700) for Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune, respectively.

How strong is their modeling for Helium rain? Should an alternative hypothesis be explored that the bulk of Saturn might actually be captured from a more ancient solar system? Or has such an alternative hypothesis already been explored and rejected?
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  • #2
JDoolin said:
Should an alternative hypothesis be explored that the bulk of Saturn might actually be captured from a more ancient solar system?
Not unless there is found at least some shred of evidence which could justify it.
All of the planets in the solar system have aspects which make them unique.
Mercury is exceptionally dense, Venus spins 'backwards' in comparison to most planets while Uranus spins on it's side, the Earth-Moon system is almost a binary planet, no other planet has such a relatively large companion, some planets have strong magnetic fields others almost none, Jupiter emits huge amounts of EM in radio frequecies. I am sure there are many other features of planets which make them unusual in some way.
On that basis we could equally well argue that every one of the planets originated somewhere other than in the solar system.
  • #3
All very good points.

I totally agree... We don't really need an explanation for why Saturn has less helium in the atmosphere... The planet's are all unique.
  • #4
JDoolin said:
As an explanation, it offers that on Saturn, Helium liquifies, and condenses toward the center of the planet. If that's accurate, it would have to mean that Helium must undergo an inelastic collision in the core... What mechanism could cause that?

I'd think the effect is more like mist forming near the ground than like raindrops falling.
  • #5
Drakkith said:
I'd think the effect is more like mist forming near the ground than like raindrops falling.

But is there something special about Saturn that would make this phenomenon happen there, but it wouldn't happen on Jupiter, Uranus, or Neptune?
  • #6
JDoolin said:
But is there something special about Saturn that would make this phenomenon happen there, but it wouldn't happen on Jupiter, Uranus, or Neptune?

That I don't know.
  • #7
JDoolin said:
Helium is a noble gas, so it doesn't interact easily with other chemicals.

I stand corrected by the phase diagrams here.

It appears that at 10, 20, 30, 40 atmospheres, Helium does become a liquid at the sorts of temperatures you'd find on Saturn.

(Actually, I'm not a hundred percent sure how to read these phase diagrams... It might become a compressible liquid, or a supercritical fluid?)
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FAQ: Saturn: Helium Rain, or non-indigenous planet?

1. What is helium rain on Saturn?

Helium rain is a phenomenon that occurs on Saturn, where liquid helium droplets fall from the upper atmosphere into the lower atmosphere. This is due to the extreme temperatures and pressures on the gas giant planet, causing helium to condense into liquid form.

2. How is helium rain different from water rain?

Helium rain is different from water rain in several ways. Firstly, it occurs at much higher altitudes and temperatures than water rain. Secondly, helium rain is composed of liquid helium droplets, while water rain is composed of liquid water droplets. Lastly, the process of condensation and precipitation is different for helium and water due to their different properties.

3. Why is Saturn the only planet where helium rain occurs?

Saturn is the only planet where helium rain occurs due to its unique combination of temperature, pressure, and atmospheric composition. The gas giant planet has a thick atmosphere made up mostly of hydrogen and helium, and its extreme temperatures and pressures allow for the formation of liquid helium droplets.

4. Is helium rain harmful to Saturn's atmosphere?

No, helium rain is not harmful to Saturn's atmosphere. In fact, it plays a crucial role in regulating the planet's temperature and composition. The condensation and precipitation of helium help to remove excess heat from the upper atmosphere, preventing it from becoming too hot and disrupting the planet's atmospheric balance.

5. Could helium rain ever occur on Earth?

No, helium rain could not occur on Earth. Earth's atmosphere is not composed of enough helium, and its temperature and pressure are not extreme enough to allow for the condensation of helium into liquid form. Helium rain is a phenomenon unique to gas giant planets like Saturn.
