Scientific explaination for today's events?

In summary, the increase in natural disasters is largely due to population growth, increased media coverage, and improved technology in measuring and recording disasters. War has not been increasing in number, but the severity of wars has been increasing. The main cause of the increase in disasters is due to overpopulation. Religion is responsible for a significant amount of the world's problems, and has been responsible for prohibiting or limiting birth control.
  • #1
If anyone here cold scientifically explain the extremely unusual number of occurances of natural disasters, and virus outbreaks more than any other point in history, and not link it to the foreshadowing of some malevolent paranormal force or the book of revelations/apocalypse. I understand the colossal gap between science and religion, so please bear with me. The only real explanation for the natural disasters, wars, pandemic outbreaks, political unrest, global chaos is to link it to either an evil omnipresent paranormal force, or it being caused by some shadowy ultra-secret world government organization in some incomprehendably sinister plot.

The book of revelations clearly predict today's events and claim that it is the foreshadowing of the destruction of everything and everyone on Earth. Paranormal phenomena has been scientifically documented and is completely anomalous even to today's best science. Could some kind of universal interdimensinoal intelligence/force be causing today's strange events? Can the strange weather and geological phenomena and also the West Nile Virus/SARS/Avian Flu be scientifically explained?

Please don't ban my account for the weirdness and extremity of this post, but I would like some answers.
Earth sciences news on
  • #2
The only real explanation for the natural disasters, wars, pandemic outbreaks, political unrest, global chaos is that they are ever present. Natural disasters have always happened. Humanity survived through ice ages and heat waves that make the current climate change look like a perfect spring day. Drought may well have brought about the downfall of the Mayans ( The little ice age may well have triggered the plague ( Speaking of which, there simply is no present-day pandemic that comes close to the plague.

Political unrest? We have very little political unrest. Read up on the noble savage, who was mostly just savage (murder was the leading cause of death among men, and rape among women). Read up on Khengis Khan. Read up on the 100 Years War. We are living in the least violent times in history (

The biggest problem facing humanity today is that we have to much free time on our hands.
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  • #3
"Small earthquake in Peru - not many dead" doesn't get you ratings.
There is no increase in disasters, just an increase in sensational reporting.
  • #4
The_Absolute said:
If anyone here cold scientifically explain the extremely unusual number of occurances of natural disasters, and virus outbreaks more than any other point in history

First you'll have to scientifically show that there is an unusual number of occurences. What makes you think there's more than 10, 50 or 100 years ago? Where do you get your records for natural disasters and virus outbreaks for every other point in history?
  • #5
The_Absolute said:
Please don't ban my account for the weirdness and extremity of this post, but I would like some answers.
Weirdness and extremity are not grounds for banning. Posting misinformation, pseudoscience, and speculation as if it were fact is.
  • #6
The only real explanation for the natural disasters, wars, pandemic outbreaks, political unrest, global chaos is to link it to either an evil omnipresent paranormal force, or it being caused by some shadowy ultra-secret world government organization in some incomprehendably sinister plot.

either / or

are those the only choices you can think of?
If it were one or both, the 'natural' disasters wouldn't be natural then.
  • #7
This "shadowy ultra-secret world government's incomprehendably sinister plot" sure has been going on for a long time:

  • Antonine Plague, 2nd century.
  • Antioch earthquake, 6th century.
  • Plague of Justinian, 6th century.
  • Bubonic plague, 14th century.
  • Shaanxi earthquake, 16th century.
  • Huaynaputina eruption and resulting Russian famine, 17th century.
  • Lisbon earthquake and tsunami, 18th century.

Either "they" have been very busy - and particularly good at removing evidence of their nefarious deeds - or the conspiracy theory is simply loopiness. I know which side I am taking.
  • #8
Global Warming. It's all caused by the use of fossil fuels, and exclusively the USA's conumption.

Seriously, I believe that;
1) ...the increase in natural disasters is laregly a perceived icnrease, caused by the increase in global population (anyplace the Earth even twitches, somebody is there to notice it), communication (no matter who notices it, everyone hears about it) and improvements in measurement-taking techniques (even if nobody is there, some kind of instrument catches it).

2) ...the increase in devestation due to war results not from an icnrease in the number of wars, but improved weapons tech that makes the wars more catestrophic.

And BTW; it's the book of Revalation, not "Revalations" (just a small pet-peeve of mine).
  • #9
over population as a result of religions banning or limiting birth control
plus instant news from all over the world
equals more stuff reported NOT really more stuff happening

btw there are no Revalations, in "Revalation"
just some old guys dreams based on fairy tales
  • #10
ahem. "Revelation".

  • #11
This is an Earth science forum, not a speculation forum. This topic is locked.

Related to Scientific explaination for today's events?

1. What is the scientific explanation for climate change?

The scientific explanation for climate change is that the Earth's average temperature has been rising due to an increase in greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun, causing the Earth to warm up. This increase in temperature leads to changes in weather patterns, melting of glaciers and ice caps, and rising sea levels.

2. How do vaccines work to protect against diseases?

Vaccines work by introducing a weakened or inactive form of a virus or bacteria into the body. This allows the immune system to recognize and create antibodies to fight the infection. If the person is then exposed to the actual disease, their immune system is prepared to fight it off, preventing them from getting sick.

3. What is the scientific explanation for the recent increase in natural disasters?

The recent increase in natural disasters can be attributed to a combination of factors, including climate change, deforestation, and urbanization. As the Earth's climate changes, extreme weather events become more frequent and severe. Deforestation also contributes to this as it removes natural barriers, such as trees, that can help mitigate the impact of natural disasters. Urbanization can also lead to more damage and loss of life during disasters, as more people are living in vulnerable areas.

4. How do antibiotics work to fight bacterial infections?

Antibiotics work by targeting specific structures or processes in bacteria that are essential for their survival. This can include inhibiting cell wall formation, blocking protein synthesis, or disrupting DNA replication. By targeting these key components, antibiotics can kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria, allowing the body's immune system to clear the infection.

5. What is the scientific explanation for the effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of viruses?

The effectiveness of masks in preventing the spread of viruses is based on the concept of source control. Masks act as a physical barrier that can trap respiratory droplets that may contain viruses, preventing them from spreading to others. Additionally, masks can also protect the wearer by reducing the amount of virus particles they are exposed to. This is especially important for asymptomatic individuals who may unknowingly spread the virus.

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