Say Goodbye to vanesch & Welcome Mark44 to Physics Forums

  • Praise
  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, vanesch has recently retired from PF, and Mark44 has been promoted to take his place. Congratulations to both of them!
  • #1
Real life has claimed yet another fine mentor here at PF. This time it is the 6 year veteran vanesch. vanesch has helped anchor the Physics forums over that span. No doubt we will miss his expertise and humble nature! Thanks you vanesch! Hope you pop in and say hi often!

Furthermore, in a response to our busy expectations for the homework help sections this coming school season we are delighted to announce the promotion of Mark44. Surely this is little surprise, as Mark44 has been a leader in homework help forums for the past few years! Congrats!
Physics news on
  • #2
Good Luck with everything vanesch!

Yay! Congrats Mark!
  • #3
Best of luck to vanesch!

Congrats Mark44! He will do an amazing job!
  • #4
Thanks a lot vanesch for everything!

Congratulations Mark44!
  • #6
Good luck with your endeavors Patrick and thank you for your time here.

Congratulations Mark44.
  • #7
Good luck Mark44, you will need it in the coming days. Evey new Mentor adds some new flavor to the list of possible blunders :devil:
  • #8
Borek said:
Good luck Mark44, you will need it in the coming days. Evey new Mentor adds some new flavor to the list of possible blunders :devil:
LOL! My specialty is accidentally banning micromass. :redface:

Vanesch, so sorry to see you leave, please come back when you can.

Congratulations Mark44! Well deserved!
  • #9
We'll miss you, Patrick. Thanks!

Welcome, Mark!
  • #10
Borek said:
Good luck Mark44, you will need it in the coming days. Evey new Mentor adds some new flavor to the list of possible blunders :devil:

I remember the time when you accidentally plugged the Mentors' toilet. It reeked for a whole week. Poor Vanadium had to keep crossing his legs so many times while waiting for the women's bathroom to be empty before he could use it.

  • #11
ZapperZ said:
I remember the time when you accidentally plugged the Mentors' toilet. It reeked for a whole week. Poor Vanadium had to keep crossing his legs so many times while waiting for the women's bathroom to be empty before he could use it.

Speaking of bathrooms, I walked by the men's bathroom the other day, Mark is going to be busy. :eek:
  • #12
ZapperZ said:
I remember the time when you accidentally plugged the Mentors' toilet. It reeked for a whole week. Poor Vanadium had to keep crossing his legs so many times while waiting for the women's bathroom to be empty before he could use it.


I heard he ended up going in the Jacuzzi!
  • #13
Greg Bernhardt said:
I heard he ended up going in the Jacuzzi!
  • #14
Still better than coffee maker.
  • #15
Borek said:
Still better than coffee maker.
I remember that...
  • #16
ZapperZ said:
I remember the time when you accidentally plugged the Mentors' toilet. It reeked for a whole week. Poor Vanadium had to keep crossing his legs so many times while waiting for the women's bathroom to be empty before he could use it.

Evo said:
Speaking of bathrooms, I walked by the men's bathroom the other day, Mark is going to be busy. :eek:

Oh, I see - the new guy gets stuck with cleaing the bathrooms... Greg didn't mention that when he offered me the job
  • #17
Thank you, Patrick o:).

And congrats, Mark!
  • #18
ZapperZ said:
I remember the time when you accidentally plugged the Mentors' toilet. It reeked for a whole week. Poor Vanadium had to keep crossing his legs so many times while waiting for the women's bathroom to be empty before he could use it.


Evo said:
Speaking of bathrooms, I walked by the men's bathroom the other day, Mark is going to be busy. :eek:

Greg Bernhardt said:
I heard he ended up going in the Jacuzzi!

Evo said:

Borek said:
Still better than coffee maker.

Evo said:
I remember that...

You guys are having way too much fun. Don't you have work to do? :redface:
  • #19
Mark44 said:
Oh, I see - the new guy gets stuck with cleaing the bathrooms... Greg didn't mention that when he offered me the job

There's a lot of things Greg doesn't mention that comes with the job. If he does, none of us would have accepted it.

Think of all the "fun surprises" in store for you!

  • #20
Congrats, Mark!
  • #21
Borek said:
Good luck Mark44, you will need it in the coming days. Evey new Mentor adds some new flavor to the list of possible blunders :devil:

I once gave a warning to a poster in a Homework Help thread for posting the solution to the OP's homework question. Turns out the poster *was* the OP. He was responding to my admonishment in Post #2 of his thread that he had to show his own work before we could help him. :blushing:

Related to Say Goodbye to vanesch & Welcome Mark44 to Physics Forums

1. How did the transition from vanesch to Mark44 occur?

The transition occurred through a mutual agreement between vanesch and Mark44, with the support and approval of the Physics Forums team.

2. What are the differences between vanesch and Mark44?

Both vanesch and Mark44 are highly knowledgeable and experienced scientists, but Mark44 brings a fresh perspective and expertise in different areas of physics. Additionally, Mark44 is also a moderator on Physics Forums.

3. Will the forum rules or guidelines change with the new moderator?

No, the forum rules and guidelines will remain the same. Mark44 will continue to enforce them and ensure that the forum remains a respectful and informative space for discussions.

4. How will this change affect the forum community?

We believe that having Mark44 as a moderator will bring new energy and ideas to the forum, and will enhance the overall experience for the community. We also encourage members to continue to actively participate and contribute to discussions.

5. How can we welcome Mark44 to the community?

You can welcome Mark44 by engaging in discussions with him, asking questions, and showing appreciation for his contributions. Let's make him feel at home in the Physics Forums community!

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