SE Class 11 Physics Revision Notes Chapter 14 Oscillations

In summary: When $\mu = 0$, shouldn't the period be $2\pi$? Since the other $\mu$ values are close to circular, shouldn't they be around $2\pi$ as well?No, the period is not $2\pi$.
  • #1
x'=.05\left[y-\left(\frac{1}{3}x^3 - x\right)\right]\\
So this a Van de Pol equation where $\mu = .05$. It is basically a circle at the origin with radius 2. How do I find the period?
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  • #2
dwsmith said:
x'=.05\left[y-\left(\frac{1}{3}x^3 - x\right)\right]\\
So this a Van de Pol equation where $\mu = .05$. It is basically a circle at the origin with radius 2. How do I find the period?

What have you tried?

What might help?

  • #3
CaptainBlack said:
What have you tried?

What might help?


I only know how to solve for large mu. I read the section in Strogatz book but it didn't tell me anything or I couldn't decipher the meaning.
  • #4
dwsmith said:
I only know how to solve for large mu. I read the section in Strogatz book but it didn't tell me anything or I couldn't decipher the meaning.

The method for finding the asymptotic form for the period is complicated but elementary (another singular perturbation series problem), Google will if you are careful will turn up links which show how it is found, In particular see:

But to paraphrase and simplify equation 4.7 of the above paper, for small \(\mu\) we have the asymptotic approximation:
\[\omega(\mu)\approx 1-\frac{\mu^2}{16}\] and the period \(\tau=\frac{2\pi}{\omega}\)

The straight forward method to find the period is in fact to numerically integrate the equation and extract the period from a record of the time history of the path.

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  • #5
CaptainBlack said:
The method for finding the asymptotic form for the period is complicated but elementary (another singular perturbation series problem), Google will if you are careful will turn up links which show how it is found, In particular see:

But to paraphrase and simplify equation 4.7 of the above paper, for small \(\mu\) we have the asymptotic approximation:
\[\omega(\mu)\approx 1-\frac{\mu^2}{16}\] and the period \(\tau=\frac{2\pi}{\omega}\)

The straight forward method to find the period is in fact to numerically integrate the equation and extract the period from a record of the time history of the path.


So I would integrate
\int\tau d\tau
What would be the bounds? $[0,2\pi]$? What happens if $\mu$ is small but the limit cycle is no longer circular?
  • #6
under the heading average equations for van del pol there was
\int\frac{8dr}{r(4-r^2)}=\int dT
Then they have
x(t,\mu) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{1+3e^{-\mu t}}}\cos t +\mathcal{O}(\mu)
Does plugging in $\mu$ here yield the period?
If so, what would be t?
  • #8
dwsmith said:
So I would integrate
\int\tau d\tau
What would be the bounds? $[0,2\pi]$? What happens if $\mu$ is small but the limit cycle is no longer circular?

Sorry, that makes no sense, please provide context.

  • #9
dwsmith said:

I read this paper on the part about two timing the van der pole equation. It presents a solution for small $\mu$ but I don't understand how to use it.

From the nature of the Google hits you do realize that the question you have asked is a research level problem don't you?

The SIAM J Appl Math paper by Buonomo that I gave a link to gives a relatively straight forward treatment of the problem and in equation 4.7 a direct answer to the question asked (which is skated over in the last paragraph of the link in your last post).

  • #10
CaptainBlack said:
From the nature of the Google hits you do realize that the question you have asked is a research level problem don't you?

The SIAM J Appl Math paper by Buonomo that I gave a link to gives a relatively straight forward treatment of the problem and in equation 4.7 a direct answer to the question asked.


I don't see how to use it for a specified $\mu$ to get the period though.
  • #11
dwsmith said:
I don't see how to use it for a specified $\mu$ to get the period though.

See my where the second order approximation for the angular frequency from 4.7 of Buonomo in your notation is given.

  • #12
CaptainBlack said:
See my where the second order approximation for the angular frequency from 4.7 of Buonomo in your notation is given.


When $\mu = 0$, shouldn't the period be $2\pi$? Since the other $\mu$ values are close to circular, shouldn't they be around $2\pi$ as well?
Using that formula for $\omega$, doesn't seem like it will produce that result.
  • #13
dwsmith said:
When $\mu = 0$, shouldn't the period be $2\pi$? Since the other $\mu$ values are close to circular, shouldn't they be around $2\pi$ as well?
Using that formula for $\omega$, doesn't seem like it will produce that result.

Go back and read the next line.

Also revise the relationship between frequency \(f\), angular frequency \(\omega\) and period \(\tau\) for a periodic signal/function.

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FAQ: SE Class 11 Physics Revision Notes Chapter 14 Oscillations

What is a limit cycle?

A limit cycle is a type of dynamic behavior in a mathematical system where the state of the system repeats itself over a period of time. It is characterized by a stable oscillation around a fixed point or set of points.

How is the period of a limit cycle determined?

The period of a limit cycle is determined by the time it takes for the system to complete one cycle of its repeating behavior. This can be calculated by measuring the time between two consecutive occurrences of a specific state or behavior of the system.

What factors can affect the period of a limit cycle?

The period of a limit cycle can be affected by various factors, including the initial conditions of the system, the parameters of the system's equations, and any external forces or inputs acting on the system.

How is the period of a limit cycle related to the stability of a system?

The period of a limit cycle is closely related to the stability of a system. In a stable system, the period of the limit cycle will remain constant over time. However, in an unstable system, the period may change or the limit cycle may not exist at all.

What are some real-world applications of limit cycles?

Limit cycles have many applications in various fields of science and engineering. They are commonly used to model and understand biological oscillations, such as in the beating of a heart or the circadian rhythm. They are also used in control systems, robotics, and economics to describe and predict repetitive behaviors and fluctuations.
