Scholarships for second semester college freshmen?

In summary, as a second semester freshman, it is possible to obtain scholarships. It is recommended to speak to someone in the financial aid office at your university for specific options, and to utilize online resources such as fastweb and other scholarship websites. It is also important to prioritize and consistently apply for scholarships, including those for specific majors. Additionally, choosing a cheaper college or community college and transferring to a cheaper 4-year institution can help save money in the long run. It is also advised to regularly check university financial aid websites for more information.
  • #1
Is there a way to get scholarships as a second semester freshmen in college. I was thinking about starting to fill some out and become really obsessive about it and I'm only a first semester freshmen and don't have a degree earning transcript (I have a couple grades on my nondegree earning transcript that I earned from high school that transferred over as college credits with grades). Like what would I do though sense I really don't have a complete transcript yet of my first semester?
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  • #2
Talk to someone in the financial aid office at your university. They should know what's available specifically for students at your university, and point you to sources of information for more generally-available scholarships.
  • #3
fastweb, and some of the other scholarship sites can help you out. Make it a priority to enter one of those sweepstake scholarships every day / week. Then you can enter essay scholarships and other stuff like that as-well. Some schools gives scholarships depending on your major. This kid I know was told if he maintains his current GPA, when he becomes a junior he's eligible for a full paid scholarship from the psychology department (he's a psych major)

The best scholarship when it comes to college is this: Go to the CHEAPEST school money can buy. Financial aid will cover the entire cost and there will be no need to even take out a loan. Remember education = the individual not the name/prestige behind a money hungry institution.

If I could do it all over, I would be in a community college or the cheapest college closest to my house so I can save a brick load of money, not take out any loans, and work while saving refunds etc.,. Then transfer to the cheapest 4 year institution money can buy, commute from home, save more money, then take out loans ONLY for grad school (will have money saved by then to probably cover half the cost)
  • #5

I cannot provide specific advice on obtaining scholarships. However, as a general response, I would suggest that you research and reach out to your college's financial aid office for information on available scholarships for second semester freshmen. They can provide you with specific guidelines and requirements for applying for these scholarships. Additionally, you can also look into external scholarship opportunities through organizations or companies that offer financial aid for college students. It is important to carefully read and follow the instructions for each scholarship application, including any requirements for transcripts or grades. While you may not have a complete transcript yet, you can still provide your high school transcripts and any college credits earned so far. It is also important to stay organized and focused when applying for scholarships, but remember to also prioritize your academic studies. Best of luck in your scholarship search.

Related to Scholarships for second semester college freshmen?

1. What types of scholarships are available for second semester college freshmen?

There are various types of scholarships available for second semester college freshmen, including merit-based scholarships, need-based scholarships, scholarships for specific majors or fields of study, and scholarships from private organizations or foundations.

2. How can I find and apply for scholarships for second semester college freshmen?

You can start by researching scholarship databases and websites, such as Fastweb or You can also check with your college's financial aid office for any available scholarships. To apply, you will typically need to meet the eligibility requirements and submit an application along with any required documents, such as transcripts or essays.

3. What are some common eligibility requirements for scholarships for second semester college freshmen?

Eligibility requirements may vary depending on the scholarship, but some common requirements may include maintaining a certain GPA, being enrolled in a specific major or program, demonstrating financial need, or being involved in extracurricular activities or community service.

4. Can international students apply for scholarships for second semester college freshmen?

Yes, there are some scholarships available specifically for international students, as well as scholarships that are open to all students regardless of their citizenship. However, it is important to thoroughly research the eligibility requirements before applying.

5. Are there any scholarships specifically for second semester college freshmen?

Yes, there are some scholarships that are specifically targeted towards second semester college freshmen. These may be offered by colleges or universities, private organizations, or foundations. It is important to check the eligibility requirements and application deadlines for these scholarships.

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