SD of Combined Math SAT Scores for Men and Women

In summary, the SD of Math SAT scores for the men and women combined is more than 125, as the combined average of 625 indicates a larger spread of scores. This can be seen through the \sqrt{2}-law, where the standard deviation of the sum increases by a factor of \sqrt{2}, and the standard deviation of the average decreases by a factor of \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}. Therefore, the SD for the combined group is larger than 125.
  • #1
Hi, I'm having a little trouble with this question:

Among entering students at a certain college, the men averaged 650 on the Math SAT, and their SD was 125. The women averaged 600, but had the same SD of 125. There were 500 men in he class, and 500 women.

Q) For the men and the women together, was the SD of Math SAT scores less than 125, just about 125, or more than 125?

I'm not quite sure how to solve this. By looking at the question, I thought the SD would stay the same. Then I pictured a normal curve for men, women, and combined, and since the combined average is 625, the SD seemed to be larger because the combined curve had to take care of the extremes of both men and women. Then out of desperation, I tried finding the pooled Standard Deviation and found it to be 125.

I'm just going around in circles, not knowing exactly what I'm doing. I think it's either more than 125 or equal to 125, but even if one of those were right, I'm not confident on the reasoning behind it. Can you please help me solve this question, and future questions like these?
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  • #2
Whiz said:
I'm not quite sure how to solve this. By looking at the question, I thought the SD would stay the same.
Well, looking at the question isn't enough. SDis a tricky thing, it doesn't behave as nicely as averages (e.g. you are allowed to say the combined average is (600 + 650)/2 = 625, but not that the combined SD is (125 + 125)/2 = 125, for instance.

Whiz said:
Then I pictured a normal curve for men, women, and combined, and since the combined average is 625, the SD seemed to be larger because the combined curve had to take care of the extremes of both men and women.
That's better. If you consider the SD as telling you something about the spread in answers, then indeed it should be larger since statistically speaking, values will be further away from the average of 625.

Whiz said:
Then out of desperation, I tried finding the pooled Standard Deviation and found it to be 125.
That's because, as I said, you cannot simply take the average of a standard deviation. If you add two independent* variables X and Y, then for the average of the sum, E(X + Y) = E(X) + E(Y). Taking the average you get E(X + Y) / 2 = (E(X) + E(Y)) / 2.
For the standard deviation of X + Y, there is the formula
σ(X + Y)² = σ(X)² + σ(Y)²,
so you don't simply add them, but you add the squares (and then take the square root).
That gives you, in this case where σ(X) = σ(Y),
[tex]\sigma(X + Y) = \sqrt{2 \sigma(X)^2} = \sqrt{2} \sigma(X)[/tex]
so the standard deviation of the total score increases by a factor sqrt(2). This corresponds to your intuition, hopefully, that when adding two things with uncertainty, the uncertainty of the sum will exceed the uncertainty of a single variable - the counter-intuitive catch is that it doesn't increase by a factor of 2 but only its square root.
For the SD of the average score, then, you divide by 2 to get
[tex]\sigma = \frac{\sqrt{2} \sigma(X)}{2} = \frac{\sigma(X)}{\sqrt{2}}[/tex]

Actually these laws, in the case of adding or averaging n variables with the same distribution as X read
[tex]E(\text{sum of }n) = n E(X), \sigma(\text{sum of }n) = \sqrt{n} \sigma(X)[/tex];
[tex]E(\text{average of }n) = E(X), \sigma(\text{average of }n) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{n}} \sigma(X)[/tex];
and are commonly referred to as [itex]\sqrt{n}[/itex]-law.

* Strictly speaking, E(X + Y) = E(X) + E(Y) also holds when X and Y are not independent, however for the SD independence is necessary.

FAQ: SD of Combined Math SAT Scores for Men and Women

1. What is combined standard deviation?

Combined standard deviation is a statistical measure that represents the overall variation or spread of a set of data points. It takes into account the variability of multiple data sets and provides a single value to describe the total variation in the data.

2. How is combined standard deviation calculated?

Combined standard deviation is calculated by taking the square root of the sum of squared differences between each data point and the mean of the combined data sets, divided by the total number of data points.

3. What is the difference between combined standard deviation and individual standard deviation?

Individual standard deviation is calculated for a single data set, while combined standard deviation takes into account multiple data sets. This means that combined standard deviation provides a more comprehensive measure of variation, as it considers the variability within and between data sets.

4. Why is combined standard deviation important?

Combined standard deviation is important because it allows us to understand the variability of a set of data points as a whole, rather than just within individual data sets. It is particularly useful when comparing multiple data sets with different means and sample sizes.

5. Can combined standard deviation be negative?

No, combined standard deviation cannot be negative. It is always a positive value because it is calculated as the square root of the sum of squared differences, which cannot be negative.
