Schematic of the basic rankine cycle

In summary: The area under the curve will be larger, indicating a higher thermal efficiency. In summary, the Rankine cycle can be improved by adding a reheater, lowering the condenser pressure, and using an integral condenser with a higher temperature, resulting in a higher thermal efficiency and reduced energy input. A T-s diagram of the improved cycle would show a larger area under the curve, indicating the increased efficiency.
  • #1


A)Draw a schematic of the basic rankine cycle and its equipment
B) ddiscuss any three practical improvements to make the basic rankine cycle more efficient, hightlighting the benefit that is thus realized.
C) draw a T-s diagram of the improvements

i got answer to the part A.
i got one answer to the part B. i know that reheat, lower the condenser pressure, integrity condenser to high temp, but i don't to the benefit of this change or is there more change that would make better rankine cycle

also i don't know the t-s diagram of the improvements rankine cycle

please help me
thank you
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  • #2
For part B, reheat can help to increase the efficiency of the Rankine cycle by reducing the losses due to irreversibility; lowering the condenser pressure can help to reduce the back work and improve the thermal efficiency; and using an integral condenser with a higher temperature can help to reduce the size of the condenser and increase the thermal efficiency. The benefit of these improvements is that they can increase the efficiency of the Rankine cycle, reducing the energy input required to generate the same amount of power output.

For part C, a T-s diagram of the improved Rankine cycle should look like a regular Rankine cycle diagram, with the addition of a reheater, a lower condenser pressure, and a higher temperature condenser.
  • #3

A) The basic rankine cycle is a thermodynamic cycle commonly used in power plants to convert heat energy into mechanical work. It consists of four main components: a boiler, a turbine, a condenser, and a pump. The schematic diagram of the basic rankine cycle is as follows:

Boiler → Turbine → Condenser → Pump → Boiler

The boiler is where high pressure liquid water is heated to its boiling point, producing high pressure steam. This steam then enters the turbine, where it expands and does work by rotating the blades of the turbine. The steam then exits the turbine and enters the condenser, where it is cooled and condensed back into liquid form. The liquid is then pumped back into the boiler to repeat the cycle.

B) There are several practical improvements that can be made to the basic rankine cycle to make it more efficient. Three of these improvements include reheat, lower condenser pressure, and using an intercooler to cool the steam between stages of the turbine.

Reheat involves reheating the steam after it has expanded through the first stage of the turbine. This allows the steam to do more work in the second stage of the turbine, increasing the overall efficiency of the cycle. Lowering the condenser pressure also increases the efficiency of the cycle by reducing the temperature difference between the hot and cold sides of the cycle. This results in a higher Carnot efficiency and therefore a more efficient cycle. Using an intercooler between stages of the turbine allows for the steam to be cooled and condensed before entering the next stage, reducing the work required by the compressor and improving the overall efficiency of the cycle.

The benefits of these improvements include increased efficiency, which leads to a higher power output for the same amount of heat input. This means that less fuel is required to produce the same amount of power, resulting in cost savings and reduced emissions.

C) The T-s diagram for the improved rankine cycle would have a higher efficiency compared to the basic rankine cycle. This is shown in the diagram below:


The blue line represents the basic rankine cycle, while the red line represents the improved cycle with reheat, lower condenser pressure, and an intercooler. As you can see, the red line has a larger area under the curve, indicating a higher work output and therefore a more efficient cycle.

In conclusion, the basic rankine cycle can be improved through practical changes such as reheat, lower condenser pressure

FAQ: Schematic of the basic rankine cycle

1. What is the basic Rankine cycle?

The basic Rankine cycle is a thermodynamic cycle that is commonly used in power plants to convert heat energy into mechanical work. It consists of four main components: a boiler, a turbine, a condenser, and a pump.

2. How does the Rankine cycle work?

The Rankine cycle works by using a heat source, such as coal or nuclear energy, to heat water and produce steam. The steam then enters a turbine, where it expands and turns a shaft, generating mechanical work. The remaining steam is then condensed back into water and pumped back to the boiler to repeat the cycle.

3. What are the advantages of the Rankine cycle?

The Rankine cycle is a highly efficient and reliable method of producing electricity. It can use a variety of heat sources and can be easily scaled up or down to meet different energy demands. Additionally, it has a simple design and is relatively low cost to operate.

4. What are the limitations of the Rankine cycle?

One limitation of the Rankine cycle is that it is not as efficient as other thermodynamic cycles, such as the Carnot cycle. It also produces low-quality steam, which can lead to corrosion and scaling in the components. Additionally, the use of fossil fuels as a heat source can contribute to air pollution and climate change.

5. How is the Rankine cycle used in real-world applications?

The Rankine cycle is used in a variety of power plants, including coal-fired, nuclear, and geothermal plants. It is also used in industrial processes, such as in the production of paper and chemicals. In addition, the Rankine cycle is being explored for use in renewable energy sources, such as solar thermal power plants.

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