Scattering of X-rays and polarization

In summary, classical electromagnetism arguments explain the polarization of low energy X-rays by scattering.
  • #1
I read once (I don't remember exactly where) that X-rays scattered perpendicularly to the direction of the incident X-rays are linearly polarized (even although the incident ones are not). I think the discussion was in the context of low energy X-rays, and the explanation used classical electromagnetism arguments: it was the same as the polarization by scattering mentioned here:

Is it true only for very low energy X-rays (with Rayleigh or Thompson scattering, i.e, frequency of the scattering = frequency of incident radiation), or is it true also for higher energies where the scattering is mainly by Compton effect?
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  • #2
This was discovered by Charles Barkla in 1905 (the paper is from 1906).

The classical polarization dependence holds for Thomson scattering. There are other effects such as multiple scattering, magnetic scattering, and resonant scattering that have different polarization behavior. am not sure about Compton scattering. There are polarization effects that have been used for experiments, in particular to study magnetism
  • #3
Isn't the Brewster Angle involved in this? At large angles of incidence, you get reflection of X Rays at metal surface. It's how X Ray telescopes work.
  • #4
Total external reflection of x-rays is indeed used for x-ray optics (terrestrial and astro). However, it is not an efficient way to control or modify polarization.

The angles up to which you get total external reflection of x-rays is typically very small. e.g. for a Gold surface and 12.4 keV x-rays (1 Angstrom wave length), the cut-off angle is 0.351 deg.

The large angles close to 90deg you get by using Bragg reflections, choosing a crystal and Bragg reflection that have the correct d-spacing (or choosing the wave length to match the crystal). With this you can get excellent polarization purity.

The obvious disadvantage of Bragg-based optics compared to mirrors is that Bragg optics only work for a very narrow energy band, whereas mirrors can work for a wide range of energies.
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  • #5

The phenomenon you are describing is known as Thomson scattering, where low energy X-rays (with a frequency close to that of the incident radiation) are scattered perpendicularly to the direction of the incident X-rays and become linearly polarized. This is due to the fact that the electrons in the material being scattered off are much lighter than the incident photons, so they are easily displaced by the electric field of the X-rays. This leads to a preferred direction of scattering, resulting in linear polarization.

However, as the energy of the X-rays increases and the scattering becomes dominated by the Compton effect, the polarization of the scattered X-rays becomes more complex. This is because the Compton effect involves the transfer of energy and momentum between the photons and the electrons, resulting in a broader range of scattering angles and polarizations. In general, the polarization of the scattered X-rays will depend on the energy of the incident radiation, the angle of scattering, and the properties of the material being scattered off.

So, to answer your question, the statement you read is true for low energy X-rays (with Rayleigh or Thomson scattering), but becomes more complicated at higher energies where the Compton effect is dominant. It is important to consider the specific conditions and mechanisms of scattering when discussing the polarization of X-rays.

Related to Scattering of X-rays and polarization

What is the scattering of X-rays and polarization?

The scattering of X-rays refers to the process in which X-ray photons interact with matter and change direction, while polarization refers to the orientation of the electric field of the X-ray wave. When X-rays scatter off of atoms or molecules, the scattered X-rays can become polarized.

What is the difference between elastic and inelastic scattering of X-rays?

Elastic scattering of X-rays refers to the process in which the scattered X-rays have the same energy as the incident X-rays. In contrast, inelastic scattering of X-rays involves a transfer of energy from the incident X-rays to the atoms or molecules, resulting in a change in the energy of the scattered X-rays.

How does the scattering of X-rays provide information about the structure of materials?

The scattering of X-rays can provide information about the structure of materials through a technique called X-ray crystallography. By analyzing the diffraction pattern of X-rays scattered from a crystal, the positions of atoms within the crystal can be determined, revealing the material's atomic and molecular structure.

What is the difference between coherent and incoherent scattering of X-rays?

Coherent scattering of X-rays occurs when the scattered X-rays maintain a fixed phase relationship with the incident X-rays, resulting in constructive interference and a diffraction pattern. Incoherent scattering, on the other hand, does not maintain a fixed phase relationship and does not produce a diffraction pattern.

How does the polarization of X-rays affect their scattering behavior?

The polarization of X-rays can affect their scattering behavior in various ways. For example, when X-rays are incident on a material with a preferred orientation, the scattered X-rays may become polarized in a specific direction. Additionally, the polarization of X-rays can also affect the intensity and pattern of the scattered X-rays, providing valuable information about the material's structure and properties.

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