Scuba Diver's Lung Expansion: How Much is Too Much at the Surface?

In summary, the conversation discusses a physics problem involving a scuba diver who needs to calculate the change in volume of his lungs when rising from 10m below the surface to the surface. The solution involves using Boyle's Law and understanding the relationship between pressure and depth. The conversation also touches on a separate physics problem involving a hot air balloon and the factors that limit its maximum altitude. The solution for this problem involves understanding buoyancy and using the ideal gas law.
  • #1
The Problem" If a scuba driver fills his lungs to full capacity of 5.5L when 10 m below the surface, to what volume would his lungs expand if he rose to the surface? Is this advisable?

I really don't know where to go with this. I started with pv=nRT so rho(v)gh=nRT but there are still too many unknowns. How do I go about solving or starting this problem?

Answer is 11L and not advisable.
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  • #2
any idea anyone? I really need help.
  • #3
Hydrostatic pressure in a fluid is just [itex]\rho[/itex]gh, where [itex]\rho[/itex] is the density, g is acceleration of gravity, and h is height from some reference.

So going from h to the surface will represent a change in pressure.

At the surface, assume pressure is 1 atm = 14.7 psia = 0.101325 N/m2.
  • #4
i know what those stand for and u didn't mention "n." The problem is HOWto start the problem or figure the numbers given what I posted. You also don't know temperature "T" or should I assume it is all at STP?

How come no one know this one to at least help me get started? This only Physics 102 algebra material.
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  • #5
The number of moles does not change, unless the diver releases the air.

If n is constant since PV=nRT, then n = PV/RT = P1V1/RT1 = P2V2/RT2.

One may assume the temperature does not change, or T1 = T2, and with R also a constant, the above equality reveals,

P1V1 = P2V2, which is known as Boyle's Law. See also
  • #6
so P1/P2=V2/V1. Assuming, at the top it is atmospheric pressure then it is 1 atm. Underwater P1=rho(g)(h)=(1*10^3kg/m^3)(9.8m/s^2)(10m) so that gives 98000 atm. V1=5.5L so solving for V2 we get 53900L which is not possible what am I doing wrong?
  • #7
(1*10^3kg/m^3)(9.8m/s^2)(10m) does not give 98000 atm.

Look at the units. kg/m3*m/s2*m = (kg-m/s2)/m2= N/m2 = Pa.

1 atm = 101325 Pa.

Also realize that the pressure at the surface is 1 atm, while the pressure 10 m below the water is 1 atm + pressure from the depth of water.
  • #8
Thanks. That really helped. I just have 1 more physics question from the homework that couldn't get but I made an effort on it so if you have any idea what I'm doing wrong on this please tell me.

The question states: A hot air ballown achieves its buoyant force lift by heating the air inside the balloon, which makes it less dense than the air outside. Suppose the volume of a balloon is 1800 m^3 and the required lift is 2700N (rough estimate of the weight of the equipment and passenger). Calculate the the temperature of the air inside the balloon which will produce the required lift. Assume that the outside air temperature is 0 degrees celcius and that air is an ideal gas under these conditions. What factors limit the maximum altitude attainable by this method for a given load? (neglect variables like wind).

answer:37 degrees cecius.
ok so I drew FBD and the sum of forces includes the buoyant force in this case upward and that equals the two downward forces of the air in the balloon and the weight of passenger. However, I don't know what air to assume (helium?) inside the balloon and I do not know the weight of the passenger. So I'mthinking of somehow solving to get the weight of the air inside balloon which is like rho of the gas times the volume (1800m^3) to get its mass and then use this mass to apply to gas law PV=nRT which I can rework into T=Pv/nR. I also did a lot of other scratch work that doesn't lead me to the correct answer so I'm getting a little confused how to begin. any ideas on this problem will be greatly appreciated.
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  • #9
it is a HOT AIR balloon, so inside the balloon is hot air.

