Scuba Diver Sees Bird: Refraction Problem Explained

In summary, the diver sees the bird as closer than it actually is because the light from the bird is bent towards the normal when it enters the water.
  • #1
Irfan Nafi
1. The problem statement, all variables, and given/known data
A scuba diver is underwater. She looks up and sees a bird flying in the sky. Compared to its actual distance, the bird appears to be...
1. Closer
2. At actual distance
3. Further

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

The light from the bird is bent towards the normal when it enters the water so it should appear to be closer than it actually is, assuming the same height of the apparent position of the bird. The actual answer is that it is at the actual distance, but that would mean that the apparent height of the bird would be greater than its actual height. How can this be explained and are there any flaws in my reasoning?
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  • #2
Irfan Nafi said:
The light from the bird is bent towards the normal when it enters the water
Sounds good.

Irfan Nafi said:
so it should appear to be closer than it actually is
How did you deduce this?

Imagine a few "rays" of light and trace their path. From what point do those rays appear to originate as seen from under the water?
  • #3
I agree with your reasoning, but I think an appropriate figure would be very useful in this case.
  • #4
Here's a diagram :


  • IMG_1099.jpg
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  • #5
Let me clarify my earlier suggestion: Draw several rays of light emanating from the bird and hitting the water. Then you can project the bent rays in the water to find their apparent source.

(The diagram you drew does not allow you to draw any conclusions. You need multiple rays. At least two! You have the correct direction for the ray, but not the correct apparent origin.)
  • #6
Do you mean that the intersection point of the bent rays is the apparent source/origin?
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  • #7
What's the apparent origin?
  • #8
DoItForYourself said:
Do you mean that the intersection point of the bent rays is the apparent source/origin?

Irfan Nafi said:
What's the apparent origin?
The apparent location of the bird as seen from under the water. Locating that point is how you find the apparent distance of the bird.
  • #9

Sorry, the image is so large, but is this what you mean?
  • #10
Irfan Nafi said:

Sorry, the image is so large, but is this what you mean?
That link is not working for me.
  • #11
So, when the diver (eye) moves under the sea, the bird seems to be in the same apparent point.
It sounds rational.
  • #12
DoItForYourself said:
So, when the diver (eye) moves under the sea, the bird seems to be in the same apparent point.
It sounds rational.
Yes, but the diver does not need to move. Rays from a point source arrive at different parts of the lens and get focussed back to a point on the retina. The lens adjusts to compensate for the divergence between the rays. If the refraction alters the angle between the rays then the lens adjustment is different, leading to a different impression of distance.
Also, binocular vision has the same benefit as moving the head.
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  • #13
I have the image attached.


  • image_123923953.JPG
    13.3 KB · Views: 467
  • #14
Irfan Nafi said:
I have the image attached.
That does not give you the apparent height.
Use a single point on the object and trace two divergent rays from it. Either make the eye much wider to accommodate them or omit the eye.
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Likes Irfan Nafi
  • #15
Oh, I got it. Thanks for the help.

FAQ: Scuba Diver Sees Bird: Refraction Problem Explained

1. Why does the bird appear to be in a different location when seen by a scuba diver?

When light travels from one medium (such as air) to another (such as water), it changes direction due to a phenomenon known as refraction. This means that light rays are bent when they pass through the water, making objects appear to be in a different location than they actually are. This is why the bird appears to be in a different spot when seen by the scuba diver underwater.

2. Does this phenomenon only occur with birds or can it happen with other objects?

This phenomenon can happen with any object that is viewed through water. It is not limited to just birds. Any object that is viewed through water will appear to be in a different location due to refraction.

3. Can this refraction problem be corrected?

Yes, this refraction problem can be corrected by using a special type of lens called a dome port. A dome port is a curved lens that is specifically designed to help reduce the distortion caused by refraction when viewing objects through water. Scuba divers and underwater photographers often use dome ports to capture more accurate images of objects underwater.

4. How does the refraction problem affect the depth perception of scuba divers?

The refraction problem can greatly affect the depth perception of scuba divers. This is because objects appear to be closer or further away than they actually are due to the bending of light. This can be dangerous for scuba divers who need to accurately judge their depth in order to avoid hazards and safely ascend to the surface.

5. Can the refraction problem be used to the advantage of scuba divers?

Yes, the refraction problem can be used to the advantage of scuba divers. By understanding how light is bent underwater, scuba divers can learn to compensate for the refraction and accurately judge the true location of objects. This is especially useful for divers who need to navigate and find their way back to a specific location underwater.
