Science Lay Person Question about Many Worlds Theory

In summary, the 'many worlds theory' of quantum mechanics presents a logical objection for the 'science layperson' due to the potentially infinite number of universes required for each possible outcome of a single event. This is further complicated by the fact that the outcome itself is not a quantum choice option, but rather a deterministic outcome when all relevant data is available. The justification for MWI often relies on the mathematical support, but this can be compared to the mathematical support for 1+1=3 when viewed through a certain filter. Additionally, the term 'many worlds' can be misleading as the theory actually proposes unitary evolution without the creation or destruction of universes.
  • #1
The logical objection that the 'science layperson' has (in my opinion) to the many worlds theory of quantum mechanics is the 'artificial' solution the construction of a new universe based on two possible options appears to present. The example of flipping a coin, and in one universe a heads appearing, in another tails, is fundamentally unsatisfying regardless of whether it is currently construed to support the mathematics underlying it.

Firstly there are not only in fact two options for the 2 'new' universes to accept, there are potentially limitless options thus limitless quantities of universes required to play out the options. Does the coin land back in my hand or is my hand affected by something and it falls to the ground; am I interrupted by a fall, a wind, a heart attack; does a bird swoop down and catch it. And at the simultaneous (quantum) moment, someone observing the flip, do they see the flip or miss it in a blink; do they catch the coin or let it land in my hand; do they anticipate the outcome rightly or wrongly; get distracted by a sudden thought of what to cook tonight, or an unpaid bill, or not be distracted at all, etc.

Simultaneously once more, what of other conscious beings within sight and their remotely connected options, as well as those far from sight, in addition to the unconscious entities - does a leaf fall or not fall during the same quanta of time. The options approach the infinite at every given smallest quantum measurement of time, and these unlimited options will all apply to observer, non observer (or entity unable to observe) connected or unconnected, terrestrially and beyond, and will 'require' a universe for each permutation or combination. It would be arrogant for us to argue that 'no' the outcome of heads or tails is the only relevant outcome on the basis that the head or tail outcome is our only conscious focus - in 'reality' the options are far more analogue than digital.

In addition to the real potential outcomes of heads, tails, in between (lands on side), neither (coin is unexpectedly destroyed by a meteor), both (coin unexpectedly splits down the middle) and all the near (if not absolute) infinite variations in between (e.g. outcome delayed on quantum time scale by slight alteration of local gravity via subterranean tidal magma surge) are the manifold options that also 'apply' to this (simultaneous) singular occurrence requiring a yet 'extra' universe for the action to unfold. By definition, if an outcome is 'possible' then a universe is 'required', not just universes for what we (as humans or similar) think should be required.

Secondly, and more importantly, in reality the outcome of the coin flip is not a quantum choice option (and lay people remain hopeful that the example is ubiquitously provided as an analogy only for the real scientific equivalent), it is an entirely deterministic outcome when all relevant data is available - strength and angle of toss; wind direction and speed; location, speed and direction traveled and intention of bird(s) who may potentially swoop on the coin; the condition of my heart at the time of flipping.

The apparently only true 'quantum' option is whether I 'decide' on heads or tails, not the physical outcome of the toss, and it is arrogant and human centric to believe that a universe is constructed each time a human (or similar) makes a decision about something. To think that an extra universe is required whether I decide to turn left or right at an intersection is just too arrogant to consider. To think that two universes are required for whether a car crashes into me while I turn or not is also moot because classical physics will answer that without the need for a quantum layer. So when is the quantum split universe actually required? The answer appears to be never, or alternately an infinite amount of universes required at all given quanta divisions of time.

Quantum Mechanics is always described as bizarre, hard to fathom etc. But to the science layperson in majority the concepts (entanglement and non-locality, super-position) are, although bizarre, within some kind of reason - reason that perhaps betrays that there is more to learn about (e.g.) 'spooky distance' that may provide new understanding and perspective. Multi-worlds however stands out as bizarre but beyond reason and purpose. The justification for multi-worlds always seems to comes back to the fact that although appearing to defy reason the maths supports it. However 1 human female + 1 human male can equal 2 persons + 1 baby (3 people), and that can appear to support the maths that 1+1=3 when viewed through a sufficiently modeled filter.

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  • #2
Jmacquar said:
the 'artificial' solution

MWI is not "artificial" any more than any other interpretation of QM. Its proponents argue that it is more natural, because it is all just unitary evolution, whereas other interpretations insert a non-unitary "measurement" process without any real rules for when it is supposed to occur.

Jmacquar said:
the construction of a new universe

This is not what the MWI actually says; the term "many worlds" is actually a very unfortunate one. Unitary evolution is information preserving and reversible, so nothing is created or destroyed.
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Note that the OP was 8 years ago, almost to the day.

Related to Science Lay Person Question about Many Worlds Theory

1. What is the Many Worlds Theory?

The Many Worlds Theory is a theory in quantum mechanics that suggests that every possible outcome of a quantum event actually occurs in a different universe. This means that there are multiple parallel universes coexisting with our own.

2. How does the Many Worlds Theory explain the idea of multiple universes?

The Many Worlds Theory proposes that every time a quantum event occurs, the universe splits into multiple branches, each representing a different outcome. This results in an infinite number of parallel universes, each with its own unique set of events and possibilities.

3. Is the Many Worlds Theory widely accepted in the scientific community?

The Many Worlds Theory is a highly debated and controversial topic in the scientific community. While some physicists support the theory, others argue that it is untestable and goes against the principles of Occam's razor.

4. Can we ever prove the existence of other universes according to the Many Worlds Theory?

At this point in time, there is no way to prove the existence of other universes according to the Many Worlds Theory. While some scientists are working on experiments to test the theory, it remains a topic of speculation and theoretical discussion.

5. How does the Many Worlds Theory impact our understanding of reality?

The Many Worlds Theory challenges our traditional understanding of reality and the concept of a single, linear timeline. It suggests that there are infinite possibilities and outcomes, and our universe is just one of many. This can have implications for fields such as philosophy, psychology, and cosmology.

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