Schwarzschild Solution using Cartan's Equations

In summary: Thanks for the suggestion Patrick.In summary, the conversation discusses the process of finding six independent connection 1-forms using Cartan's formalism and a given metric. The speaker begins by choosing an orthonormal basis and calculating the derivatives of the dual basis. They then simplify the equations using Cartan's structural relations and recognize that one of the coefficients is equal to zero, leading to the identification of six independent connection 1-forms. They request further explanation and assistance from others.
  • #1
Im having some trouble coming up with my six independent connection 1-forms.

I have been given a metric:

[tex]g = -H_0(r)^2dt\otimes dt + H_1(r)^2 dr\otimes dr + r^2 d\theta\otimes d\theta + r^2\sin^2\theta d\phi \otimes d\phi[/tex].

I need to find [itex]H_0(r)[/itex] and [itex]H_1(r)[/itex], which are functions of r and not t, so the solutions are static. I must calculate everything using Cartan's formalism.

So the first thing I did was choose my orthonormal basis:
[tex]e_0 = \frac{1}{H_0(r)}\partial_t \quad e_1 = \frac{1}{H_1(r)}\partial_r \quad e_2 = \frac{1}{r}\partial_{\theta} \quad e_3 = \frac{1}{r\sin\theta}\partial_{\phi}[/tex]

so that my dual basis is:
[tex]\varepsilon^0 = H_0(r)\mbox{d}t \quad \varepsilon^1 = H_1(r)\mbox{d}r \quad \varepsilon^2 = r\mbox{d}\theta \quad \varepsilon^3 = r\sin\theta\mbox{d}\phi[/tex]

Now, using Cartan's structural relations I calculated:

[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^0 = -\omega_{10}\wedge\varepsilon^1 - \omega_{20}\wedge\varepsilon^2 - \omega_{30}\wedge \varepsilon^3\quad [1][/tex]
[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^1 = -\omega_{12}\wedge\varepsilon^2 - \omega_{13}\wedge\varepsilon^3 - \omega_{10}\wedge\varepsilon^0\quad [2][/tex]
[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^2 = \omega_{12}\wedge\varepsilon^1 - \omega_{23}\wedge\varepsilon^3 - \omega_{20}\wedge \varepsilon^0\quad [3][/tex]
[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^3 = \omega_{13}\wedge\varepsilon^1 + \omega_{23}\wedge\varepsilon^2 - \omega_{30}\wedge\varepsilon^0\quad [4][/tex]

But now I am stuck. I should be able to find 6 independent connection 1-forms but I don't know how to simplify all the above equations. Any guidance from here would be very helpful.
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  • #2
I tried computing the derivatives of the dual basis directly, but I am not sure if that helps me:

[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^1 = \mbox{dd}\varepsilon^1 = 0[/tex]

since [itex]\mbox{d}\circ\mbox{d}=0[/itex].

[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^2 = \mbox{d}r\wedge\mbox{d}\theta + r\wedge \mbox{dd}\theta[/tex]
[tex]= \mbox{d}r \wedge\mbox{d}\theta[/tex]
[tex]= \frac{1}{H_1(r)}\varepsilon^1 \wedge \frac{1}{r}\varepsilon^2[/tex]
[tex]= \frac{1}{rH_1(r)}\varepsilon^1\wedge\varepsilon^2[/tex]


[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^3 = \frac{1}{rH_1(r)}\varepsilon^1 \wedge \varepsilon^3 + \frac{\cot\theta}{r}\varepsilon^2 \wedge \varepsilon^3[/tex]

[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^0 = \mbox{d}(H_0(r)\mbox{d}t)[/tex]
[tex] = \mbox{d}H_0(r)\mbox{d}t \wedge H_0(r) \mbox{d}r\mbox{d} [/tex]
[tex] = \frac{H_0(r)'}{H_0(r)}\varepsilon^0 \wedge \frac{H_0(r)}{H_1(r)}\varepsilon^1[/tex]
[tex] = \frac{H_0(r)'}{H_1(r)}\varepsilon^1 \wedge \varepsilon^0[/tex]

Note: The prime refers to differentiation with respect to r
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  • #3
To summarize:

