Scheduling: Abstract algebra, numerical analysis, Probability, or?

In summary, the speaker is a math and physics major who needs to choose one more math class to reach full-time status for the fall. They are currently taking Classical Mech I, Analysis I, and PDE, but are considering taking an easier class as their fourth. They are unsure about the difficulty of abstract algebra and want to know if it is comparable to analysis. The speaker had a difficult time with abstract algebra and suggests considering the professor's teaching style before enrolling. They also mention that PDE can be a mixed bag and that numerical analysis may be less interesting but important for future job prospects. Alternatively, the speaker suggests taking a free elective for a break from science and math courses.
  • #1
I need to choose one more math class to reach a full-time status for next fall.
So far I am already taking Classical Mech I from Physics Dept, Analysis I and PDE from Math Dept.
I hear Analysis is already time-consuming hard class and I guess PDE isn't easy either, so I am considering to take relatively easy class as my fourth one.

Taking abstract would be great, because it is a requirement for my major (math&physics major). How hard is abstract? Is it same difficulty as Analysis or easier (or harder)? I would like to make a sensible schedule and get good grades in my classes.
I think numerical analysis is really easy, but it does not seem interesting to me. Or should I altogether forget about adding another math class and take something different like drawing, just so I can be a full time student?

What should I do?
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  • #2
The difference between Algebra and Analysis is much like the difference between steak and ice cream. Both are delicious and require a high level of formal proof. Some prefer the sweet, cold taste of ice cream and some prefer the savory, satisfying taste of steak. Some like both. You cannot have a complete meal nor a complete understanding of mathematics with just one.
  • #3
I had a rough time in abstract algebra; it was difficult for me to develop a feel for what was going on. I cannot speak to analysis yet. Keep in mind the professor plays a big role in how difficult a course is. Ask fellow students about each professor's expectations and teaching style.
  • #4
I think Analysis I will not be as difficult as you expect, for the reason that it is well known, well trodden stuff. Same with Abstract Algebra, very well-trodden ideas and probably similar not in content but in approach. Each is a body of knowledge that you are aiming to learn via the same method so it should be similar.
  • #5
It's hard to say, I personally found modern algebra much more difficult, because I had no real interest in the topic, but it is important that you as a math major should study it at one point. I just tend not to recommend both to be taken together, unless you already have a strong ability to write proofs.

PDE can be a mixed bag. Some PDE courses focus on technique, which while tedious, tend to be a much more manageable in terms of difficulty. My PDE class had a good deal of technique but also had some basic prove uniquness and boundary stuff. Nothing to difficult, plus the topics were interesting.

Numerical Analysis may be the least interesting course, but depending on the university it can be extremely difficult. Some courses on Numerical analysis just teach the theory and techniques, but focus little on programming. Other courses focus heavily on programming and help students build a portfolio. If your university focuses on the programming and theory, then I would highly recommend this course, because more than likely, after your graduation, the ability to program and show what you can do will be more important than many concepts you will have learned.

Lastly, I'm not entirely opposed to taking a free elective either. Taking all science and math can be hard on a person. If you can take general electives, it sometimes can provided a break from the rigidness of science and math and give your mind time to explore other interesting ideas.

Related to Scheduling: Abstract algebra, numerical analysis, Probability, or?

What is scheduling?

Scheduling is the process of organizing and planning tasks, events, or activities within a specific timeframe. It involves determining the sequence of events, allocating resources, and setting deadlines to ensure efficient and effective completion of a project or goal.

How does abstract algebra play a role in scheduling?

Abstract algebra is the study of algebraic structures and their operations, which can be applied to various mathematical problems. In scheduling, abstract algebra can be used to model and solve scheduling problems, such as determining the optimal schedule for a set of tasks or minimizing the total time needed for completion.

What is the importance of numerical analysis in scheduling?

Numerical analysis is the use of mathematical techniques to solve problems in various fields, such as engineering, finance, and scheduling. In scheduling, numerical analysis can be used to analyze and optimize schedules by using algorithms and computational methods to find the most efficient and feasible solutions.

How does probability factor into scheduling?

Probability is the study of likelihood and uncertainty, and it plays a crucial role in scheduling. By considering the probability of different events and outcomes, scheduling can be done in a way that minimizes the risk of delays or conflicts. It can also help in decision making by determining the probability of meeting deadlines or completing tasks within a given timeframe.

What are the common challenges in scheduling and how can they be addressed?

Some common challenges in scheduling include limited resources, conflicting priorities, and unexpected events. These challenges can be addressed by using techniques such as resource leveling, prioritization, and contingency planning. Additionally, utilizing tools and software specifically designed for scheduling can help in managing and adjusting schedules in real-time to address any challenges that may arise.

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