Science of disturbing a spinning top

In summary, a spinning top that is deflected will return to its original spinning track due to the gyroscopic effect. When disturbed, the top experiences a torque from gravity, causing it to precess at right angles to both axes. This precession, combined with the top's freedom to move, results in the top shifting its tip to come back under its center of gravity, thus restoring it to its original vertical position.
  • #1
In case of a spinning top, why is it that when it is deflected, it again returns to it's original spinning track?
Like suppose it is spinning. And then, we disturb it by our hand. It deflects momentarily, yet, it again returns to its own spinning axis? Can you explain the reason?
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  • #2
When disturbed, the top finds itself spinning on the lean. Gravity is therefore applying a torque. But gyroscopes respond to a torque (at right angles to the axis of spin) paradoxically: they turn at right angles to both axes, i.e. they precess.
If the point of the top were constrained, e.g. by being in a depression, the top would continue to precess at the same lean. But being free to move around, the rotating tip acts like a wheel. Without going through the calculations, I would guess that this results in the tip shifting to come back under the c.o.g., thereby restoring it to the vertical.

FAQ: Science of disturbing a spinning top

1. What is the science behind the movement of a spinning top?

The spinning top is able to maintain its balance and movement due to the principles of angular momentum and friction. When the top is spun, it creates a force known as angular momentum, which keeps the top in motion. Friction between the top and the surface it is spinning on also helps to maintain its balance and keep it from falling over.

2. How does the shape of a spinning top affect its movement?

The shape of a spinning top can greatly impact its movement. A top with a wider base and a lower center of mass will be more stable and spin longer compared to a top with a narrower base and a higher center of mass. This is because the wider base creates a larger support area and the lower center of mass creates a more stable equilibrium.

3. What factors can affect the duration of a spinning top's spin?

The duration of a spinning top's spin can be affected by various factors such as the surface it is spinning on, the shape and weight distribution of the top, and the initial force used to set the top in motion. A smooth and flat surface will allow for less friction, resulting in a longer spin. A heavier and more balanced top will also spin longer due to its increased angular momentum.

4. How does the speed of a spinning top change over time?

The speed of a spinning top will gradually decrease over time due to the effects of friction and air resistance. As the top spins, it creates a small amount of drag against the air, which slows it down. Friction between the top and the surface also contributes to the decrease in speed. However, if the top is spun with enough initial force and on a smooth surface, it can maintain its speed for a longer period of time.

5. Can the direction of a spinning top's spin be changed?

Yes, the direction of a spinning top's spin can be changed by applying an external force. This force can be applied by either tilting the top or by using another object to push the top in a different direction. However, the top's original direction of spin will still have an impact on its movement and stability. A sudden change in direction can cause the top to wobble or even fall over.

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