Is the Scaling Method for Helmholtz Equation Correct?

Your Name]In summary, the conversation discussed the use of dimensionless units to solve the eigenvalue problem for the Helmholtz equation in 2D. The speaker shared their approach of scaling the equations to avoid numerical issues and asked for clarification on the use of consistent units. The responder advised that all physical dimensions should be in the same unit, such as micrometers, and confirmed the correctness of the equation for neff, but noted that k0 should also be in micrometers.
  • #1
Hi, I have tried to solve eigenvalue problem of the Helmholtz equation


in 2D, where k2=k202 is the eigenvalue and k0=2*π/λ0 is the wavenumber in vacuum. Also β=neff*2*π/λ0 where λ0 is the wavelength in vacuum.

Because constants ε=εrε0 and μ=μrμ0 are not very convinient numerically I have tried to scale my equations so that I don't have to deal with very large or very small numbers. So I have tried to use dimensionless units

ε0=μ0=1 => c0=1 (1)

where c0 is speed of light in vacuum. Let's assume that my physical dimensions are order of micrometers


and wavelength λ0 is for example 1.55μm. Now I want to do all the calcutions in a mesh where coordinates of the grid points are in microns not in meters and I want that equations (1) hold. Thus a=1 and λ0=1.55 am I right? If I want to solve effective refractive index neff, is this correct?


where k0=(2*π)/1.55 Now neff should correspond to the same value if everything is calculated in SI-units.

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  • #2

Hi Tuuba,

Thank you for sharing your approach and question. It seems like you are on the right track with your scaling method. Using dimensionless units can make the calculations more manageable and can help avoid numerical issues.

In order to accurately solve the eigenvalue problem for the Helmholtz equation, it is important to use consistent units throughout all the calculations. This means that all physical dimensions, such as a and λ0, should be in the same unit (e.g. meters or micrometers). In your case, if you are using micrometers as your unit of length, then both a and λ0 should be in micrometers.

Your equation for neff looks correct, but it is important to note that k0 should also be in the same unit (micrometers) as a and λ0. So in your case, k0=2π/1.55μm=4.05μm^-1.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.


Related to Is the Scaling Method for Helmholtz Equation Correct?

1. What is the Helmholtz equation?

The Helmholtz equation is a partial differential equation that describes the behavior of waves in a variety of physical systems, including acoustics, electromagnetics, and fluid dynamics. It is named after German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz.

2. What is scaling in the Helmholtz equation?

Scaling in the Helmholtz equation refers to the process of adjusting the independent variables in the equation to make it easier to solve or analyze. This can involve changing the units of measurement or introducing dimensionless parameters.

3. Why is scaling important in the Helmholtz equation?

Scaling is important in the Helmholtz equation because it can simplify the equation, making it easier to find solutions or analyze the behavior of waves in a system. It can also help to identify important parameters and relationships between variables.

4. How is the Helmholtz equation scaled in different physical systems?

The Helmholtz equation can be scaled differently in different physical systems, depending on the specific variables and parameters involved. For example, in acoustics, the equation may be scaled by introducing the speed of sound as a parameter, while in electromagnetics, the equation may be scaled using the speed of light.

5. What are some applications of the scaled Helmholtz equation?

The scaled Helmholtz equation has many applications in various fields, including acoustics, electromagnetics, and fluid dynamics. It is used to model and analyze the behavior of waves in different systems, such as sound waves in musical instruments, electromagnetic waves in communication systems, and water waves in oceans and lakes.
