Science Fiction Media Representations of Exoplanets...

  • #1
Gold Member
Stumbled over this one. Thought it might be pertinent.

Science Fiction Media Representations of Exoplanets: Portrayals of Changing Astronomical Discoveries.

"Interest in science fiction's (SF's) potential science communication use is hindered by concerns about SF misrepresenting science. This study addresses these concerns by asking how SF media reflects scientific findings in exoplanet science. A database of SF exoplanets was analysed using a Bayesian network to find interconnected interactions between planetary characterisation features and literary data. Results reveal SF exoplanets designed after the discovery of real exoplanets are less Earth-like, providing statistical evidence that SF incorporates rapidly-evolving science. Understanding SF's portrayal of science is crucial for its potential use in science communication."
Physics news on
  • #2
sbrothy said:
providing statistical evidence that SF incorporates rapidly-evolving science.
The end of the "jungles of Venus" wasn't enough?
  • #3
Vanadium 50 said:
The end of the "jungles of Venus" wasn't enough?
I’m ashamed to admit this reference went over my head. Is there a classic I missed out on?
  • #4
A zillion classics. Venus was regularly portrayed as jungle or swampland pre-Mariner.
  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
A zillion classics. Venus was regularly portrayed as jungle or swampland pre-Mariner.
Ah, Coleridge? That isn’t scifi unless you’re counting Douglas Adams is it? :)