If the air inside was 0 C (=273 K) there would be enough lift to hold up the cold air only, not the equipment etc.
Force upward, by the air outside, must equal the weight of this much cold air.
You want to have less air inside, at high T (to keep same V and same P)
so as to hold up equipment.
  • #10
What about the temperature how to figure? how much less air to keep P and V constant?
  • #11
ditch as much air as you replace (mass-wise) with equipment.
raise the T to compensate for delta n
  • #12
This is a bouyancy problem. The air inside must be less dense, but the pressure must equal or slightly exceed the outside air. In order to maintain pressure at a lower density, the temperature must be increased.

With PV = nRt => P = (n/V)RT or P = [itex]\rho[/itex]RT

Then with P the same, one has [itex]\rho[/itex]RTc = ([itex]\rho\,-\,\Delta\rho[/itex])RTh, where Tc and Th are the cold and hot temperatures.

The bouyant force, FB = [itex]\Delta\rho[/itex]Vg and the force of the air at density [itex]\rho[/itex] is just [itex]\rho[/itex]Vg.

Take the density of air at 0°C as 1.28 kg/m3.
  • #13
I see the reasoning for this it makes me understand physics a little better and lead me to how I should begin the problem. Thanks.

Related to Scuba Diver's Lung Expansion: How Much is Too Much at the Surface?

1. What is the "Gas Law scuba diver Problem" and why is it important for scuba divers?

The "Gas Law scuba diver Problem" is a problem that arises when a scuba diver ascends to the surface too quickly. As they ascend, the pressure around them decreases, causing the gases in their body (primarily nitrogen) to expand. This can lead to serious and potentially fatal conditions such as decompression sickness or lung overexpansion injuries. It is important for scuba divers to understand this problem in order to properly plan their dives and avoid these dangerous situations.

2. How do the gas laws (Boyle's Law, Charles's Law, and Dalton's Law) relate to the "Gas Law scuba diver Problem"?

Boyle's Law, Charles's Law, and Dalton's Law all play a role in the "Gas Law scuba diver Problem." Boyle's Law states that as pressure increases, volume decreases (and vice versa). This explains why the gases in a scuba diver's body expand as they ascend to the surface. Charles's Law states that as temperature increases, volume increases (and vice versa). This explains why the gases in a scuba diver's body expand as the water temperature increases. Dalton's Law states that the total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each gas in the mixture. This is important for scuba divers to understand when planning their dives and calculating their safe ascent rates.

3. How do scuba divers prevent the "Gas Law scuba diver Problem"?

Scuba divers can prevent the "Gas Law scuba diver Problem" by following safe dive practices. This includes planning their dives to limit their depth and bottom time, as well as monitoring their ascent rates. Divers can also use special dive tables or dive computers to help them plan their dives and calculate their safe ascent rates. It is also important for divers to properly equalize their ears and sinuses during their descent and ascent.

4. What are the symptoms of the "Gas Law scuba diver Problem" and how can it be treated?

The symptoms of the "Gas Law scuba diver Problem" can vary depending on the severity and type of injury. However, common symptoms include joint pain, skin rash, dizziness, numbness, and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, it can lead to paralysis, stroke, or even death. If a diver experiences any of these symptoms, they should seek immediate medical attention. Treatment may include hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which involves breathing 100% oxygen in a pressurized chamber to help reduce the gas bubbles in the body.

5. How can scuba divers minimize their risk of experiencing the "Gas Law scuba diver Problem"?

Scuba divers can minimize their risk of experiencing the "Gas Law scuba diver Problem" by following safe diving practices, such as planning their dives and monitoring their ascent rates. Divers should also make sure they are properly trained and certified, and should always dive with a buddy. In addition, divers should avoid alcohol consumption before and during dives, as well as staying well hydrated. Regular medical check-ups and fitness for diving evaluations are also important to help identify any potential risk factors. Finally, divers should always follow the instructions and guidelines of their dive instructors and dive leaders.

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