Sciama's Machian Origin of Inertia

In summary, the conversation discusses Dennis Sciama's 1953 paper on the origin of inertia and Mach's principle. The paper presents a simple argument using Maxwell-type gravitational field equations and introduces an additional field or potential, a rank 2 tensor, to achieve the Machian property. However, the existence of this potential is yet to be experimentally justified. References for further reading and discussions on Mach's principle and its incorporation in GR are also mentioned.
  • #1

I'm interested in what people think of Dennis Sciama's 1953 paper on the origin of inertia in which he shows how Mach's principle could work using a simple argument with Maxwell-type gravitational field equations:

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  • #2
I think the basis for his assumptions is 'beyond my paygrade'..
but his 'advisors' are sure not 'hacks'

you might find this discussion of interest:'s_principle

so it's not like Einstein ignored Mach.
  • #3
the philosophical argument that Einstein sort of understood from this (If I remember correctly) was that the local physical laws in a part of the universe may well be related to the inertial mass present, for it is clear that the fabric of space-time is fully controlled by it. investigations for this principle is very much out of reach by any means, for us. One can imagine though...
  • #4
I haven't read the paper (don't have time to rigorously read through it, and I won't understand it unless I am fairly rigorous I think), but I can give a few "general considerations".

1) The main problem regarding Mach's principle is its definition. There are as many definitions of Mach's principle as you can shake a stick at, ranging from mathematically precise statements which we can test (e.g. Brans Dicke theory's omega parameter), to pretty vague and "unfalsifiable".

2) Einstein explicitly tried to "incorporate" Mach's principle into his theory. But I believe he merely took it in the context "matter tells space how to bend", "space tells matter how to move". In this context, certainly "Mach's principle" is obeyed. When the Lense-Thirring effect was first established, Einstein thought that this was a wonderful confirmation of Mach's principle. A spherical shell of mass, (e.g. the universe around us) which is rotating, will determine the standard of rest (or inertial frames) inside it, and thus the angular momentum vectors will tend to rotate along with the rotation of the spherical shell (also called frame dragging). This effect is entirely native in GR.
  • #5
From a quick read, it appears to require an additional field, which Sciama calls a potential, which is specifically a rank 2 tensor.

Sciama said:
Kinematical considerations (Sections 6) show that the potential should be a tensor of the second rank

So it shows how one can construct a theory that achieves the property of being "Machian" by adding some extra fields / forces (Sciama's potential). This makes it similar, but more complex, than Branse-Dickie gravity, in which the extra potential is a scalar field rather than a rank 2 tensor field as it is here.

The problem in general is finding any experimental justification for the existence of these extra forces, or potentials.

I'd expect Sciama's theory to fit into testing via the PPN formalism

but I don't see any listing for it the alternate theories of gravitation section of the wiki,, which lists the PPN parameters predictions for a variety of theories.

I"m not sure if this is because my assumption it should have PPN parameters is incorrect, or whether it's just not included.
  • #6
At this point, I don't have time to comment on the substance of this idea, but merely add some references:

1) by Wolgang Rindler: mach's principle&f=false



4) Finally, not closely related to Sciama's ideas, I note the best modern advocate of Machian ideas is Julian Barbour, and the following includes his demonstration that one formulation of Mach's principle is included in GR:

FAQ: Sciama's Machian Origin of Inertia

1. What is Sciama's Machian Origin of Inertia?

Sciama's Machian Origin of Inertia is a theory proposed by British physicist Dennis Sciama in the 1950s that suggests that the inertial properties of matter, such as its resistance to changes in motion, arise from the influence of all other matter in the universe. In other words, the inertia of an object is not an inherent property, but rather a result of its interaction with the rest of the universe.

2. How does Sciama's Machian Origin of Inertia differ from Newton's laws of motion?

Newton's laws of motion state that inertia is an inherent property of matter, and that objects will remain at rest or in motion at a constant speed and direction unless acted upon by an external force. In contrast, Sciama's theory suggests that inertia is a result of the gravitational effects of all other matter in the universe.

3. What evidence supports Sciama's Machian Origin of Inertia?

One of the main pieces of evidence for Sciama's theory is the mass discrepancy in galaxies, where the observed mass does not match the mass that is predicted based on the speed of the stars within the galaxy. This suggests that there is some unseen mass, or "dark matter", that is causing the gravitational effects needed to explain the observed motion. Sciama's theory provides a potential explanation for this discrepancy by suggesting that the gravitational effects of all matter in the universe contribute to the inertia of objects within it.

4. How does Sciama's Machian Origin of Inertia relate to Einstein's theory of general relativity?

Sciama's theory is based on the principle of Mach's principle, which states that the inertia of an object is determined by the distribution of matter in the universe. This principle was also a key influence in Einstein's development of general relativity. However, Einstein did not fully incorporate Mach's principle into his theory, and it remains a topic of debate and further investigation in the scientific community.

5. Is Sciama's Machian Origin of Inertia widely accepted in the scientific community?

While Sciama's theory has sparked ongoing discussion and research, it is not currently widely accepted in the scientific community. Some physicists find the idea intriguing and worth exploring, while others remain skeptical and believe that inertia is an inherent property of matter. Further research and evidence is needed to determine the validity of Sciama's Machian Origin of Inertia.

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