[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^0 = \frac{H_0(r)'}{H_1(r)}\varepsilon^1 \wedge \varepsilon^0 = -\omega_{10}\wedge\varepsilon^1 - \omega_{20}\wedge\varepsilon^2 - \omega_{30}\wedge \varepsilon^3 \quad [1][/tex]

[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^1 = 0 = -\omega_{12}\wedge\varepsilon^2 - \omega_{13}\wedge\varepsilon^3 - \omega_{10}\wedge\varepsilon^0\quad [2][/tex]

[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^2 = \frac{1}{rH_1(r)}\varepsilon^1\wedge\varepsilon^2 = \omega_{12}\wedge\varepsilon^1 - \omega_{23}\wedge\varepsilon^3 - \omega_{20}\wedge \varepsilon^0\quad [3][/tex]

[tex]\mbox{d}\varepsilon^3 = \frac{1}{rH_1(r)}\varepsilon^1 \wedge \varepsilon^3 + \frac{\cot\theta}{r}\varepsilon^2 \wedge \varepsilon^3 = \omega_{13}\wedge\varepsilon^1 + \omega_{23}\wedge\varepsilon^2 - \omega_{30}\wedge\varepsilon^0\quad [4][/tex]

Do these look right to anyone?
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  • #4
Perhaps I could help this process along with a further hint which I really like some explanation of:

Apparently in the next step of my calculations I should be able to recognize that from [4] we have

[tex]\omega_{30} = \Gamma_{300}\varepsilon^0[/tex]

and substituting into [1] we see that [itex]\Gamma_{300} = 0[/itex] since it is the sole coefficient of the 2-form basis element [itex]\varepsilon^3 \wedge \varepsilon^4[/itex].

All of this, I don't get :( If anyone is willing to explain how this all works, then I may be able to do a lot of simplification and come up with, hopefully, 6 independent connection 1-forms.
  • #5
Oxymoron said:
Perhaps I could help this process along with a further hint which I really like some explanation of:

Apparently in the next step of my calculations I should be able to recognize that from [4] we have

[tex]\omega_{30} = \Gamma_{300}\varepsilon^0[/tex]

and substituting into [1] we see that [itex]\Gamma_{300} = 0[/itex] since it is the sole coefficient of the 2-form basis element [itex]\varepsilon^3 \wedge \varepsilon^4[/itex].

All of this, I don't get :( If anyone is willing to explain how this all works, then I may be able to do a lot of simplification and come up with, hopefully, 6 independent connection 1-forms.

Just a suggestion, Oxymoron...You may want to post this on the Differential Geometry boards. There are very knowledgeable people there that will surely help you out.

  • #6
Ok, I have posted a similar thread in the Diff. Geometry and Tensor board.

Related to Schwarzschild Solution using Cartan's Equations

1. What is the Schwarzschild Solution?

The Schwarzschild Solution is a mathematical solution to Einstein's field equations in general relativity that describes the spacetime around a spherically symmetric, non-rotating massive object. It is often used to model the gravitational field of a black hole.

2. What are Cartan's equations?

Cartan's equations, also known as the Cartan-Hehl theory, are a set of equations that describe the curvature of spacetime in terms of torsion and curvature. They are an alternative formulation of Einstein's field equations in general relativity.

3. How are Cartan's equations used in the Schwarzschild Solution?

The Schwarzschild Solution using Cartan's equations is a variation of the original Schwarzschild Solution that takes into account the effects of torsion in addition to curvature. This allows for a more complete description of the spacetime around a massive object.

4. What are the advantages of using Cartan's equations in the Schwarzschild Solution?

Using Cartan's equations in the Schwarzschild Solution allows for a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the spacetime around a massive object. It also allows for the inclusion of the effects of torsion, which can play a significant role in certain physical systems.

5. Are there any limitations to the Schwarzschild Solution using Cartan's equations?

Like any mathematical model, the Schwarzschild Solution using Cartan's equations has its limitations. It is most accurate for non-rotating, spherically symmetric objects, and may not accurately describe more complex systems. Additionally, it does not take into account the effects of quantum mechanics, which may be necessary for a complete understanding of gravitational systems.

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